The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Shane Jones: Resources Minister on the country's low gas production and reliance on coal - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

Gas prices could hike up due to the country's low gas production. 

Figures from the Gas Industry Company show a 12.5% decrease in gas production last year, and almost 30% less has been produced than projected this year. 

Resources Minister Shane Jones told Mike Hosking that he doesn’t want to catastrophize, but it’s very serious.  

He said that after a long period of noninvestment in and stigmatization of the gas sector, we’re now increasingly relying on Indonesian coal to keep the lights on. 

It will be a big challenge, Jones said, to convince foreigners and kiwis who have the money to continue to commit to the gas sector. 


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Shane Jones: Resources Minister on the country's low gas production and reliance on coal - The Mike Hosking Breakfast