Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Yiggdy geety giggey Goo.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
Hosting a party for the big football game. Who needs
real food when you've got Cheetos introducing new Cheetos complete
Super Bowl party flavors. Sure there's new pizza flavor, but
there's so much more. Try the new spinach, artichoke dip Cheetos,
veggie trae Cheetos, even seven layer dip Cheetos. It's all
the layers in one crunchy bite. So forget the snacks
or actual food. Just dump a few bags in a
bowl and call it a spread. New every Super Bowl flavor,
imaginable Cheetos now taking up the entire chip aisle in
your grocery store.
Speaker 1 (00:38):
This is not headline news.
Speaker 3 (00:40):
Kim Kardashian will donate underwear to LA fire victims. No,
not underwear, she's worn. Oh weirdos. The Grammy Awards will
not be postponed due to the Los Angeles wildfires. That
announcement had absolutely no effect on Nickelback's schedule. No research
shows drinking coffee in the morning can lower your risk
of early death. On the other hand, talking to many
people before they've had their coffee can raise your risk
of early death.
Speaker 1 (01:12):
Four non Blondes.
Speaker 3 (01:13):
Are reuniting for their first show in thirty years. I
can't wait to hear them play all their hit Justin
Bieber is ready to make his musical comeback. Well, so
much for a happy New Year. This is not headline news.
Speaker 4 (01:29):
Who wake up cannot joy cab cab.
Speaker 5 (02:21):
Cab in this present crisis. Government is not the solution
to our problem. Government is the problem.
Speaker 6 (02:36):
This is Charlotte County Speaks. Your chance to let your
voice be heard on local, state, and national which use
and now broadcasting live from a dumpy, little warehouse behind.
Speaker 1 (02:48):
A taco bell.
Speaker 6 (02:50):
The host of Charlotte County Speaks Can love Joy.
Speaker 1 (02:58):
News Radio fifteen eighty one one hundred point nine FM,
WCCF Radio dot com. Charlotte County Speaks at nine to
ten on a Tuesday. I'm Ken Lovejoy. Good morning. Phone
lines open to nine four one two zero six fifteen
eighty toll free eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty.
Can email us the address cc speaks at live dot com.
Miss the show, head to our homepage WCCF radio dot com,
scroll down to the podcast section, and there we all are.
It's well second Tuesday. That means it's Chamber. Tuesday's Jamie's
in the house. How you doing, Jamie?
Speaker 7 (03:33):
Awesome, I'm doing really great. You've excited that we're here today.
Speaker 1 (03:38):
Speaker 7 (03:38):
Happy New Year, Yes, Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, happy honekah,
all of that. It was. It was a great holiday season.
Speaker 1 (03:46):
It was.
Speaker 7 (03:47):
Now it's snowbird season.
Speaker 1 (03:48):
It is all this well, actually it's been snowbird season
for a while. If you've traveled up and down forty one.
Speaker 7 (03:54):
Yeah, forty one's a lot of fun. We our office
is on forty one.
Speaker 1 (04:00):
So oh you know, you see it.
Speaker 7 (04:02):
We hear a lot of fire trucks, police cars, ambulances
at least five to six a day. It's pretty crazy
during season. So hopefully everyone out there stay safe, yes,
try to anyway. So here at the chamber, we're very excited.
I'm really happy to announce and introduce my very special guests.
They are from the Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies,
which is CARE, and today I have Addie Blackburn and
Mary Lou Proudfoot Kennedy, the secretary, both board members of CARE.
So welcome, thank you.
Speaker 8 (04:43):
I'm excited to be here.
Speaker 7 (04:44):
Yeah, you both have a lot of events coming up,
and you do a lot of good for our community.
I'm on the auxiliary for Care and very proud and
happy to be so. I think a lot of people
need to know about what all you do for our
community and some of the people in it. So what
do you got going on?
Speaker 8 (05:06):
What we've got going on? Event wise? Are on Thursday?
There's a Human Trafficking UH symposium going on over at
the event center nine to noon. We'd love to have
everyone come. It's really interesting informative.
Speaker 7 (05:24):
How do you sign up for it?
Speaker 8 (05:26):
You can go on Care's website and sign up or
call Care Okay, you want the website. The website is
www dot care fl dot org. Okay, that's pretty EA
and the phone number is uh well six two seven
nine four one six two seven six thousand.
Speaker 1 (05:52):
Speaker 7 (05:53):
Is there a fee for that class?
