The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Vaughan Couillault: Secondary Principals' Association President on the newly announced truancy guidelines - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

Associate Minister David Seymour's perspective on dealing with school attendance has found some support from a leader in secondary education.  

The Government's announced a list of initiatives to address what it's calling a truancy crisis, including illness guidelines and attendance data monitoring and publishing. 

Secondary Principals' Association President Vaughan Couillault told Mike Hosking that the issue isn't due to school being boring, but is more systemic, and it's good to see this recognised by the Minister and Prime Minister.  

He says they acknowledge attendance is complicated and there are social and economic issues that contribute.  


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Vaughan Couillault: Secondary Principals' Association President on the newly announced truancy guidelines - The Mike Hosking Breakfast