Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Avocado toast has
become one of those pretty
marketed healthy breakfasts, butif you do not have the egg on
top, there is almost no protein.
All natural breakfast with somemicronutrients in there.
You are missing a massivemacronutrient, which is protein.
Rising stars, welcome totoday's live meeting.
For those of you that arejoining us later, welcome, I am
so glad that you are here Forour rising stars community, that
is, those of you who have beenthrough the six-week early
morning habit introductoryprogram and are now in the
We are wrapping up the last weekof our Christmas Morning Magic
We do four six-week challengesa year, one for each season
spring, summer, fall and winter.
They are different than anyother health and fitness
challenge you've probably everdone before and we tailor them
to each season.
So this is the last week of ourChristmas morning magic
challenge, where we had anadvent journal and typically
advent ends on Christmas day,but not an early morning habit.
Because we roll right throughthe new year, because we are
trying to dismantle the all ornothing mentality and January
1st is just another day.
We're not going to make massivechanges to our lives.
We are not going to do theseoverhauls and shifts in our
habits, because if you want tosee massive change, then the
most sustainable approach issmall steps forward, habit
forming steps, which is what weare all about here at early
morning habit.
You are not going to seemassive overhauls in six weeks
here, because we want you to beable to sustain the results.
So this is the last week of thesix week Christmas morning magic
At the end of this six weeksyou will see in the app a
completion form.
Please, please, fill it out.
We cannot give forward youradoption reward unless we get
your feedback form.
Remember, we celebrate progress.
Everyone gets a reward thatgoes forward.
But you must fill out thecompletion form.
It is, I think, three questions, ladies, is really really
Fill out the completion form.
It is, I think, three questions, ladies.
It's really really simple.
So we'll also email it to you.
But please, please, fill it out.
And on that note, with thesix-week challenges, I want to
give you a little bit of thelandscape for our next challenge
The next one will be our springahead challenge.
Six weeks.
It is going to start the firstweek of February.
That Monday, I believe, is aFebruary 2nd, 3rd.
February 3rd will be the springahead challenge and here is
what it is going to look like.
This last challenge that we didin the winter the Christmas
morning magic we had bite-sizedworkouts, because we all agree
that most of us are not gettingany kind of consistent workout.
When we're playing Mrs Clausfor a month, it just doesn't
Some of you are super, superdisciplined and you do.
Okay, I'm a health and fitnesscoach and I didn't, until we
created these bite-sizedworkouts.
So we did 15 minute workouts.
For those of you that are moredisciplined than me, you were
repeating them and getting your30 minute workouts done.
But moving forward in the springahead challenge, this is the
six weeks where most of us, asmoms, have a little bit more
I don't know about you, but inour home, january, february and,
like the first half of March,are possibly the most open
months in our calendar.
I don't know about you, but fora lot of us as moms, those tend
to be the most open monthswhere we can structure new
It's also why people tend to dothese new year's resolutions
around January, cause for a lotof us, those are actually the
slowest months.
So this spring ahead challenge,starting on February 3rd, these
are the six weeks that we arereally going to dial in on the
physical fitness element of thisholistic approach to health at
early morning habit.
Early morning habit is aboutapproaching all five dimensions
of your health, not justphysical, with a little bit of
mental sprinkled in, which iswhat most health and fitness
programs, fitness programs,specifically target.
So we do a holistic approach,especially establishing that
foundation of sleep as the basisof all health.
But this upcoming six weeks, weare really going to dial in on
the physical dimension, where weare going to focus on muscle
If you have not been aroundhere for long or you have just
started the six week program,then you may not have hit the
fitness portion, the physical uhweek four of the program.
In the six week program, wherewe really dial in on fitness,
how do we live fit?
How do we boost our metabolism?
Muscle building this is thesneak peek if you haven't gotten
there yet is one of the keys,as is non-exercise activity
But this six weeks, thisupcoming challenge, we are going
to really target musclehypertrophy.
What does that mean?
It means the workouts ratherthan the bite-sized workouts
that I'm also a huge proponentof.