Speaker 8 (05:55):
No, No, it's free. It's totally free. They'll have speakers,
they'll have refreshments. Everything's right, very nice.
Speaker 1 (06:03):
Some of the stats on that are pretty astounding too.
Speaker 8 (06:06):
Oh very I went last year and yeah it shows
you away.
Speaker 1 (06:11):
Yeah, we had a guy on the show who went
brought the ton of statistics and it's just insane what's
being allowed to happen.
Speaker 8 (06:20):
So they have such a range of presenters, prosecutors dealing
with human trafficking, people who have been trafficked, you know,
survivors come and tell their stories, just well, all kinds
of experts, and it's really interesting what they're doing, you know,
the movement to try to prevent it, catch it, help
people get out of it. Who are you know?
Speaker 7 (06:45):
I know our Sheriff's department has they have certain teams
that work in that.
Speaker 8 (06:50):
Specialized teams that are dedicated to that.
Speaker 6 (06:53):
I know.
Speaker 7 (06:53):
I have heard different things that Sheriff Prommel has talked
about in Chris Hall and all of it's very interesting
and thank god they do. I know there it's really
prevalent here in our area.
Speaker 1 (07:07):
Well, it's prevalent all across the United States, but here
in Florida it's it's bad too, because we're kind of
like a gateway.
Speaker 8 (07:13):
Yes, and it's surprising. We're in what's viewed as kind
of a small community and you think, oh, that's happening
only in the big cities. That's not going to be No,
you know, you're oh, it's here, it's you know, I
think it's everywhere. Back up in Wisconsin, we had it too,
and everyone thinks Oh it's Wisconsin. Who's gonna you know,
who's going to human traffic people up there? It happens everywhere. Yeah,
it's staggering.
Speaker 1 (07:41):
We just need more people to be aware of it,
to educate themselves about it, and to get government to
do something about it. Yeah, because it could be stopped.
Speaker 8 (07:51):
Yes, absolutely, Well, I think the symposium also have speakers
who get up and try to help you recognize, you know,
the warning flags when you're just living your daily life,
so that you could recognize, ooh this might.
Speaker 7 (08:05):
Be that's huge. You know, that would be something that
I would need to even go to and and just
about all of us, right, so we understand what what
are the warning signs? And is someone trying to tell
us that something is going on to them? You know,
so we know and.
Speaker 8 (08:24):
What can I do if I'm seeing that without harming them,
but you know, right, without making it worse for them?
So I think people really should go on Thursday nine o'clock. Okay,
it's amazing, So tell me more about in everyone about
what Care does.
Speaker 9 (08:45):
So Care provides help for all adults who have suffer abuse,
sexual assault, and rape emergencies. We have a shelter for
emergency shelter for victims of abuse. We have a twenty
for our crisis hotline, so you can call any time
of day or night. There's always someone there to answer
if you need assistance or help, and that number is
nine four one six two seven six zero zero zero.
Speaker 7 (09:14):
We also have just purchased.
Speaker 9 (09:16):
A childcare center, and this will only be for survivors
that Care has helped for their children to have childcare
services while they go to work and get education, do
parenting classes, financial classes, and participate in a lot of
the services that Care provides for them once they have
left that abusive situation. And the childcare center is a
huge project for us, and all of the funds raised
at the ball on January twenty fifth will be going
to help support that childcare center because that service will
be free to all of the survivors and their children.
Speaker 7 (09:54):
That's great, that is really amazing. So how many kids
can go to the childcare center once it's open, that's
a good question.
Speaker 9 (10:05):
It's going to be limited for children from angels one
to four and then only the children of the survivors
that are receiving help from Care.
Speaker 7 (10:15):
I see.
Speaker 9 (10:15):
It's not open to the public, but it's a free
service to those survivors.
Speaker 7 (10:20):
Awesome. Oh great, So the care Ball is coming up.
I'm very excited about it. I'm going to the Careball.
Ken should be going to the Careball wearing a tax
He needs to wear that tux because he'd look good
in the tucks. I'm just saying, it's not.
Speaker 8 (10:38):
Too late, Candic get it's not too late.
Speaker 7 (10:41):
Too late, but not so. The care Ball is something
that happens here every year and it's amazing. It's always
at the end of January. Everyone I know pretty much
goes to the Careball because it's an amazing event. So
tell us a little bit about that.
