The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

John Maynard: Postal Workers Union Co-National President on NZ Post's plan to cut 700 footpath delivery workers jobs in the next five years - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

New Zealand Post plans to lay off 700 postal staff in the next five years, in favour of using contractors in vans. 

Postal Workers Union Co-National President John Maynard tells Mike Hosking contractors don’t have the same employment rights and employers will use contractors to avoid paying benefits such as annual holidays. The union believes a suitable alternative to the cuts is to maintain postal delivery on footpaths with smaller numbers. 

The union believe this plan is a more efficient proposition to continue delivering letters than what NZ Post are currently planning. 


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John Maynard: Postal Workers Union Co-National President on NZ Post's plan to cut 700 footpath delivery workers jobs in the next five years - The Mike Hosking Breakfast