We're going to do the full 30minute workout, because this is
the one season that most of usladies actually have the time to
consistently get 30 minutesdone, speaking for myself that
these three months tend to bethe months that we can do that.
So we are literally andfiguratively springing ahead by
hypertrophying muscle.
The workouts are going to be 25to 30 minutes and very, very
focused on muscle building.
There will still be cardio.
We're not going to sacrificethe cardio just for muscle
hypertrophy, but even the cardioworkouts, the two cardio days,
the hit days, are still going tobe very muscle hypertrophy
So they're going to be, um,what we would call weight-based
hit training or weight-basedcardio, but we're still going to
focus on strength.
In addition to that, we aregoing to pair it with the
nutritional strategies that wetalk about here at early morning
As I have said before, this isnot a nutrition program.
My favorite nutrition programis faster way to fat loss, where
you really, really, really do adeep dive into nutrition,
tracking, macronutrients, etcetera.
That's not what we do here, butthere are three nutritional
principles that we teach you andtalk about and expect you to be
implementing in order to thriveand sleep better.
It is whole food nutrition inyour home.
We're doing a pantry makeoveron at Jorrell.
High protein dinners are simplylean supper plan is not just a
nice sounding idea but itliterally is transformative, not
just in how you sleep but alsoin physical fitness.
You want 20 to 30 grams ofprotein at dinner and we give
you dinner recipes to supportthat.
We try to give you the easybutton to make that happen.
And then the third strategy isstop eating at 8 PM period.
Stop eating at 8 PM.
This upcoming six weekchallenge.
That is the added bonus focus.
We are building off of thatfoundational habit of starting
your day being not doing withGod's word in stillness, with
our proprietary method ofemotionally intelligent
gratitude followed by a workout.
Right, that's the foundationthat we are building on.
That is what you track in theapp.
That is what you get rewardedfor financially, that we give
forward to a mom who is adoptingand fundraising.
But then every six weekchallenge we do a little bonus
This upcoming six weekchallenge.
It is nutritionally based wherewe are really focusing in on
that protein, whole foodnutrition.
Stop eating at 8 pm.
You will be amazed.
You will be amazed at how muchbetter you feel when you
implement these simplenutritional strategies.
You do not need to overhauleverything.
Just focus in on these.
And do not need to overhauleverything.
Just focus in on these and youare going to be amazed.
So get ready, that is coming.
Finish strong, though, those ofyou who are in the rising stars
In this current six weekchallenge.
You've got one week left.
Finish strong Again.
We were word progress, notperfection, so make sure you
fill out the completion form.
But on the note of protein.
On the note of protein, todaywe are going to be talking about
10 easy fast.
That's an important word forthose of us that have kids we're
trying to hustle out the doorin the morning.
10 easy, fast, highin breakfastideas to turbocharge your day.
If you practice intermittentfasting, this still works.
Breakfast is literally wheneveryou break your fast.
I cannot tell you the number oftimes people have told me I
need to eat breakfast, which iswhy I can't do intermittent
We don't do intermittentfasting here at early morning
That's not necessarily a coreof the program, but I am a big
fan of it.
I've been practicing 16, eightintermittent fasting for some
time and that is where you eatfor eight hours and you fast for
So many people here are alsopracticing intermittent fasting.
We will do a training on thatanother day.
But the point that I want tomake is, whether you are
intermittent fasting or not,everyone does breakfast.
Because it is when you breakyour fast.
At some point, the cerealindustry created what it is
supposed to look like to breakyour fast.
It boggles my mind every timewhen somebody will prioritize
cereal over a salad to breaktheir fast, because that's what
you eat for breakfast.
Who said that is what we eatfor breakfast?
So I want you to hear what I'mabout to tell you through this
lens of everybody eats breakfast, whether you are practicing
intermittent fasting or not.
It is when you break your fast.
So we need to get out of thismindset that, well, it's weird
to have a sandwich for breakfastor a salad for breakfast.
No, it's not.
It's just breaking your fast.
So let's get out of the cereal,bagel, donut, whatever
mentality, because that's whatyou eat for breakfast.