Speaker 8 (11:02):
The Careball is an amazing event. I think this year's
Careball the theme, uh is high It's called high Rollers,
so that it's a La Vegas, you know style, and
there's going to of course be a mock casino silent auction.
As Addie pointed out, all the funds are going for
this childcare center, which is a big deal. So it's
a great evening to come, have fun, get gussied up,
and and feel good that you're raising money for a
very important cause.
Speaker 7 (11:42):
Yeah, so there is dinner involved. There is dinner.
Speaker 8 (11:47):
Dinner always drinking, music, dancing.
Speaker 7 (11:51):
They're going to have an open bar, right, They're going
to have certain Las Vegas style shows.
Speaker 8 (11:57):
Oh yes, Faus style singer. There will be uh some.
Speaker 7 (12:03):
Show for photo op. Right, how fun? That sounds like
a great time. Last year I forgot what the was it?
Ruby was last year? The Ruby one.
Speaker 9 (12:14):
Yeah, it was kind of a Bridgerton theme with like
a royal jubilee.
Speaker 7 (12:18):
I think that's what it was. And they always get
a lot of people that attend and raise a lot
of money. It's really a great cause. So how do
people buy tickets? And our tickets still available.
Speaker 9 (12:31):
You can get individual tickets today and tomorrow. Tomorrow is
the absolute deadline because we have to confirm with the
events center how many attendees we have. But you can
go to carefl dot org, scroll down to the bottom
of the page and see the link for the care
Ball and buy your tickets right there.
Speaker 7 (12:49):
Awesome. I know they have it on Facebook too, right.
Speaker 9 (12:52):
Also on social book you can just search for Careball
twenty twenty five and it.
Speaker 7 (12:57):
Pops right up for you. Yeah. So I bought tickets
and it was really really easy, So all of you
should go and buy those tickets.
Speaker 1 (13:05):
Ken and you can donate right there as well on
the website.
Speaker 7 (13:09):
Oh oh great, Yes, that's awesome. So if you decide
not to go to the Care ball, you can still.
Speaker 1 (13:15):
You can still make a nice generous donation.
Speaker 7 (13:17):
That would be awesome. Yes, I agree, A care is
near and dear to my heart because I am on
the auxiliary and the auxiliary does a lot of side
events to raise money for care and the different programs
that they have within the program there, so always keep
an eye out for the Care Auxiliary. So now I
got to talk about the chamber. Yeah, so tomorrow, Nope,
it's tonight. Actually, Covington Tax Service and Merrymates of Charlotte
in DeSoto County is having an open house and ribbon cutting.
They are located at thirty two seventy one on Tammiami Trail,
Unit B. They're in Port Charlotte and it is from
five till six thirty with the ribbon cutting at five thirty.
All of our ribbon cuttings, by the way, are open
to the public, so everyone should definitely utilize our ribbon
cuttings and our members that are out there showcasing their
businesses and sue from Marymaids and Connington Tech Service is
going to be having this great raffle. She's going to
be giving off some of her services for free, so
people should definitely come in attend. We do have tomorrow
our third Wednesday coffee for our members. It's a new
member showcase, so we get to set up eight foot
tables and our new members get to come and show
their wares. They can sell them, they can promote what
they do, all of the above, and it's kind of
in my mind, it's like a minix. So they get
to see how to do an expo when they get
ready for our big expo in February.
Speaker 1 (15:07):
Practice trial, right, that's right exactly.
Speaker 7 (15:10):
They got to come and take care of it. So
it is from seven forty five tomorrow morning, Wednesday, January fifteenth,
till nine am at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference
Center at seventy five Taylor Street in Punta Gorda. We
have a breakfast sponsor which is Florida Blue and they
are Blue Cross, Blue Shield and they will be giving
us delicious continental breakfast which will be fantastic. And sorry
about that. Then, we also don't know where my brain went.
Speaker 1 (15:47):
It just like Jamie left the building. For a minute.
Speaker 7 (15:49):
Stopped for a minute. There. We also have our January
business card exchange for our members and that is at
Lake Michigan Credit Union. So Natalie Proctor, their manager there.
It's her birthday.
Speaker 1 (16:03):
Oh well, happy, but I've known Natalie for a long time.
Happy birthday Natalie.
Speaker 7 (16:08):
She is one of our board members. She's an ambassador.
She loves to throw a good party. So she's going
to have a food truck birthday cake because it's her
birthday that day. Okay, so she is doing this birthday themed.
