The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Alice Wilson: Lifting Literacy Aotearoa Chair on the Government dedicating $67 million to literacy and teacher training - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The stronger focus on literacy in education appears to be well-received by educators, so far. 

The Government's set a target of getting 80% of year eights to the expected curriculum level by 2030. 

It's committed $67 million in the upcoming Budget to teacher training and resources, particularly on teaching children how to read using phonics. 

Lifting Literacy Aotearoa Chair Alice Wilson told Mike Hosking that it's critical we get this right. 

She says they're thrilled the Government's put its money where its mouth is and invested in teacher education in a tight fiscal environment. 


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Alice Wilson: Lifting Literacy Aotearoa Chair on the Government dedicating $67 million to literacy and teacher training - The Mike Hosking Breakfast