The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

Ali Boswijk: Nelson Chamber of Commerce chief executive says handling Omicron is an impossible task for smaller businesses - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

Omicron's arrival in the Nelson region is sending shudders through the local business community.
The country has been plunged into Red after a Motueka family of nine tested positive for the variant.
An Air New Zealand crew member also has it and may have been infectious on five flights.
Nelson Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Ali Boswijk told Tim Dower larger businesses have been putting in dual teams as a precaution.
But she says for smaller businesses, it's much harder.
“The reality is for a lot of businesses in the Nelson Tasman Region which employ less than five people, it’s a bit of an impossible task.”

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Ali Boswijk: Nelson Chamber of Commerce chief executive says handling Omicron is an impossible task for smaller businesses - The Mike Hosking Breakfast