She's going to be giving out a prize for the
best birthday hat. So I have a cowboy hat, I
have picks, I have birthday things that are going to
stick out of my hat. So I'm thinking I'm going
to win. Just saying sounds very interesting.
Speaker 1 (16:40):
Sounds like you'll be competitive.
Speaker 7 (16:42):
Nonetheless, won't you love to look at that picture on
social media?
Speaker 1 (16:47):
That one?
Speaker 7 (16:48):
Right? So our members. That is Thursday, January twenty third,
from five till seven pm. Natalie's branch is at two
to one two zero King's Highway in Port Charlotte. That
is for our members and if anyone that is interested
in joining the chamber, please come on down. I'd love
to talk to you, as would Tracy, one of our
new employees there. So bring a gift to promote your business.
We'll raffle that off and it's another great way to
learn how to network. So we have one more ribbon
cutting that's happening at carrying Way Dentistry and Esthetics. That
is at two four nine six Carringway Unit A in
Port Charlotte, Tuesday, January twenty eighth, from one point thirty
to two pm with a two pm ribbon cutting. So,
of course the big thing. You know, that's why my
mind keeps going to the expo. You know, I can't
help it because Ken's going to be there on the
radio live.
Speaker 1 (17:53):
Once again once again. This is what eleven. This eleven is.
Speaker 7 (17:58):
Fourteen for really wait wait, maybe I'm wrong.
Speaker 1 (18:01):
Way I saw that, I.
Speaker 7 (18:03):
Fourteen doesn't tell me. It doesn't tell me on my fly.
Maybe the fourteenth more than ten.
Speaker 1 (18:09):
I know, I know that I remember that.
Speaker 7 (18:11):
Well, it is definitely long there. It is a long
time and they are fabulous. So it's for the general public. Yeah,
they can come for free.
Speaker 1 (18:21):
You're gonna walk away with all kinds of little goodies,
lots of choch keys, that's you know, refrigerator magnets, Oh,
to your heart's content.
Speaker 7 (18:29):
Pens, Yeah, pads.
Speaker 1 (18:32):
No pads, little plastic baggies, logoed plastics. You're gonna love it.
Speaker 7 (18:36):
Yes, and actually prizes to yes, because they do off
things if you do attend. We have a map that
you get signed by the different vendors that are there,
and you turn that in and you potentially could win
a basket worth three thousand dollars.
Speaker 5 (18:54):
Speaker 7 (18:55):
So we do have two of those. One is for
the general public and the other one is for our
members or the exhibitors. So it's very exciting it can
you can walk away with a lot of great prizes,
a lot of fun things.
Speaker 1 (19:09):
And plus you get to see all the businesses too
that are here.
Speaker 7 (19:12):
You know, just to reach out to any type of
business that you can imagine, from pest inspectors to dentists
and doctors and I mean anything and everything you can
imagine will be there. It's kind of a one stop
shop as the way I look at it, and it's
free to get in. Can't beat that. Nope, it'll be
a great day. It is Thursday, February thirteenth at the
Harbor Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center, seventy five Taylor Street,
and it runs from ten am until three pm. So
we encourage all of the public to come and check
out all the businesses that are going to be there.
There's going to be one hundred and seven of them,
so that's a lot. You can really find out a
lot of different things that you may need for your
home or your business. Stop on down. We'd love to
see you. And of course our members can be on
the radio with Ken. Yeah, yes, Lucky then they can.
They can do it. So we also we also have
a new social club that we're starting really so we
are organizing some fun events. We're going to do them quarterly.
We have a new committee that has decided our very
first one is going to be line dancing. We're going
to do it at the Twisted Fork, so they do
it every Thursday. We're going to have a sectioned off
area where people can join us on February twentieth and
we're going to start it at five point fifteen. Twisted
Fork's address is twenty two eight el Jebean Road on
Port Charlotte and the dance lessons start at six pm
and it does go till ten. Prizes are going to
be awarded at seven point fifteen, so wait you to
hear this. So they're gonna give away prizes for the
biggest hair, the biggest tat.
Speaker 1 (21:11):
I won't be able to.
Speaker 7 (21:12):
Ken won't win that. You'll have to get a good
like get one of those Cindy Loo wigs or something
that could get.
Speaker 1 (21:19):
Some eighties hair right.
Speaker 7 (21:21):
There you go. And then also the biggest belt buckle,
so they're going to win a twenty five dollars gift certificate.
