All Episodes

January 21, 2025 41 mins
Monday 01/21/25 Hour 2.  With Dan Perkins.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I've witnessed atrocities previously reserved for the eyes of war veterans,
all things to the existential crisis rectangle. Now I sleep
for two to four hours a night due to the incessant,
deafening chatter in my mind.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
And you can too, with the help.

Speaker 1 (00:16):
Of the existential crisis rectangle. The existential crisis rectangle includes
historically unprecedented narcissism, mind melting algorithms, and even the complete
erosion of the moral fabric of society. So don't wait,
rush out and grab your own existential crisis rectangle Today,

lots of virginity sold tympaty.

Speaker 3 (00:40):
Hello, old friends, and welcome back.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
Here's an excuse to hold your family, friends and loved
ones a little tighter. I need to hug. Today is
National Hugging Day. Does someone need a hug? I'm hugging.

Speaker 4 (00:54):
I'm hugging this National Hugging Day across the country. Are
we hugging it in?

Speaker 2 (00:58):
We're hugging. Get out one, come on, hug it out.
It's showtime.

Speaker 5 (01:04):
In this present crisis, government gives stop the solution to
our problem.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Government is the problem. This is Charlotte County speaks.

Speaker 5 (01:16):
Your chance to let your voice be heard on local, state,
in national issues, and now Broadcasting live from a dumpy
little warehouse behind a taco bell, the host of Charlotte
County Speaks, Ken love Joy.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
Thank you, Johnny News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point
nine FM, WCCF ten eleven Here at Charlotte County speaks
Tuesday Morning, head right to the phones at nine four
one two zero six fifteen eighty, toll free eight eight
eight four four one, fifteen eighty and talk shop with
Dan Perkins. Dan, how you doing? Airbud good good good?

So you know, give us your thoughts. What did you
think yesterday? Pretty monumental? The last twenty four hours have
been pretty historic. What are your thoughts.

Speaker 6 (02:11):
I was very pleased and happy of the way it went.
I pretty much expected some of the Democrats to be
off off of the wall to telling The Democrats were
complaining that the reason why the inauguration was held into
Capitol because Trump was afraid he couldn't get a big crowd,

and I just, I mean it just they never stopped.
They just plane never stopped. Yeah, well and.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
Ignore them, they're losers.

Speaker 6 (02:43):
I was. I was later in the day, I was
torn between the various inaugural events in the Ohio State,
not day for the voter.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
I know, I see I dumped. I dumped cable into
twenty sixteen and I forgot I thought, for some idiot
reason that it was going to be on one of
the majors, so I'd watch it or on Prime but no. Yeah,
so yeah, but I was the same way. It's like, okay,
isn't that I'm kind of over these I was getting
a little over it. Like I said, I had the
sound down. I had the sound down. I was watching.

I watched all of it, but I had the sound
down until Trump got up.

Speaker 6 (03:24):
Yeah. I so there is an app on my iPhone
that I can get a statistical update on the game.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
Yeah that's how I Yeah, that's how I watched.

Speaker 6 (03:40):
I sort of watched the game. But it is a
powerful football team. They got almost five hundred yards of offense.
What Notre Dame got.

Speaker 2 (03:49):
Yeah, they were and they were predicted. Ohio State was
I wanted Notre Dame to win, but Ohio State, Yeah,
I mean they were favored going in.

Speaker 6 (03:58):
It was in.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
They killed it.

Speaker 6 (04:02):
And the first the first half, I mean it was
they got Notre Dame got one touchdown, and then the
rest of the first half was all Ohio State. And
so every time, every time Notre Dame tried to come back,
the High State would just knock him down. But anyway,
what what happened was after the football game was over.

I to me, one person's opinion, the most interesting part
of the inauguration took place when Trump is in the
in the executive office behind the resolute desk, and they
didn't show it the way they the beginning just showed him,

but he was having a conversation and and and it
really was a conversation with the media. They could ask
anything they wanted. He responded that it was very informal,
more like rooseveltish in his approach to the press, but
such a different, different visual than Joe Biden. He never

did that an entire four years in his office. He
couldn't do it. Couldn't do that. And yet Trump was
extremely comfortable. But for me, the most impressive part of
the day was in that office when they panned out

and the desk was littered with executive order folders.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
I mean stacks of them, seventy eight.

Speaker 6 (05:44):
I was looking to try and find the number and
I couldn't find it anywhere, but I knew there was
a lot. The first one east side was the J
six Pardons and Joe pardon more people on the morning
of the of the inauguration, including his brother. But there

was a very very misleading cartoon on the web. Mhmm.
It's the caption Biden Pardons, the Biden crime crime family,
and it's a it's a like a lineup. These are
all characters. The third character in is is who the

big guy? The big guy is Biden, and it's it's
it's Joe Biden caricature. But he didn't He didn't pardon
himself that we know of.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
Can you do secret pardons?

Speaker 6 (06:49):
You know?

Speaker 2 (06:50):
I really think that legally this is all maybe still
up in the air, because how do you how do
you give people pardons for crimes they haven't even been
charged with yet? How do you do that?

Speaker 6 (07:03):
How do you get I'll take it one step further,
how do you pardon an entire congressional committee and their staff?

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Yeah, how do you do that?

