The Mike Hosking Breakfast •

David Seymour and Nicola Willis: ACT party on their 100 Days Plan, National's response - The Mike Hosking Breakfast

The Mike Hosking Breakfast

Promises have been made at the ACT party's annual conference over the weekend - but a challenge has also been laid down to the National party.
Party leader David Seymour delivered a speech promising that if they got into government they would begin an investigation into the handling of the pandemic while also repealing a number of Labour's policies.
Seymour criticised National for coming in after a Labour government and not making enough changes, but he says he wouldn't let that happen this time around.
ACT leader David Seymour and National deputy leader Nicola Willis joined Mike Hosking.

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David Seymour and Nicola Willis: ACT party on their 100 Days Plan, National's response - The Mike Hosking Breakfast