It's a twisted fork, so it'll be something fun to
add in and to do. We also are going to
have some food and drinks there for everybody in our party,
so it'll be cheese, pizza, Supreme pizza, tater tots, and
soft drinks. The cost is just a mere ten bucks,
so it's really going to be a lot of fun.
We're going to learn to dance and for ten dollars,
can't be that. That's going to be awesome. We do
have a sponsor that is helping us with all of
the costs and having some fun with us, and that
is Elite Home Hurricane Protection. So Trey, he's gonna be there.
I can't wait to see him dance. He's one of
my ambassadors. I will have a good laugh well and
he'll really laugh at me.
Speaker 1 (22:13):
Yeah, video that if you could. He didn't put that
out there, you can use that against him.
Speaker 4 (22:18):
Yeah, there we go.
Speaker 7 (22:19):
I think that's an awesome idea. So there's gonna be
lots of fun happening with the Chamber. If you're interested,
all you have to do is go to the chambers
website to sign up for any of these events, and
it is Charlotte County Chamber dot org. We also you
can call me at the chamber nine four one six
two seven two two two.
Speaker 1 (22:44):
All right, Well, thank you very much, ladies. Once again,
carefl dot org, get your tickets for January twenty fifth,
or make a generous donation on the website and Charlotte
County Chamber dot org as well. We'll see you in
a couple of weeks. Yes, actually yeah, well no, I'll
see you here before the chamb Yeah.
Speaker 7 (23:03):
Will it.
Speaker 1 (23:03):
It's a week of isn't it? Thanks so so thirteenth? Yeah, okay, okay,
so we'll talk more about it. There we go. All right,
we would be right back on news Radio fifteen eighty
initiate conversation. You have some very very bad habits. Well,
these people in my office building are a drain on resources.
Speaker 4 (23:20):
It's a kind of dieting boot camp. Oh it's been
in the next two hours. Telling you to drop me,
get me.
Speaker 1 (23:25):
Various numbers is humiliating. It's show business, baby, You got
to start somewhere.
Speaker 10 (23:29):
We'll be right back with Charlotte County Speaks news Radio
fifteen eighty WCCF.
Speaker 11 (23:36):
So California Governor Gavin Newsom is trying to be mighty mouse.
Speaker 12 (23:41):
Who you have come to save the day.
Speaker 13 (23:44):
Yeah, he signed an executive order suspending environmental permitting and
review requirements so LA residents can build their homes faster. Okay,
let's take a step back and use their brains for
a second.
Speaker 1 (24:05):
If you're able to.
Speaker 12 (24:06):
Suspend these regulations that make life and business so difficult
in your state like that, what's the purpose behind them
in the first place?
Speaker 1 (24:18):
You want to explain that to me.
Speaker 11 (24:20):
If these regulations are so important, we pay government workers
and have all this stuff on the books, go after.
Speaker 14 (24:26):
People, and you can just suspend them like that, why
have them in the first place. Watchdog on ball Street
dot Com.
Speaker 15 (24:48):
Sound to coach with two girls in a lot mood.
So one I I matain other we're playing.
Speaker 1 (24:56):
Let the bottle hand raise.
Speaker 4 (24:57):
Motive screen.
Speaker 15 (25:01):
Let's She called her ride where the Game's wife. She
had a right new day down around her.
Speaker 4 (25:06):
She stopped us out of town.
Speaker 15 (25:08):
Later rhyme and that said she show up, couldn't diget
it for roll up, She show up, couldn't do get
it for.
Speaker 4 (25:14):
Roll doing my best to get back to you, and nothing.
Speaker 16 (25:21):
I ride you look for my son that will be
that honey for something specially, had a chance for you, Yes,
something special, little chance for you.
Speaker 15 (25:54):
Chuck stop for two picking waters. I called her ride
where the fruit prick of his daughter. I drove it
through the nine roll of pro gotas game.
Speaker 4 (26:03):
How I Gonna Eatcot.
Speaker 1 (26:06):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM, WCCF
nine forty two, Charlotte County speaks with a little bee
movie box cob Blues fall lines open nine four one
two zero six fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight
four four one fifteen eighty. Well the uh uh, I
don't know what do you want to call them? Anti Americans? Traders?
That's what I call anybody who would be against Pete
Haigsath as Secretary of Defense. Give it up for Pete.
