The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Kendall Langston: Pivot & Pace co-founder and business advisor on the rise in unemployment and the increase in job competition - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

More people are competing for work for fewer opportunities as the unemployment rate's expected to keep rising. 

The unemployment rate is at 4.3 % in the March quarter, the highest it's been in three years. 

Business advisor and Pivot & Pace co-founder Kendall Langston told Mike Hosking that the difference between recent years and now is night and day. 

He says this time last year you'd be getting a handful of suitable applicants, but in the last couple of weeks there can be well over 60 quality applications for a role. 


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Kendall Langston: Pivot & Pace co-founder and business advisor on the rise in unemployment and the increase in job competition - The Mike Hosking Breakfast