Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Giggity giggy giggity goo from thirty three yards. You miss
it in the Irish, have hope.
Speaker 2 (00:11):
That's good And Ohio State National Champions, the longest toughest
home season.
Speaker 1 (00:19):
Climb in the history of the sport.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
And after all that, it's Ohio State together at the mountaintop,
champions of college Football.
Speaker 1 (00:32):
Today's show is brought to you by the Lauren Sanchez
Lingerie Collection.
Speaker 3 (00:36):
What's the point if you can't show it off?
Speaker 4 (00:41):
This is not headline news. President Trump's inauguration was yesterday.
To celebrate the big occasion, Lauren Sanchez wore her best bra.
Oh Wisconstantine, upset by the TikTok man over the weekend,
set his congressman's office on fire, but it was terrible
unsatisfying for him because he had nowhere to post the video.
A new survey finds that most young people oppose a
TikTok band. The same survey found that most dogs like
it when you drop a piece of bacon. The Justice
Department is suing Walgreens for filling millions of unlawful opioid prescriptions.
Speaker 1 (01:20):
Turns out it was.
Speaker 4 (01:21):
Easier to get oxy cotton there than to find an
employee to unlock the caged up deodorant. This is not
headline news.
Speaker 5 (01:29):
Who wake up? Cannot Joy?
Speaker 3 (02:07):
Can Can? Can Can?
Speaker 1 (02:28):
In this present crisis, government is not the solution to
our problem. Government is the problem.
Speaker 6 (02:36):
This is Charlotte County Speaks. Your chance to let your
voice be heard on local, state, and national which use
and now broadcasting live from a dumpy little warehouse behind
a taco bell. The host of Charlotte County Speaks, Can
love Joy?
Speaker 1 (03:00):
Where's my coffee? I left it in the kitchen?
Speaker 3 (03:03):
Speaker 1 (03:03):
No News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM,
WCCF radio dot com. This is Charlotte County Speaks. How
you doing ken Lovejoy with you Tuesday. Phone line's open
for you at nine four one two zero six fifteen
eighty toll free eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty.
You can email us the address cc speaks at live
dot com. If you miss a show, you can find
them all at our homepage WCCF radio dot com. Just
scroll down to the podcast section and there we are today,
January twenty First, what are we celebrating? The hell is this? Oh?
This is that it's an ingredient in What is National
Highaluronic Acid Day. Yes, ladies, I guess a ladies demand
and that in their skincare products. That's what it said. Whatever, anyway,
here we are a National Granola Bar Day. There you go.
I do I do enjoy me some granola bars. I
do enjoy me some granola. I will be celebrating well,
I actually I already have.
Speaker 6 (04:25):
Speaker 1 (04:25):
Sounds like fun squirrel Appreciation Day. Where the hell did
I see it? Rummaging around online getting buried down a
rabbit hole and came across the story about an attack squirrel.
Do you hear about the attack squirrel warded off A
fended off a burglar at a house. The attack squirrel,
I guess he'd been hanging out at this guy's house
for a while. He kind of trained it, and it
be friends him, and so he lets it stay in
the house. And some guy tried breaking into the house,
and the squirrel realized what was up and attack The
guy start jumping on him, crawling.
Speaker 7 (05:13):
All over.
Speaker 1 (05:16):
And that, and it was a kid. Turned out it
was a teenager, and he wound up getting caught. And
whether he didn't, he had no idea he was going
to get attacked by a squirrel, so it's squirrel Appreciation Day.
It's also a National Hugging Day. National Hugging Day. Oh yes,
I have a list, but you know, we don't want
to create any HR issues today kids, so you know,
ask permission two six fifteen eighty toll free eight aight
eight four four one fifteen eighty.