Before we dive into some ofthese recipes and these
breakfast ideas that are high inprotein, let's quickly quickly
touch on why we care about highprotein breakfast.
I just touched on the need forhigh protein dinners, and more
is going to come on that.
We're gonna do a deep dive intoprotein in February.
We're gonna really hit protein.
We're gonna touch numbers.
We're gonna actually do hitprotein.
We're going to touch numbers.
We're going to actually do liveone-on-ones here in our
trainings when we do the Q&Aportion and we're going to break
down individually what shouldyou be eating in terms of how
much protein should be getting aday.
We're going to pull outformulas.
It's going to be great.
You want to be here.
Make sure you attend.
Get ready for February.
It'll be a really, really funseries.
Protein is one of my favoritethings nutritionally to talk
about, but a study published inthe journal of nutrition showed
that a high protein breakfastcan aid in weight management or
body composition, as we like torefer to it around here, enhance
blood sugar control and lowerthe risk of chronic diseases
such as heart disease and type 2diabetes.
In addition to that, proteinnot only takes more energy to
digest than carbs or fat,meaning you'll burn more
calories, but you will also feelfull for longer.
The last benefit here there'smany, but the last one that I
want to touch on is when youpair higher protein intake with
the right muscle strengtheningexercise, muscle strengthening
You are going to replacedisease inducing fat with life,
promoting strength, creatingmuscle, which is going to also
improve your quality of life aswell as prevent disease.
So, specifically, when we talkabout breakfast, I also want you
to keep in mind that kids arepart of this conversation.
This is not just for you, butthis is also to help fuel your
kids for a more effective startto their day At our kids' school
Our kids are in public schooland they get free breakfast.
That, I believe, was anationwide offering.
I want to say Michelle Obama,when she and her husband were in
office, implemented this.
I can't quite remember, forgiveme, but there was a massive
shift in what public schoolswere offering because there were
so many kids going withoutbreakfast.
I'm a huge, huge fan of theattention to what our kids are
being fed at school and I'mgrateful that that conversation
was started, but the fact stillremains that when I have gone to
breakfast with my kids toactually see what is being
served, what is primarily beingserved is sugar.
It is still better than nothingfor the kids that don't have
the homes that breakfast isbeing provided.
It is still better than nothingfor the kids that don't have
the homes that breakfast isbeing provided.
It is still better than nothing, I will not say otherwise.
But for those of us that havethe financial resources, the
time and the ability to providebreakfast for our kids, we want
to be providing high-proteinbreakfast to also help them
create appropriate nutritionalhabits, as well as fuel a better
start to their day, increaseattention span, limit hunger
cues and ultimately, set them upfor success as they start to
create their own nutritionalstrategies once they're out of
our homes.
So here are 10 easy, fast,high-protein breakfast recipes.
Get out a pen and paper Again.
This will be on the RiseRenewed podcast later so you can
scroll back and listen to it.
For those of you in the earlymorning habit community, it will
be uploaded in the app withinthe next 24 hours that you can
also go back and listen.
So don't feel stressed if youcan't write down all of these
They will.
They will come back again.
But number one is a Greek yogurtparfait with berries and nuts.
So starting your day with aprotein packed parfait made with
Greek yogurt oh, my goodness, Icould talk for 20 minutes about
the nonsense that is yogurt.
Everyone thinks oh, yogurthealthy, there's fruit in it.
Ladies, most yogurts out thereare just sugar, again, just
sugar Greek yogurt.
If you could make onetransformation in your fridge
today, that would have lastingbenefits.
It is to change the way thatyou look at dairy, including
You want no fat Greek yogurt.
There's a ton of differentflavors.
Chobani, to my knowledge rightnow is the one that does not use
artificial ingredients.
I am not sure if there's manyothers yet.
At least last I looked, chobaniwas the only one.
So Chobani.
There's other ones that aremore expensive, like organic,
which you know.
If you have the resource to dothat, great.
But if you want a relativelycheaper option, then Chobani is
the way to go.
So do no fat vanilla Greekyogurt with fresh berries and
nuts, if you like that littlebit of extra crunch, this
breakfast is not only delicious.