See they the mill Look what Lloyd Austin and the
Joint chiefs have done to the military, to our military,
They've destroyed it. Seriously, just saying we're I'd be surprised
if we're one hundred percent mission ready across the board,
I would say we are not. And it's because of
treasonous anti Americans like Lloyd Austin and General Millie. Military
records describe h Pete Hegseth as quote incredibly talented, battle
proven leader that's in his eve. All the record's obtained
by Fox News ahead of heg Seth's confirmation hearing supposedly
this week, describe his quote outstanding leadership skills he demonstrated
across his military service, which included deployments to Gimo, Cuba, Iraq,
and Afghanistan. As in an officer eval report carried out
between two thousand and five and two thousand and six,
Hegsath was praised for his quote outstanding performance and as
an quote incredibly talented battle proven leader quote, having taken
charge of his platoon mere days before deployment to Iraq
and support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He effectively led his
platoon through five months of combat. He planned and executed
platoon operations ranging from air assault raids to the defense
of a forward operating base. He's got the chops. The
report also found that his quote platoon remained physically fit
and mentally ready to meet the challenges of protracted missions
in demanding conditions. It also found that Eggsath quote more
than capable to operate independently, controlling not only his squads,
but also air support, indirect fire support, and other external
combat support assets. Just saying that's from his evils when
he was active. So it's kind of hard for any
of these losers posers saying that he's not qualified. He's
going to get passed. So just get used to it
and trust we need someone like him there because just
the gutlass twinks that have been running our military for
the last decade need to be held to account. You
got a bunch of we saw how many bunch of
retired seals, vets, green berets all come out in supportive
hag Seth. Representative Derek van Orden, former Navy seal, is
all for Pete haig Sath and he's all for having
our military current leaders to be held to account. Here's
what he had to say quickly.
Speaker 17 (30:24):
Hey, it's the weak strategic leadership projected by the twenty
five year old staffers that have been running a White
House for four years. I stand corrected, White Austin Travesty,
former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milly forget
about it should be recalled on the active duty and
court martial for what they did in Afghanistan.
Speaker 1 (30:45):
Indeed here here so looking forward to Defense Secretary Pete
Haig Sath. Another one I'm like in is Tom Homan.
This guy love it over to town hall. Matt Vespa's
got a piece. Presidentlect Trump's incoming borders are is not
screwing around. I love that. Finally we hope for there's
reason for hope anyway. It's refreshing that somebody is going
to be looking to resecure our southern border after years
of intentional neglect. More than intentional, it's a willful facilitation
of an invasion. That's our government doing it. They're willfully
facilitating an invasion of their own country to destroy their
own country. That's who's in charge right now, the Biden administration,
the failed anti American, anti freedom Biden regime tried to
gaslight us through their allies in the media, and the
line was that the borders you hear, it's a lie.
Even Democrats couldn't defend that when pressed by fact. So
it's got to the point where mass deportations, once considered
an extreme position, are now supported like we want them yesterday,
whatever it takes, get them out, including Hispanics. Hispanics here legally,
they don't want this either. They don't want a bunch
of illegal aliens coming in there screwing up their neighborhoods.
Blacks don't want it either. Isn't that amazing? Liberals, you
don't know what you're doing. Well, you do, but only
you only know how to destroy things. You don't know
how to build anything up. Liberals are going to holler
at you, but you lost the election too bad, and
this issue is partially why. So you know you Liberals
need to sit down and shut up while the adults
clean up the mess that you started and never should
have been. Tom Homan, acting as ICE director under the
first Trump presidency, prepping the groundwork four mass deportations. No
price is too high, whatever he needs to spend to
deport this criminal illegal alien scum is worth it. It's
a national security priority and to assist in this effort,
Homan wants a hotline established to report suspected criminal illegal
aliens quote Tom Holman's President. Tom Holman, president elect Trump's
pick to oversee the largest deportation operation in American history,
revealed Friday that the new administration is considering setting up
a hotline that would allow Americans to report migrants it's
suspected of committing crimes. Quote. I want a place where
American citizens can call and report the incoming borders are
said of the fresh idea being evaluated by the Trump
transition team during an interview with NBC. Quote, we need
to take care of the American people. We need to
make sure that they have an outlet to help report
child traffickers, forced labor traffickers. We want to give them
an opportunity to be part of the fix. It needs
to happen. Shutting down the Darien Gap is going to
protect our national security. It's going to save thousands of lives.