Speaker 3 (05:52):
Speaker 1 (05:52):
So it's Tuesday, kind of a Monday on a Tuesday,
since we didn't do anything yesterday except well, you know,
watch history be made. So Dan Perkins will be coming
up in the ten o'clock today to kind of go
over go over yesterday, and really there's a whole lot
to go over. I mean, I just I was in
I had the sound turned off. Actually I watched all
of it, but I had the sound turned off until
I saw Trump get up there to take the oath oath,
and that's when I turned it up. And then whoever
that dude that was doing the preaching and decided to
go hey over the top. I turned the sound back
down again when I saw Carrie Underwood, though I did
turn the sound up, made the sound rest in peace. Well,
they're trying to make more of it than it was.
I mean, afterwards they were trying to say she had
some big hissy fit. You had a lot of people
on the left who were all in a tizzy because
Carrie Underwood decided to perform at the inauguration. So I
think a lot of it was just embellished, lied about.
But if I was Carrie into it, I'd have been
a little pissed too. Hey, we went over this three
times in rehearsal, but it all got moved inside. So
you know, I thought she did a fantastic you know,
sound guy screwed up, backing track ain't working. She goes
acappella and nails it. That's what professionals do, So I
thought that was I thought it was the speech. I
mean seriously, to just have them right there, feet away
as you are, just essentially taking a syphe to them
was a beautiful thing. It doesn't totally assuage the guilts
of or the pain of those pardons that Biden put out,
but at least they had to sit there on the
world stage. And let Trump pointed out, I was going
to answer, you were next. The Hell's wrong with you people?
You can't wait five seconds for me to answer. It
could have been a telemarketer. I'll give him that nine
sixteen here at news radio fifteen eighty WCCF. But again
I just thought it was fantastic. And Baron, Oh, Baron
made an appearance. God, how tall is he. There's already
been a videos remade to make him even taller, which
I thought were hilarious. But I don't I don't know
what he said to try to Biden when he reached
over and shook his hand, But Biden kind of quit
smiling after that, if you noticed so. And the executive
orders rescinding executive orders, no more ev mandate. He got
fifteen hundred j six ers out six cases are going
to be possibly commuted. We still have an issue with
one of the guys. That would be Jeremy Brown, the
guy didn't This is the Fort Myers guy, didn't. He
from Fort Myers is the guy who the FBI went
to his house and tried to recruit him to go
to January sixth, and he said no, and then posted
the audio out there. And then nine months later, the
same two FBI agents who tried to recruit him come
back to arrest him for all kinds of alleged always
got explosives. Well, he's still sitting in jail. He didn't
get he didn't get pardoned or commuted. That needs to
be looked into. Just saying two six fifteen eighty, toll
free eight eight eight four four to one of fifteen
eighty quick break, will be right back.
Speaker 8 (10:55):
Today show is brought to you absolutely free. Radio is
the only thing that it's not hitting you up for
money or personal information. It's easy to use and again
it's totally free.
Speaker 1 (11:06):
You're welcome.
Speaker 9 (11:07):
Will be right back with Charlotte County Speaks News Radio
fifteen to eighty WCCF.
Speaker 1 (11:14):
It's an ugly chart.
Speaker 10 (11:16):
Again we've been warning about the realities of commercial real
estate here in the United States and you know, comparing
it to a you know, a ticking time bomb. Yeah,
like I said right out of you know mcgiver or
the A team, were you watching the thing?
Speaker 1 (11:33):
Tick tick tick.
Speaker 10 (11:36):
E J and Tony put out a chart here talking
taking a look at where all this commercial real estate is,
and these smaller banks here in the United States.
Speaker 1 (11:51):
Are going to get whacked. It is one third of
their balance sheet.
Speaker 10 (11:59):
Now, the larger institutions they got about six percent of
their assets in this commercial real estate.
Speaker 1 (12:06):
That's a problem.
Speaker 10 (12:07):
But this one third watchdog on Wall Street dot Com.
Speaker 11 (12:24):
I was taking a trip out to La two of
them along in my Chevrolet, token on the number and
digging on the radio.
Speaker 1 (12:35):
Just as I crossed the Mississippi line.
Speaker 11 (12:37):
I heard that highway started to wine.
Speaker 1 (12:39):
I knew that left rear tire was about to go.
Speaker 11 (12:44):
Well, the spar was flat, and I got up ted
because there wasn't a filling station in sight. So I
just limped on down the shoulder off the rim. I
want as far as I could want to stop the car.
