Bob Moriarty, Michael Oliver & Quinton Hennigh are this week’s guests. Alasdair Macleod’s September 15 weekly essay was titled “Inflation is Turning Hyper.” Of course, that is nonsense to masses of Americans who put their faith in their god, The Federal Reserve Bank. And indeed, given the Fed’s history in the past, it has kept its foot on the monetary breaks until something very serious is broken that threatens to take the entire system down. Already rich hedge fund managers are warning that is exactly what the Fed will do. On the other hand, the Biden Administration is spending money like drunken sailors and as such working against the Fed’s efforts to reduce inflation. A monetary collapse will most certainly cause prices to fall and perhaps dramatically. But despite these major credit cycles of collapse, debt continues to rise exponentially such that the supply of money is indeed hyperinflating. So how will all these monetary and market dynamics play out? Is Alasdair’s warning of a hyperinflation something to be concerned about? We will ask Bob Moriarty for his views on these issues and perhaps have him to discuss once again the account of how German hyperinflation evolved, documented in “The Money Revelation” by Alfred Lansburgh. Michael Oliver’s views from his technical vantage point will also be sought. Quinton Hennigh is scheduled to provide an update on the evolving gold exploration program in Japan that Irving Resources is teaming up with Newmont Mining to develop.