The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Julie-Anne Kincade KC: Law Association Vice President on the merits of the jury system in the overloaded justice system - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

A top lawyer is highlighting the merits of the jury system in the wake of concern from the Justice Minister. 

Official data shows defendants are increasingly choosing to go for jury trials rather than a judge-only trial, potentially adding strain to the court system. 

Minister Paul Goldsmith says it's a factor impacting court delays. 

Law Association Vice President Julie-Anne Kincade KC told Mike Hosking that there's no guarantee a judge can hear every case, every day. 

She says jury trials take a lot more organisation, but those with that option are more likely to get their case on rather than it being adjourned. 


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Julie-Anne Kincade KC: Law Association Vice President on the merits of the jury system in the overloaded justice system - The Mike Hosking Breakfast