The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Pollies: Labour's Kieran McAnulty and National's Mark Mitchell on the Police pay negotiations - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Labour party is firing pot-shots at Police Minister Mark Mitchell, calling his recent Police pay offer "disgraceful". 

The Police Association has slammed the Government's latest pay offer, calling on the minister to come to the table with a better deal. 

Labour's Kieran McAnulty told Mike Hosking that the Government is increasing Police workload, so they should pay up. 

He says if the Government can afford tax relief for landlords, they should be able to afford a Police pay rise. 

Mitchell told Hosking that negotiations are still ongoing, and they are being done in good faith. 

He said that they’re in a very difficult fiscal position but they’re working as hard as they can. 


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Pollies: Labour's Kieran McAnulty and National's Mark Mitchell on the Police pay negotiations - The Mike Hosking Breakfast