But when you use one cup ofGreek yogurt, half a cup of
mixed berries and one tablespoonof chopped nuts whatever that
you like you've just hit about20 grams of protein.
That you like, you've just hitabout 20 grams of protein.
One cup Greek yogurt, half cupmixed berries.
Sprinkle some nuts on top 20grams of protein.
Number two avocado toast withpoached eggs.
Now I'm going to suggest.
They do not have to be poached,just put eggs on top.
Just put eggs on top.
Or you can do sunny side upeggs if you like the runny.
So avocado toast AM staple, butadd some eggs to the mix and
you have now got a muchhealthier, protein-packed
It will provide approximately18 grams of protein.
If you do two slices of toast,mash, one avocado, split it
between the two pieces of toastand then an egg on each.
Approximately 18 to 20 grams ofprotein.
A smoothie bowl, number three, asmoothie bowl with banana and
peanut butter.
Smoothie bowls are a great wayto get a boost of protein in the
morning, but you must make surethat you get that protein
The one scoop of your favoriteprotein powder my favorite is,
uh, organe simple way.
So it's organe simple way.
And the reason that it issimple is because we want to
avoid the many, many artificialingredients that typically go
into protein powders.
So, whichever is your preferredprotein powder, try to avoid
the ones with a millionartificial ingredients in.
And then, secondly, you want tolook for whey protein.
When we talk about musclebuilding and protein, whey is
going to be the way not intendedthis time to go.
So you want whey protein, evenif you have dairy sensitivities.
By the way, isolated wheyprotein has rarely been shown to
have effects on those who havedairy sensitivity because it is
so literally.
It's isolated.
The actual protein element isisolated from the lactose, which
is often what people areresponding to, so I just wanted
to throw that out there.
Lactose, which is often whatpeople are responding to, so I
just wanted to throw that outthere.
What you're going to do isyou're going to blend one scoop
of your favorite protein powder,one frozen banana, one
tablespoon of peanut butter andone cup of milk, and you can top
it with sliced banana, morepeanut butter, chia seeds.
This is about 30 grams ofprotein.
The milk matters, though themilk matters.
If you have a legitimate dairysensitivity that is going to
make your stomach upset, thenalmond milk, generally speaking,
would be my recommendation.
Just be aware there's almost noprotein.
If you do not have a dairysensitivity I will talk about
this later we can do a wholetraining on this.
There's nothing inherentlywrong with dairy.
There really isn't.
People will fight me on this.
That's fine.
If it's going to make you losesleep at night to drink milk
from a cow.
That's not something I'm goingto die on a hill over, but I'll
just say this it is not dairy inand of itself, but it is, more
often than not, the quality ofthe dairy, meaning all the other
stuff that is being put in withit.
So, one cup of milk.
My recommendation is stillgoing to be a low fat cow's milk
in order to get more protein.
Otherwise, almond milk would bea good way to go.
Number four, speaking of dairycottage cheese with fresh fruit
oh my goodness you guys.
A secret to getting moreprotein, a powerhouse for more
protein, is cottage cheese.
Now I realize this is one ofthose that people get a little
freaked out by.
It looks nasty and some peoplecannot stand the taste.
I hear you.
If that's you, I understand.
Again, we want sustainable.
If you can't stand the waysomething tastes, then it's not
going to be sustainable.
It's why I say get a proteinpowder you will actually like,
then that actually tastes goodand doesn't taste like dirt.
The more all natural you getwith protein powders, the more
they taste like dirt.
So, trust me, I've tried a lot,which is why I recommend the
Organe Simple Vanilla way.
Cottage cheese is another one ofthose.
If you can start introducingyourself to a low-fat, no-fat
cottage cheese in your house,start mixing it in with some of
the casseroles that you make andfind a way to enjoy it.
This is a really really greatlow carb, no carb, high protein
So cottage cheese, pair it withfresh fruit Peaches tend to be
a really common one.
There's something about this mypersonally my favorite to add
with cottage cheese.
For those of us that are here inLancaster County, pennsylvania,
apple butter and cottage cheeseis a popular combination.
It is actually pretty good.