Right now, Panama wants to close the Darian Gap. Guess
who won't let them close it? Us shutting down the
Darien Gap is going to protect our national security. It's
going to save thousands of lives. True popular smuggling route
used by more than five hundred and thirty thousand migrants
last year alone that they know of as part of
a caravan voyages destined for the US Mexico border. Quote,
we're gonna work with the foreign government, Homan said of
how the Trump administration would crack down on illegal crossings
at the Darien Gap. Well, les's gonna melt down. Who
cares you lost? And quite frankly based on California, you
can't govern. You don't know what you're doing. You've lost.
Your ideology sucks, Your policies suck. Not one policy you've
ever enacted has ever helped anybody other than to line
your pockets. Melt down, Go ahead, love to watch it,
Just ignore them and push on. We had this debate,
it was settled.
Speaker 4 (35:52):
We won.
Speaker 1 (35:53):
They lost. Mister Wonka, you.
Speaker 4 (35:57):
Get nothing, you lose. Good day, sir.
Speaker 1 (36:01):
There you go.
Speaker 6 (36:02):
An audio engineer knows which gear derrius you.
Speaker 1 (36:05):
Need to run your source through the DNS fifteen hundred.
Speaker 10 (36:07):
First, this always did feel like one of those shows
that would go for a while, will be right back,
which Charlotte County Speaks News Radio fifteen eighty WCC.
Speaker 18 (36:16):
Yeah, four on a date from my birthday to day
was terrible because the girl I was with shout these
rules for me, right That's what happened to me. I
was walking this go back home and she grabbed my
hand and then pulled me over to the outside of
the sidewalk. And I was like, why'd you pull me
over here? She goes, Jermaine, A real man is supposed
to walk on the outside of the sidewalk just in
case the car comes to hops to curve. It's gonna
hit you first. I'm one hundred and forty pounds. I'm
not stopping metal, you know what I mean. Can't flip
a car, it's too skinny. And then she got mad
at me. She's like, no, Jamaine, you gotta protect me,
protect me. I'm like, why are people trying to kill
you in.
Speaker 7 (36:51):
The first place?
Speaker 4 (36:53):
Who's after you?
Speaker 18 (36:55):
And I can't explain that to the cops at all,
you know, So what's that, officer?
Speaker 9 (36:59):
Speaker 18 (36:59):
Yeah, the car hop the curve and hit her. Yeah,
how I survived? Oh I had on Nike Shadow high hears,
so can't that's causing the pope.
Speaker 4 (37:09):
That I used to do. Lord, I won't do.
Speaker 19 (37:24):
The thing that I used to do. Lord, I won't
do do how you to set and hold.
Speaker 4 (37:41):
Your hate babies.
Speaker 3 (37:44):
Speaker 1 (37:45):
You can do not to go On news radio fifteen
eighty one hundred point nine FM w CCF to nine
fifty seven. Here Charlie County speaks. January fourteenth. National Shop
for Travel Day. I guess get ready for whatever trip
you're gonna take. Okay, National Dress Up your Pet Day.
Your pet really doesn't like it. He doesn't. He's doing
it for treats maybe, but he doesn't want you putting
the sweater on him and taking pictures for the little
tickie talk in the Instagram. Trust me, your dog would
love you to just leave him alone or her don't
dress her up.
Speaker 4 (38:34):
Oh but little s Fluffy loves it.
Speaker 1 (38:37):
No, No, it doesn't. It's just trying to humor you.
National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day. There you go. I like
that one. That'll work. What else we have here? What
is this ratification Day? What's this ratification Day? January fourteenth
annually recognizes the act that officially ended the American Revolution.
Really is it really over? Really? Seriously? You really think
it's over the day commemorates the ratification of the Treaty
of Paris on January fourteenth, seventeen eighty four, at the
Maryland State House in Annapolis, Maryland, by the Confederation Congress.
There you go, fake news radio update on the way.
We'll be back with more stuff after that.
Speaker 4 (39:32):
I'm going to fin you back to your mother, baby knowing,
and I'm going back to my family.
Speaker 20 (39:41):
Dude, gost nothing I do that please your baby.
Speaker 1 (39:53):
Speaker 4 (39:54):
I just kinge get along with you.
Speaker 10 (39:57):
We're in news radio fifteen eighty am w CCF Punda
Gorda and f M one hundred point
Speaker 1 (40:03):
Nine W two sixty five EA Punda Gorda.