Speaker 3 (12:57):
It was right in.
Speaker 11 (12:57):
Front of this little bar, kind of a redneck look
at joint called the Dude drop In.
Speaker 1 (13:04):
Speaker 11 (13:04):
I stuffed my hair up under my hat and told
the bartender that I had a flat and would he'd
be kind enough.
Speaker 1 (13:10):
To give me change for a one? Well, there was
one thing I was sure proud to see. There wasn't
a soul in the place except.
Speaker 11 (13:18):
For him and me, and he just looked disgusted on it.
Toward the telephone, I called up a station down the
road a ways, and you said he wasn't very busy
today and he could have somebody there in just about
ten minutes or so.
Speaker 1 (13:33):
He said, Now you just stay right where you're at.
Speaker 11 (13:36):
Not a bothered to tell the durned fool that I
sure as hell.
Speaker 1 (13:40):
Didn't have any place else to go.
Speaker 11 (13:44):
I just ordered up a bear and sat down at
the bar when some guy walked in and said, who
owns this car with the peace sign and the mag wheels.
Speaker 1 (13:51):
And four on the floor.
Speaker 11 (13:54):
Well he'd looked at me, and I damn near died,
and I decided that I just wait outside.
Speaker 1 (13:59):
So I let a on the bar and headed for
the door.
Speaker 11 (14:04):
Just when I thought I'd get out of there with
my skin.
Speaker 1 (14:07):
These five big dudes.
Speaker 11 (14:08):
Come strolling in with this one little drunk.
Speaker 1 (14:10):
Check or something fella with green.
Speaker 11 (14:12):
Teen and I was almost at the door with the
biggest one said you tip your hat to this lady's son,
and when I did, all that hair fell.
Speaker 3 (14:21):
Out from underneath.
Speaker 1 (14:24):
Sounds like Punta Gorda on a Friday. And eight News
Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM WCCF nine
twenty six who stay, Phone lines open for you whatever
you wish to discuss ninety four one two zero six
fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight four four one
fifteen point eighty with a lot to go over? Uh,
what is it seventy eight uh Biden executive orders rescinded.
And but for me, the defeat of the Democrats is
one thing. We also have the big job now to
focus on on the defeat of the deep state, the
intel community, the fourth branch of government, which is trying
to do an authoritarian takeover, totalitarian takeover of the United States,
giving you the illusion of freedom while every move you
make is being monitored by them. The scum in the
ic community and Sundance has a pretty good summation of it.
I mean, the media is calling it revenge, of course.
I'm talking about the fifty one fifty one liars in
the intel community who all said, oh yeah, that laptop,
Oh my gosh, yeah, the Russian disinformation. Don't you know, well,
they all of them got their security clearances yanked. If
you haven't heard, beautiful thing. The left. Of course, the
media still the same thing that hasn't changed at all.
They're calling it revenge, but it's actually its accountability really.
President Trump issued an executive order late last night seeking
to revoke the security clearances of fifty former intelligence and
high ranking government officials. Each of these officials participated in
the widely discussed election interference operations surrounding the Hunter Biden
laptop and the twenty twenty election. The intel community, the
IC community Deep State six Ways from Sunday Group forms
the tip of the spear in both controlling US politics
and manipulating intelligence gathering machinery, including those used to control
politicians and targeting any entity who tries to confront their
unconstitutional efforts. In short, the IC is the fourth branch
of branch of government, and they have grown to operate
with malicious intent. It was the IC operation who targeted
President Trump in twenty sixteen and throughout his first term.
It's the same IC who manipulate the media for political
gain and who weaponize information surrounding the Hunter Biden laptop
in twenty twenty in President Trump's second term. Now, it's
only by confronting the IC officials named and hidden that
putting America First policy into place will succeed, and any
and all effort to fight and destroy the IC community
I support wholeheartedly, and quite frankly, you should too. In
a most symbolic message that's going to gain massive attention,
President Trump now starts to revoke the security clearances of
multiple IC officials who have been exposed as an outcome
of the Biden laptop operation symbolic because Trump is well
aware of the IC motives and they have been removed
from influence over the executive branch operation, which again that
is a good thing, excellent start going on here in
my opinion. Now the executive Order fires a shot across
the bow of the corrupt Intel community. Section two policy A.
