The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Louise Upston: Social Development and Employment Minister on beneficiaries needing to attend work plan meetings or face sanctions - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

Beneficiaries will now need to attend work plan meetings or face sanctions. 

Social Development and Employment Minister Louise Upston has announced the seminars, which she says will help beneficiaries find training and work.  

Failing to attend could result in a cut to someone's benefit.  

It's part of the government's target to have 50 thousand fewer people on Jobseeker by 2030. 

Minister Louise Upston told Mike Hosking that this should've been happening already. 

She says it's a practical step to get people into work. 


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Louise Upston: Social Development and Employment Minister on beneficiaries needing to attend work plan meetings or face sanctions - The Mike Hosking Breakfast