Saturday Morning with Jack Tame •

Kate 'Ethically Kate' Hall: What is Fashion Revolution and how to get involved? - Saturday Morning with Jack Tame

Saturday Morning with Jack Tame

- What is Fashion Revolution week (formed after the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh collapsed on April 24th 2013, killing over 1000 garment workers and injuring over 2500). 

- 10 years on, not enough has changed - a few initiatives like the Bangladesh Accord, but not enough. 

- Crucial for people to understand that PEOPLE made their clothes (anecdote from my India travels of visiting the factories there). 

- Encouraging people to feel confident asking brands who made their clothes. 

- Focusing on only buying things that you will wear 30+ times, clothes swapping, altering your clothing, styling what you have & just generally readdressing their shopping habits in the name of Fashion Revolution week.



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Kate 'Ethically Kate' Hall: What is Fashion Revolution and how to get involved? - Saturday Morning with Jack Tame