The sweet and salty.
Uh, I went to college in Ohioand I did that one time in our
cafeteria my freshman year, andthe number of comments that I
got on it.
I was like well, this is aLancaster County girl mixture
right here Cottage cheese andapple butter those of you from
Lancaster County, you know whatI'm talking about.
So mix half a cup of cottagecheese with half a cup of fruit.
Again, sliced peaches tend tobe a really good one to add with
You can even drizzle a littlebit of honey.
If you're wanting to sweetenthings up, again sliced peaches
tend to be a really good one toadd with this.
You can even drizzle a littlebit of honey if you're wanting
to sweeten things up.
Honey, you're going to hear alot for breakfasts to just add a
little bit of natural sweetener.
This is around 28 grams ofprotein.
28 grams of protein, that's acrazy amount of protein.
Cottage cheese, cottage cheeseIf you're trying to figure out
low carb, high protein options.
Cottage cheese If you aretrying to figure out low carb,
high protein options, cottagecheese, um, oh, another tip
actually is uh, you can putcottage cheese and pancakes, um,
and baked goods.
Again, it's similar to dairyright?
We put dairy in a lot of bakedgoods.
You can start replacing it withcottage cheese.
You mix it up.
You don't even notice it.
Speaking of pancakes, numberfive protein pancakes with
peanut butter and bananas.
There are a lot of ways to boostthe protein content in pancakes
I mentioned cottage cheese.
Simply doing protein powder isanother way to go about it, but,
typically speaking, you can addone to two scoops of protein
powder to any pancake recipe,ladies, and you don't notice a
Two scoops to any pancakerecipe and you really won't
notice a difference, but it'salso going to boost your protein
Adding some peanut butter ontop is also another way to add
It's not going to be musclebuilding protein necessarily.
When we talk about musclebuilding, this is a huge
misunderstanding about peanutbutter.
It's actually not a greatsource of muscle building
protein, but it is satiating.
It's also very high in caloriecontent.
So, especially for our boys forthose of us that have boys that
need a higher intake, a caloricintake they're in sports,
they're really, really activePeanut butter is a really,
really great bang for your buckin terms of um caloric intake.
For our boys that uh are hungryall the time.
Try to get them to start eatingpeanut butter.
Number six hard boiled eggs withspinach and feta.
Hard boiled eggs Fantasticsource of protein.
If I they take just long enoughin my lazy mom life that I
don't make them as often as Iwould like to.
There was a kick I was on and Iwas making them like once a
I love her boiled eggs.
It's just, um, it's like I needsomeone to make them for me.
I need a personal chef, isreally what I'm saying.
I need a personal chef, don'twe all?
Don't we all need a personalchef?
So, so she can make, he or shecan make me hard boiled eggs.
Actually, that's what I hadkids for.
I should start having my kidsmake hard-boiled eggs.
There we go, ladies.
Let's get our kids to makehard-boiled eggs once a week.
Great source of protein.
Also tend to be enjoyed by kids.
My kids love them.
So I really should be makingthese more, or have them make
Great idea for lunches, also asa snack.
But as a breakfast we oftenthink of scrambled eggs, but
hard-boiled eggs.
If you are someone who is onthe go and you need a
grab-and-go breakfast,hard-boiled eggs are a great way
to do this.
If you want to actually createmore of a bowl to go, then you
do hard-boiled eggs, sprinklefeta in.
You can chop up some freshspinach.
You can actually add someavocado.
You can also drizzle a lemon ontop.
You can put a little bit ofsalt, a little bit of garlic.
There's a lot of ways to createa bowl out of this idea.
Make it your own.
But if you do two hard boiledeggs with a little bit of feta
cheese, a little bit of freshspinach, add other things on
there that sound good to you,you've just hit like 18 to 20
grams of protein.
There's two hard boiled eggs, alittle bit of spinach, a little
bit of feta cheese, um drizzlelemon garlic salt.
You can add some avocado if youwant.
A little bit of bit of healthyfats in there too, and it's
really delicious.
Also, a cucumber could bereally good chopped up in that
as well.
Number seven I've not gotteninto these yet.
