The Self-Employed Life •

312: Peter Winick- Close The Gap Between Reality and Ideas - The Self-Employed Life

The Self-Employed Life

Do you ever wonder why things aren’t working? Maybe your numbers aren’t as high as you want them to be, or maybe you’re not getting the response from a market you wanted. We live in a world of data, and data doesn’t lie. It’s like you aren’t analyzing your results properly. One of the first steps you need to take in order to come up with a solid strategy is to be able to properly gather analytics look at the statistics you need. From there you can find your audience and really come up with a plan to build your brand.

Branding used to be a negative thing. We used to think about it as something that only people who were sleazy salesman or very narcissistic did. That’s simply not true anymore. Everyone needs a brand and it needs to represent us in the way we want to be seen. If you have a video on Instagram of you doing a keg stand it might be funny to your friends, but your potential next colleague or associate may have a different take on it.

On this episode of Creative Warrior we are joined by Peter Winick, founder of Thought Leadership Leverage. Download this episode for great insights on building your personal brand, turning your ideas into results, and finding your “sizzle” to be successful.


“We all need to have a little bit of sizzle, because the most scarce resource for us today is time and energy. There’s a lot of noise, and in order to get attention you have to have a little sizzle.” -Peter Winick 

Highlights -

  • The one constant is consistency.
  • We have more data than we know what to do with, and data won’t lie.
  • You can’t market and be special to everyone: find your true market.
  • People have to understand they won’t be known for something in a short amount of time.
  • We all have personal brands, whether we realize it or not.
  • A healthy ego is a good thing.
  • Why you, why now, and how are you going to do it?
  • Always be learning and asking questions, no matter how big you get.
  • You’re not successful because you don’t want to be successful.

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312: Peter Winick- Close The Gap Between Reality and Ideas - The Self-Employed Life