It's the policy of the United States to ensure that
the intelligence community not be engaged in partisan politics or
otherwise used by a US political campaign for electioneering purposes.
The term intelligence community has the meaning given the term
in Section three thousand and three of Title fifty of
the US Code. It is the policy of the United
States that individuals who hold government issued security clearances should
not use their pearrance status to influence US elections. It
is the policy of the United States that classified information
not be publicly disclosed in memoirs, especially those published for
personal monetary gain. Section three implementation, Effective immediately, the Director
of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Director of the CIA,
shall revoke any current or active clearances held by the
following individuals. Clapper, Hayden, Panetta, Brett and then goes all
the way down. John Bolton got his yank two he
was part of it. Two others as well, But they've
already passed they've already passed away. Patricia brand Meyer and
Brett Davis are deceased. So within ninety days of this order,
the Director of National Intelligence, in consult consultation with the
Director of the CIA, shall submit a report to the
President through the NSSAY that details any additional in appropriate
activity that occurred within the IC community by anyone contracted
by the Intel community or by anyone who held a
security clearance related to the letter signed by the fifty
one former Intel officials recommendations to prevent the Intel Community
or anyone who works for or within it from inappropriately
influencing domestic elections, and any disciplinary action, including the termination
of security clearances, that should be taken against anyone who
engaged in inappropriate conduct related to the letter signed by
the fifty one former Intel officials. Section four General provisions
nothing in this Order shall be construed to impair or
otherwise effect the authority granted by law to an executive
department or agency or head thereof blah blah blah. So
This is actually most of the Intel community operates in
different silos. They don't talk to each other, which caused
nine to eleven. And this silo penetrating bomb that Trump
just launched with this executive order starts the beginning of
a war that's going to leave only one system standing,
ladies and gentlemen, and that is a constitutional republic or
an Intel community controlled totalitarianism. So either Trump wins or
we the people are going to be stuck again. As
I've said, within the illusion of democracy. And this isn't hyperbole.
This is what's going on. So get loud. Two oh six,
fifteen eighty, toll free, eight aight eight four four one,
fifteen eighty, stroke of a pen, seventy eight of former
President Biden's executive actions gone beautiful, DEI gone, policies on
the southern border. We're out of the Paris Climate Cords again.
Trump said, quote, I can undo almost everything Biden did.
He did through executive order, and on day one much
of that will be undone. And it's true. Trump's actions
notably undoes Biden's first executive order, which was advancing racial
equity and support for underserved communities through the federal government.
And several other racial equity orders that Biden opposed are proposed.
It's going to terminate every DEI program across the entire
federal government. Doesn't mean that your local school system still
ain't gonna be shoving it down your throats of your children.
But that really hasn't happened too much here, though it has.
I think we'll be fine regardless the border. Trump is
working to reverse Biden's executive orders that reinstated the catch
and release, halted criminal illegal alien deportations, and granted government
funded benefits for illegal aliens. A lot of people in
the leftist media, what about we're breaking up families. No no, no, no, no, no,
no no no. We're not gonna break up any families.
You're all going back.
Speaker 7 (23:23):
Don't worry.
Speaker 1 (23:24):
You're not gonna be split up. Several executive orders imposed
crushing emission standards designed to end gas powered vehicles, set
an ev mandate by twenty thirty, canceled the Keystone pipeline,
stopped drilling, and prevented permitting. Those are all executive orders
which have been reversed. We're gonna have a great We're
gonna have a great border. We're gonna have more energy
than you've ever had, and we're never going back. I
would hope not got to make this work to make
anything else look idiotic? Is idiotic is every leftist plan
always is. If we're doing so well every particularly after
all the lies on the climate change and race. Yeah,
really maybe maybe with DEEI gone and Alan Jesse aging
out the race pimps, can you have to get a
real job just saying so? So far, Trump's also signed
orders preventing the federal government from engaging in censorship and
an end to the weaponization of the federal government. Additionally,
he's withdrawn from the again the Paris Climate Accords. So
all at all? Wow, I mean, it's a beautiful first day.
