Radically Loved with Rosie Acosta •

Episode 447. Double Feature of #WisdomWednesday with Rosie Acosta, Tessa Tovar, Dr. Shauna Shapiro, & Amber Lilyestrom - Radically Loved with Rosie Acosta

Radically Loved with Rosie Acosta

Part 1: Create Change through Mindfulness, Self-Love, and Intentions with Shauna Shapiro, PhD

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This week on Radically Loved, Tessa speaks with Shauna Shapiro about mindfulness, self-love, journaling, and creating change.

How often does motivation lead to actual change? It’s one thing to have a vision in your mind, but it’s another to follow through it. Don’t be afraid to break habits and take on a new path. Practicing mindfulness and setting intentions are key to creating meaningful change in your life.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:
1. Learn the three key elements of mindfulness.
2. Discover the scientific and spiritual benefits of journaling.
3. Find out the power of saying “I love you” to yourself every morning.

Episode Highlights
[02:51] Good Morning, I Love You Journal
[04:11] Teaching Psychology
[07:24] The Definition of Mindfulness
[09:55] Turning Off the Judgment
[12:04] The Power of Journaling
[13:45] The Practice of Self-Love
[19:14] Why It’s Hard to Change
[21:34] Journal Practices
[25:36] Setting an Intention
[27:25] The Relationship Between Neuroplasticity and Intentionality
[30:10] How to Maintain Changes
[31:37] Shauna’s Inspiration in Her Psychology Practice


Connect with Tessa Tovar:
- Website: https://tessatovar.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tessamarietovar/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tessa-tovar-baa27613/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/altyogagirl
- Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/outside-the-studio/id1483077110

Connect with Shauna Shapiro:
- Website: https://drshaunashapiro.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drshaunashapiro/

- The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro | TEDxWashingtonSquare: https://youtu.be/IeblJdB2-Vo
- The Art and Science of Mindfulness by Shauna Shapiro and Linda E. Carlson: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Science-Mindfulness-Integrating-Professions/dp/1433804654
- Mindful Discipline by Shauna Shapiro and Chris White: https://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Discipline-Approach-Emotionally-Intelligent/dp/1608828840
- Good Morning, I Love You by Shauna Shapiro: https://www.amazon.com/Good-Morning-Love-You-Self-Compassion/dp/1683643437
- Good Morning, I Love You: A Guided Journal for Calm, Clarity, and Joy by Shauna Shapiro: https://www.amazon.com/Good-Morning-Love-You-Journal/dp/168364901X
- Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl: https://www.amazon.com/Mans-Search-Meaning-Viktor-Frankl/dp/080701429X

- Radically Loved is now part of the iHeartMedia Podcasts: https://www.iheartmedia.com/podcasts.
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Episode 447. Double Feature of #WisdomWednesday with Rosie Acosta, Tessa Tovar, Dr. Shauna Shapiro, & Amber Lilyestrom - Radically Loved with Rosie Acosta