Saturday Morning with Jack Tame •

Thomas Powers: Kiwi Musician on the upcoming release of his solo debut 'A Tyrant Crying in Private' - Saturday Morning with Jack Tame

Saturday Morning with Jack Tame

Co-founder of the hugely successful ‘The Naked and Famous’, Thomas Powers is stepping out from behind the curtain. 

The musician is positioning himself centre stage with the upcoming release of his debut album, ‘A Tyrant Crying in Private’. 

He told Newstalk ZB’s Jack Tame that the transition has been both easy and difficult. 

“In one respect, it’s easier, like I don’t, it’s easier for me to get things done and I’m very used to the process of completing things,” he said. 

“But actually in the promotion of the music and putting it out there into the world, I’m totally unconfident because times have changed.”  

The music market is quite youth-oriented Powers said, and it feels disingenuous to pretend to be young online. 

“That’s been a real hurdle.” 

For most artists moving from a group act to being judged on their individual merits is daunting, but Powers has no such issue. 

“I think I just know myself now and I don't feel insecure about who I am as a person,” he told Tame. 

“So making art, that’s easy. I can do that. I can do that all day long.” 


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Thomas Powers: Kiwi Musician on the upcoming release of his solo debut 'A Tyrant Crying in Private' - Saturday Morning with Jack Tame