You really can't say otherwise. I'm a radio personality.
Speaker 8 (25:08):
His diet consists of black coffee and sarcasms.
Speaker 9 (25:12):
Will be right back with Charlotte County Speaks, a news
radio fifteen to eighty WCCF.
Speaker 1 (25:20):
We have one dog.
Speaker 12 (25:21):
I would like another dog. My wife does not want
another dog because it's a lot. It's a lot to
have two dogs, because you gotta open the back door
and let two dogs out, then you shut it and
now now they're out there. You're inside not dealing with it.
But then they want to come back in, and you're like,
gotta go let all these dogs back in. You're like
one dog to look at all these dogs everywhere. To
be honest, I've never taken care of the one dog
we have. But our dog sleeps in our bed. Someone
told me you're not supposed to do that because you
lose dominance over the dog, you know. I asked him,
I say, what year do you think it is? These
are all doodles. They're barely dogs.
Speaker 1 (26:22):
It's a person. They're people.
Speaker 12 (26:27):
This guy acts like it's nineteen eighty when you kept
the dog outside all year? Those you needed dominance over.
You had a wolf in the backyard.
Speaker 1 (26:38):
Friends come over, you want to go outside?
Speaker 12 (26:40):
And I wouldn't.
Speaker 5 (27:00):
The cosover rose, she's looking not at fine the cosidden
that she's stepping around all the time.
Speaker 1 (27:09):
Look on the street lights.
Speaker 5 (27:11):
Bringing on the nine come the man fast is hidden
from the light all through the shadows.
Speaker 3 (27:20):
Are they coming? There? Only one thing and coming? They
got the fire down the low.
Speaker 1 (27:33):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM w
c CF nine forty three here at Charlie County speaks
phone lines open nine four one two zero six fifteen
eighty toll free eight eight eight four four one fifteen
eighty mister mister blab Scheeger and the silver bullet band
right there, the fire down below. Another executive order that
I'm reading on the X that is coming up is
President Trump is expected to take action to return federal
employees to in person work GEO which tax dollars are
have been peed away on rent and or maintenance on
some of these huge buildings that are supposed to be
filled with government workers. Senate investigation found that just six
percent of federal workers actually show up to work in person.
Not a single government agency is occupying even half of
their office space. We're pissing away money with that one.
Get rid of them who won't come back, easy. Two.
You know we got everything else, computers and everything else.
I guarant darntee that we could do. The federal government
could handle what Elon Musk did to X. Yeah, crap
can about sixty five percent. Gibbey, Hey, don't worry. The
economy's going to be aces here pretty soon, and you
will be able to find a job. I'm sure, I'm sure.
Get your resume in order, shall you you shall won't
have any choice, really, But that's a lot of money
that is just being and some of these buildings are
even reportedly being squatted in. So you got homeless people
living in the government buildings that we all pay to maintain,
that aren't occupied by the government workers that are supposed
to be there because they're off working the their second
career while collecting a government paycheck. Yeah, it's happening. There's
also a lot of rumors. Of course, there's rumors. Every
place has rumors, but this rumor's been circulating for a
little while now and it's bubbling up in the media.
Major rumor that a Democrat senator is going to switch
to the Republican Party sometime either late this week or
next week. And the rumor is it is the person
who was the worst dressed individual at the inauguration yesterday.
Senator from pennsyl Tucky John Fetterman Jamel Hawley, former New
Jersey assemblyman and ally of Robert F. Kennedy Junior, was
one of the first to mention this. He posted up
on the X just left a conversation and my source
indicated to me that a key Democrat senators expected to
change party affiliation to Republican by next week. People are
speculating about who this could be. Everybody's thinking it's going
to be Fetterman. Who else would it be? Fetterman is
the only one who's been vocally opposing some of the
things that Biden and the left has been doing. Hmm hmm.
