Saturday Morning with Jack Tame •

Estelle Clifford: Out of my Head - Delaney Davidson - Saturday Morning with Jack Tame

Saturday Morning with Jack Tame

A distinctive figure in the New Zealand musical landscape, Delaney Davidson has dropped yet another album. 

Out of My Head has a more theatrical feel, co-producer Mark Perkins’ synth atmospheres creating a cinematic soundscape for the twelve-track album. 

The album is filled with songs written over the global pandemic lockdown period, with notable guest appearances from Marlon Williams and Reb Fountain. 

Despite the circumstances in which they were written, music reviewer Estelle Clifford told Jack Tame that there’s a kind of freedom and joy to a lot of the tunes. 

“I love it,” she said, giving the album a 10/10. 


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Estelle Clifford: Out of my Head - Delaney Davidson - Saturday Morning with Jack Tame