These are a superfood and Ican't stand them, and I wish
that I could.
Chia pudding with coconut milktends to be a really popular one
, but again, choose your milkswisely.
Coconut milk and banana.
I cannot get in to chia pudding, do you?
I'm looking at Allison rightnow.
Do you like chia?
Have you ever tried it?
I think it has something to dowith the round ball texture, I
don't know.
Um, the fact that it looks likefish eggs.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm, I'm, I'mwith you there, okay, so I
don't know if you guys arelistening to this later.
Like, drop them in the comments.
Let us know your thoughts onchia seed pudding.
It's a super food.
If I could get myself to likeit, I would.
I have tried.
I really have.
You just can't get into it.
So if you guys have an amazingrecipe and you were me and now
you love it, teach me your ways,maybe, maybe I can start to
enjoy it.
But for those who enjoy it, um,you can create a pudding,
mixing it with coconut milk,your milk of choice, letting it
sit overnight.
You can top it with slicedbanana fruits that you like.
Just be aware, without theright milk, you might only be
hitting like 10 grams of protein.
So coconut milk is going to bea higher, higher fat content,
higher caloric content with verylittle protein.
So just be aware, um, it tendsto be a popular pairing, though
I see that a lot People likecoconut milk with chia um
So again, for those of you thatare like chia pudding
connoisseurs, give us yourrecipes.
Give us your recipes.
Convince me to like it.
I will happily try.
Number eight turkey and avocadowrap.
I will repeat, everyone breakstheir fast.
It doesn't have to be cereals,donuts and bagels.
Have a wrap, have a sandwich.
Start your day with aprotein-packed wrap made with
sliced turkey avocado, a wholegrain tortilla this is also
something you guys can make thenight before and package.
Get one of those little tinycontainers and put whatever you
would have drizzled inside of itin the container and dip it.
You want a fast, easy, on-the-gobreakfast that you can make the
night before.
This is a really, really easyone, and no one says you can't
have it for breakfast.
So wrap it the night before,get whatever.
If you want a slice of cheese,your turkey, get whatever.
Um, if you want a slice ofcheese, your Turkey.
You can put avocado in it.
Get the wrap, but make it dry,and then whatever container you
want to put it in, and then justget one of the little tiny
containers for salad dressing orwhatever you know.
Honey mustard dip, uh, and thenjust dip it and eat it.
Great breakfast on the go.
High protein, um, depending onwhat all you put in it.
Uh, it can be anywhere from 25to 30 grams of protein in this.
Two slices of Turkey.
Chop up some avocado, if youwant.
The avocado is not gonna write.
It's not going to look aspretty the next morning.
It tastes the same though.
Um, you could put hummus in it.
Uh, can do a slice of cheese.
20 to 30 grams of protein,right there in a wrap on the go.
Be careful with your condiments.
Number nine here's one that manyof you may have never thought
of before A quinoa breakfastbowl with milk of choice.
Almond milk tends to be a go-to, as well as coconut milk and
Quinoa is a complete protein.
Quinoa is possibly the mostunderrated protein that is out
If you could make one change inyour carb macronutrient in your
pantry meaning bread, pasta,chips, pretzels if you could do
an overhaul of one of thosecarbs and replace it with one,
it would be quinoa.
If you can get yourself and oryour family to eat more quinoa,
do it.
It is a complete protein,meaning it has all the amino
acids that our body can't getnaturally in one food quinoa.
So, cooking quinoa, you can mixit with again your milk of
choice, sliced banana, drizzleof honey, almond milk, coconut
The sweeter milks tend to beused for this because quinoa is
not sweet.
So you can use dairy as well,but from a taste standpoint and
again, quinoa is a completeprotein.
So in this case I wouldactually say you really don't
need dairy to get the proteinbenefit because it's already
packed with protein.
So I don't say this a lot, butthis would actually be one where
you really would be good tosubstitute like a sweeter, more
caloric, carb-heavy milk,because quinoa got you covered
with all nine essential aminoacids, got you covered with all
nine essential amino acids.
So, uh, this could easily be 20to 30 grams of um protein,
depending on how much quinoa youwant to make.