Could be interesting.
Speaker 3 (31:44):
Do we.
Speaker 1 (31:48):
I mean, you know, do we really? I mean? Fetterman's
already shot down rumors that he planned to switches party
affiliation right after Trump's inauguration, so he said it wasn't him.
Fetterman told Semaphore the suggestion, which circulated around social media
was amateur, our poop quote. If I think if they think, oh,
it's going to be like a mansion or a cinema play,
that's just not true and that's not gonna happen. Fetterman
was citing West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and Arizona Senator
Kirsten Cinema, respectively, who left the Democrat Party and became
important swing votes independence. He said, it's not going to happen.
Is Fetterman just trying to downplay the news or is
really or is it really somebody else? I don't know
we'll find out. Stay tuned. High caller, you're on the air.
Hey morning, Ken, Hey, what's up.
Speaker 13 (32:51):
I just wanted to say how happy I was that
President Trump pardoned all the J six hostages. I've got
into several arguments with people I know about this topic,
and my my whole argument is, if these guys genuinely
thought the election was stolen, which it was, it was
so obvious that that Biden cheated, true, then it's kind
of it's kind of like a spouse walking in on
their spouse cheating. It's like a heat of the moment.
I mean, does the government expect us to just sit
back and do nothing?
Speaker 1 (33:28):
If? If? Seriously, here here's my whole take on it.
First of all, it was the government who instigated all
the violence that's on video. Uh, And it's it's not
like it's the first time that people have gone in.
What about when whenever it's a bunch of vagina hat
wearing leftists, it's okay to raid, it's okay to raid
the any public building. But oh, when these Trump supporters
do it, we know the whole thing was ginned up.
We know that the FBI, along with Pelosi and several
others set this up to entrap a bunch of Trump
voters and to make it look like Trump was doing this.
An insurrection involves guns. Nobody was armed at that event
except for the police, who again were shooting people. Boilin.
She got tear gas in the face, and then she
got beat to death by that stupid broad who's on
the Capitol Police. He got Ashley Babbitt, who took one
in the neck, who was doing absolutely was surrounded by
police already. Bird didn't need to shoot at all. So again,
you have a murder. You have again, the whole thing
was a setup, they all, and regardless even if they weren't,
a whole bunch of the fifteen hundred hadn't even been
adjudicated yet, they hadn't even been arraigned. They hadn't even
been tried. There was a bunch that had and they
were all sham trials too, every damn one of them.
And then so I'm sorry.
Speaker 7 (35:00):
They've been abused. They've been abused in that DC Central
Jail by these the animals who run the jail. Yes,
they need to be investigated.
Speaker 1 (35:08):
Yes, and again this from Jeremy Brown, who was not
let out. Here's his statement on X. First, I'd like
to congratulate those who were happy with the news that
they received today and to those who are not, because
there's still apparently some who have not been let out
and did not get a pardon. I encourage them, he said,
I encourage them to say this is not good enough.
Mister Trump was handed a very detailed and legally sound plan,
but he chose not to follow it. Second, I'd like
to thank the outgoing communist puppet staff world knows that
Joe Biden can't do anything, for proving me correct and
providing a list of names in the form of non
existent pre pardons. Pardons are for crimes, not future charges
that can now serve as proof of the military intelligence
coup that I've explained for three years. And those who
were involved, Why pardon the fraudulent six Select Committee, disgrace,
General Mark Milly, Ashley Babbitt's murderer, racist Michael Byrd, and
the supporting actors from the US Capitol Police who perjured
themselves on the stand and in the media if they
weren't involved in an orchestrated attack to set up lovers
of our constitutional republic. As the only clear pick for
Deputy Director of the FBI. I know no better list
of names to start my hunt for the true criminals
behind January sixth. Please send this to Cash Bettel. Lastly,
I was not issued a commutation nor a pardon, and
I'll remain in the DC jail. Please ask yourself and
anyone you know, why is the only man with a
recording of the FBI and DHS. Also the only j
six are left in jail Jeremy Brown.
