We Are Lonely •

Season 2 Episode 0 - We Are Lonely: A Taste - We Are Lonely

We Are Lonely

It seems as quickly as we’re filling this planet we’re each becoming more isolated. One in three people in Australia are experiencing high levels of loneliness. The UK now has a Minister of Loneliness and the US Surgeon General has declared loneliness a health epidemic. And whilst it can seem like a simple human emotion, loneliness can have serious health implications. Being consistently lonely can be as bad for us as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. And so we built this podcast to break the loneliness cycle.

We’ve connected four people in their twenties with mentors to help them reconnect. We’re calling it a reality documentary podcast.

We are Lonely will be available where you get your podcasts from August 8th.

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Season 2 Episode 0 - We Are Lonely: A Taste - We Are Lonely