Saturday Morning with Jack Tame •

Paul Stenhouse: Twitter launches new features, Zoom meetings now more accessible - Saturday Morning with Jack Tame

Saturday Morning with Jack Tame

Twitter’s rolling out “Super Followers”
Imagine getting exclusive Jack Tame content via Twitter for $4.99 a month. A Jack Tame supporter badge could be added to your profile, with exclusive content, super follower only newsletters, special deals and access to the Jack Tame community. It’s a way to give back to creators you enjoy and keep those creators on the Twitter platform.
Twitter has also announced “communities” which you can join and follow, like Facebook Groups. Both features are still to launch, but last time Twitter talked about subscription products and pro features their stock price jumped. It seems this is where the analysts want Twitter to go.Zoom meetings get accessible
Captions are coming to all accounts - including free accounts. You’ll be able to enable live ai generated closed captions. It’s a feature their pro accounts have had for a while and brings them up to parity with Google’s Hangouts. It’s a great feature for folks who are hard of hearing, but also for those who multi-task. If you miss what someone said, thankfully there’s a slight delay in the caption and you can catch the question on screen - perhaps that tip comes from personal experience! Facebook & Google & Australia
It’s a stupid law, trying to solve something the government shouldn’t be solving. Now Facebook and Google are going to pay for publishers to create “quality content”. Excuse me while I roll my eyes as “journalism” produces a story which is a series of reaction Tweets to royal rumors, or celebrity posted Instagram’s embedded in an article. The media should have solved this problem themselves by investing in their businesses years ago. There are also better ways to fund journalism - this isn’t it.

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Paul Stenhouse: Twitter launches new features, Zoom meetings now more accessible - Saturday Morning with Jack Tame