Speaker 7 (36:49):
So that's very interesting.
Speaker 8 (36:50):
I did not know that.
Speaker 1 (36:52):
So we'll find out. And he's the one. He's the
one who was showed his home, his home security video
of the FBI trying to recruit him to be part
of January sixth, and he turned him down. They show
up at his house nine months later, the same two
FBI agents and arrest him on some trumped up explosive charges.
And and so I really want to see I really
want to that's very interesting.
Speaker 7 (37:20):
I really want to see Trump also go after Arizona
for their continued voter fraud, Nevada and several other states
that are still still committee an election fraud very brazenly
by California. Oh yeah, it's going to be very very
interesting when Miss TAMBONDI takes over. I think heads are
going to roll.
Speaker 1 (37:45):
Well, I hope, so, I would hope. So, you know,
and you know, the Left is going to always label
this as nothing but revenge, but this is actually accountability
for massive corruption and federal law as well as state
law breaking. Yep, they need to be held accountable. Appreciate it.
Thanks for the call. Man two h six fifteen eighty
toll free eight eight eight four four one fifteen eighty
again coming up after a fake news radio update. Top
of the hour, we'll be talking with Dan Perkins. Uh
a lot of Uh did you watch all of it?
I mean, I don't know. Fox, A bunch of the
channels stayed on, you know, after it was over. After
I saw the speech, you know, I was good. After
I saw the executive orders, that was good. Do we need?
And then you know, and then I'm I'm searching for
like an idiot, I'm searching for the Notre Dame Ohio
State game, thinking that, uh, it was going to be
on It was on freaking cable. I gave up cable
in twenty sixteen. I'm smart, so I didn't get to
watch the game, but I did other things. Hey, there
is it just went away? What are you gonna do? Yes,
I guess I should just find something else there two
o six fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight four
four one fifteen eighty. Uh oh yeah, what about Bezos
in his new little main squeeze?
Speaker 12 (39:35):
What's it?
Speaker 11 (39:36):
Speaker 1 (39:36):
Fianceo fiance Oh getting married again? Really? I guess when
you got enough money to lose? You know, Lorenz Sanchez,
she was a little scantily clad. There's a couple of
a couple of pictures of Zuckerberg doing an eye stare
right into her cleavage. Did you see the pretty hilarious?
But yeah, that was I think maybe, uh, I don't know, yeah, huh.
It could have been a little more formal, I think
for an inauguration. But again, you know what else, Well,
some other good news if you haven't heard, I'll find
any reason to press that. Well, it's only an hour old,
so it's still breaking. President Trump has signed an executive
order to officially withdraw withdraw the United States from the
World Health Organization. So there you go. I mean, these
guys are just Chicom controlled scum from the get go,
not worthy of our participation in their event. It will
halt all funding to the World Health Organization, redirecting those
resources to domestic health initiatives that prioritize American interests and values.
The World Health Organization has long pointed to its mishandling
of the global several global health crisises, it's cozy relationship
with China, dangerous push for vax mandates and digital health passports. Again,
just part of the same totalitarian control that our own
ic community is trying to enact right here in the
United States that Trump and the rest of US need
to defeat. So there. But yeah, I don't know how
much money we're given them, but it's been way too much.
And I'm glad that we have pulled out of that
and the Paris Climate Accords. Kids, things are just coming
up roses. Huh, Well, they're even when the left is winning.
They're never happy about anything. So who cares? Let them
be happy? Ignore them. She's losers. No, I'm sorry. They
had their shot, they had their chance. They blew it severely.
So you just shut up, stay over there to the
side and try and regain some honor, some dignity. But
in the meantime, just shut up. Damn mental health career
study what your job says about your psychological health. It
didn't label. I couldn't find any. It didn't have media
in there. But social workers seem to have schizophrenia a lot, teachers, educators,
and Arexi and Tervosa. Most jobs associated with ADHD tend
to require the least amount of education. The most stable
jobs with the least amount of mental health conditions architects, engineers, farmers,
sales management. Johna County's only news talk radio stations, serving
you around the clock.