The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Erica Stanford: Education Minister on the issues with the new Aotearoa Histories Curriculum - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

Teachers are feeling overwhelmed by the scale of change needed to teach the new Aotearoa Histories Curriculum.  

An Education Review Office report finds it's being taught in three quarters of schools up to Year 10, but in varying amounts.  

Many teachers are taking time to develop their own resources and could benefit from more clarity and "off the shelf" content.  

Education Minister Erica Stanford told Mike Hosking the curriculum as a whole is vague and lacks specificity.  

She says we've shifted away from a centralised curriculum that lays out what kids need to know, to schools themselves having to create the content. 


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Erica Stanford: Education Minister on the issues with the new Aotearoa Histories Curriculum - The Mike Hosking Breakfast