Saturday Morning with Jack Tame •

James Napier Robertson: Kiwi filmmaker on the creation of his new film 'Joika' - Saturday Morning with Jack Tame

Saturday Morning with Jack Tame

A fascination for dysfunctional, outsider characters in real life stories has led James Napier Robertson across the stage, small screen, and big screen. 

The filmmaker has found huge success telling kiwi stories like The Dark Horse starring Cliff Curtis, and 2020's Dame Whina Cooper biopic. 

Napier Robetson is going global with a story about one of the only American women ever to take part in the Russian ballet, Joy Womack, in his new film Joika. 

He told Jack Tame that he’s been really struck by Joy’s story, even back when he saw it just by chance. 

The filmmaker joined Tame to discuss the journey of making the film. 


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James Napier Robertson: Kiwi filmmaker on the creation of his new film 'Joika' - Saturday Morning with Jack Tame