The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Keith Woodford: Lincoln University Honorary Professor of Agri-Food Systems on the impact of China's growing dairy industry - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

An agricultural expert's hopeful that China's growing dairy industry isn't all bad news for New Zealand. 

China is on track to become the third biggest milk producing country, with its imports falling 15.7% year on year in 2023.  

Lincoln University Honorary Professor of Agri-Food Systems Keith Woodford told Mike Hosking that China's Agricultural and Rural Affairs Ministry believe agricultural imports will decrease over the next decade.  

However, Woodford says the Chinese themselves predict dairy imports are going to increase about 25% over the next 10 years. 


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Keith Woodford: Lincoln University Honorary Professor of Agri-Food Systems on the impact of China's growing dairy industry - The Mike Hosking Breakfast