A Work in Progress: My Personal and Professional Development Diary •

resilient dreamer! navigating delays, denials, and the beautiful chaos of progress - A Work in Progress: My Personal and Professional Development Diary

A Work in Progress: My Personal and Professional Development Diary

Season 2 Soft Launch | Resilient Dreams: Navigating Delays, Denials, and the Beautiful Chaos of Progress 

hi friends! in today's audio exclusive podcast episode, I reshare the details of my new fellowship as a health equity research fellow and talk in detail about my experiencing navigating delays, denials and detours on my Becoming Dr. Brelynn journey and how I'm making the most out of my Being Brelynn season by leaning into the beautiful chaos of progress.

This podcast is audio only, you can watch the Get Ready with Me on YouTube if you’d want to see me talk to you while having this conversation here - GET READY WITH ME for the 1st Day of my RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP -

episode affirmations

"I am a constant work in progress, and each step on my career journey is a valuable lesson guiding me towards my dreams."

"Delays are detours, not dead ends. I trust that my path is unfolding perfectly, and I am ready to embrace every twist and turn."

"My dreams are resilient, and so am I. Despite setbacks, I remain steadfast in my pursuit, knowing that every challenge is a stepping stone to success."

"I release the need for things to go according to plan. I am open to the unexpected, recognizing that life's detours often lead to the most beautiful destinations."

"I am the architect of my dreams, and every 'no' or delay is an opportunity to refine my vision and strengthen my resolve."

"In the face of denials and detours, I choose persistence and positivity. I am creating my success story, one resilient step at a time."

Follow me on Instagram and TikTok @BrelynnHunt or visit my website: brelynnhunt.com for weekly podcast updates or to contact me to share your story. And subscribe to my YouTube channel Beauty and Brains for video podcasts!

send me a message

If you have any feedback on the podcast, please let me know on Instagram or send me a message below. 

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resilient dreamer! navigating delays, denials, and the beautiful chaos of progress - A Work in Progress: My Personal and Professional Development Diary