So oatmeal is also still agreat choice, but you want to
try quinoa.
You could play around with thisa little brown sugar, like
whatever you would do foroatmeal.
I've actually not done this.
I should do this Um and see howit goes.
We drink or drink.
We eat quinoa.
Quinoa fried rice.
Many of you already seen thaton the simply lean supper guide
that you got when you signed upfor early morning habit, the six
week program, you might've seenthe quinoa fried rice recipe.
That can be made with anyprotein.
So we tend to do this more fordinner, but great idea for
breakfast as well.
We tend to do this more fordinner, but great idea for
breakfast as well.
Number 10, last but not least, asmoothie.
You could do spinach.
You could do your greensmoothies.
Kale I can't stand kale.
You will not see me drinking akale smoothie unless it's loaded
with sugar, like applesauce andapple juice and all the other
I don't know why I cannot.
It just tastes too much likedirt to me.
Apple juice and all the otherthings I don't know why I cannot
It just tastes too much likedirt to me.
So you can do green smoothie.
You could do any smoothie on afullmercom my website.
If you just type in smoothie,you will see a lot.
Or, I'm sorry, don't type insmoothie, protein shake, protein
shake because, fun fact, mostof the protein smoothies,
smoothies that are advertisedout there, ladies, they're not
protein smoothies, they're sugarsmoothies.
They have so little protein in.
A protein shake should have noless than 20 to 30 grams of
If it does not, then it is nota protein smoothie, it is a
sugar smoothie.
It is a sweet treat.
So, however you enjoy yoursmoothies, we want to
specifically maybe changesmoothie sounds more delicious,
but really we want to think likedelicious protein shake and, um
, that's where you want to makesure you have 20 to 30 grams.
So that'll dictate how much ofyour uh protein powder you're
putting in.
It also depends on the milk thatyou're using.
So if you cannot tolerate dairy, then you probably need to put
in a little bit extra proteinpowder in, because you're going
to miss the protein from mostmilks other than dairy or
cow-based milk.
So there are recipes on mywebsite, but a simple starting
place is going to be um one cupof ice, one cup of low fat, no
fat dairy 1%, 2% is fine andthen um a heaping scoop of
protein powder, one heapingscoop to two, and then you can
do however heavy you like it.
A tablespoon, two tablespoonsof lemon juice, you can do lime
juice, you can add a banana anduse chocolate protein powder,
but that's basically the base.
The base is the one cup ice orone cup frozen fruit, one cup
dairy and then one heaping scoopof protein powder and you're
going to hit 20 to 30 grams ofprotein.
10 delicious, nutritious ideasto start your day, to break your
fast, whether you'retraditionally eating in the
morning or, in my case, I'mbreaking my fast between 10 and
Whatever you do it, setyourself up for your success.
Set your kids up for success.
Whatever you make for them, youcan eat later or you can eat
with them.
But whether you're a fan ofsweet or savory to break your
fast, there's a little bit foreveryone.
What questions do you have?
What can I answer?
Love to hear your thoughts onany of that.
Let me pray us out here.
Lord, thank you so much for thefact that you made food to be
enjoyable, the fact that youmade food to be enjoyable, that
in order to sustain life, it issomething that can be enjoyed,
and for many of us, food hasbecome a ball and chain, almost
literally and figuratively,weighing us down, and I pray
that we would be able to see itas something that is meant to be
enjoyed and that, moreimportantly, we would learn how
to enjoy it as something that ismeant to be enjoyed and that,
more importantly, we would learnhow to enjoy it.
That we would dismantle some ofthe beliefs that have been
created around food thanks to asociety that just simply focuses
on the wrong aspects of manythings, and I ask that you would
help us to have the rightperspective of food and also be
willing to pursue knowledge andunderstanding and be able to
fuel our bodies well, so that wecan fulfill the purpose that
you have created for us withmore energy, more confidence,
more joy, and that would be ableto help our children establish
habits that encourage them to dothe same.
Thank you for who you are.
Thank you for being such acreative, loving, faithful God,
in Jesus' name, amen.