Speaker 6 (07:12):
The J sixth committee? How do you pardon all of
the all of the congressmen, all the lawyers, and then
all the staff of all those people? How do you
do that. I don't understand how you can pardon a
congressional committee.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
Well, they've just all opened themselves up to being subpoena
into another congressional committee to tell us everything, all the
lies that they committed, and they can't they can't claim
the Fifth Amendment.

Speaker 6 (07:40):
Then no, that's they're absolutely right, which again makes it
strange that one of the only people that Joe Biden
didn't pardon was Joe Biden because virtually because of what
you said, they they no longer have the right of

the Fifth Amendment. All those people, if they're called to testify,
have to tell what's true. And if they if they
get caught lying, that's a felony, and they could go
to jail.

Speaker 2 (08:13):
Yeah, and if they refuse to testify, they could go
to jail as well. And this time I think though
that might be enforced.

Speaker 6 (08:21):
Right. Uh So, I'm looking at it and I'm saying
to myself, it doesn't make any it doesn't make sense
because of what you said. And I've been saying all along,
when the president gives you a pardon and you give
up your Fifth Amendment rights when he could, when the
when the the investigating committees in the house call on

Hunter Biden to come in and testify. How's he going
to not give up his dad.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
Or Liz Cheney.

Speaker 6 (08:52):
Or Liz Chaney. How are they not going to How
are they if they're gonna if they're if they're going
to live to the pardon and they can't take the
Fifth amendments, how are they not going to wind up
testifying against Joe Biden? Yeah? What what was the logic
in his brain or his staff's brain.

Speaker 2 (09:10):
Yeah, Yeah, that's that's it. That's it. Maybe they wanted
we got to leave somebody around to take the fall. Hell,
we've been using Joe as a prop for four years.
Let's just make Joe the fall guy. We won't give
him a pardon. We'll gladly testify against Joe. Oh he
made us do it.

Speaker 6 (09:29):
So now the question, So here's the I haven't seen
anybody ask this question, So I may be first. Okay, okay,
will Donald Trump and Joe Biden? Ooh you like that one? Huh?

Speaker 7 (09:50):
Good question, because then then Biden go in, can go
in and testify with immunity.

Speaker 2 (09:57):
Oh yeah, but what's he gonna say? I mean I
think that yeah, I mean, this is the guy that
wasn't prosecuted for his mishandling of classified documents because well,
you know, he's just he's you know, it's Joe, He's
he's he's too far gone, he's out there, So we

can't prosecute it because he's not mentally he's not mentally
capable of understanding what's going on here. So if that's
the case, I.

Speaker 6 (10:25):
Thought about that last night. That came to again last
night and this is this is what I thought. If her,
the attorney who did the investigation of the document case said, quote,
he decided not to prosecute President Biden even though he
knew he was guilty, operative guilty of the crime, that

he would be too sympathetic and defendant because of his
age and infirmity. Infirmity, infirmity, and that's why he chose
not to charge.

Speaker 2 (11:00):
Yes, okay, and that could come back.

Speaker 7 (11:04):
Why yeah, So why if that's the case, if he
said that, when he said that publicly, why did not.

Speaker 6 (11:17):
A member of the cabinet or Kamala invoked at twenty
fifth amendment yeah and pull him ount.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
Because I mean, he provided because his infirmity provides the
cabal with the perfect prop to take the fall while
they do all that they've done, given everybody pardons. I mean,
do you really think Joe had a hand in that?
I mean he might have said, they might have given
him some emotional story in Joe. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah,

of course, yeah, pardon them, Yeah yeah yeah.

Speaker 6 (11:52):
So it'll be interesting to see will will we will
the Congress, the House, and the Senate have the courage
to start calling these people, these these pardon witnesses to testify.

But are they boom.

Speaker 2 (12:16):
Boom, boom, don't hold joy breath, my friend, boom.

Speaker 6 (12:28):
I mean, I would like to see it, because I
would do there.

Speaker 2 (12:31):
I'll be happily surprised if they do. But I don't
think they will because they haven't shown any courage lately.
Maybe that what is maybe now that Trump is our
standard bear, what maybe uh, they'll finally show some courage.
But again I'm not holding my breath.

Speaker 6 (12:48):
Yeah. I had my class yesterday morning and we watched
the inauguration on big screen TV in my class and
after we finished, after after he finished his inauguration address,
we talked about, well, what did you think? And I
asked the question, do you think that the House or
the Senate, either one will go after any of the

people that he's pardoned or should they move on, And
again the feeling was they should move on. And I said,
I'm going to disagree with you, but for a different
reason this week, because I disagree with you last week.
It seems to me that if we look at what happened,
we know for a fact that James Comy lied when

he signed the Phiza Warren and lying on a Phiza
Warren is a felony. He was never he was never
arrested in charge, not for one, but all of them,
knowing them that they were in fault, and the Attorney
General knew and falsified the record, and on and on.
It seems to me that what's important. And Hillary Clinton

disobeyed a congressional subpoena and evidence, and Comy said that
she's guilty of a crime, but there's no prosecutor in
the country would prosecute the crime. It seems to me
that if we let them go, we're gonna we've empowered
them that they can get away with it and do it.

Speaker 8 (14:18):
Yeah, exactly, exactly exactly My sense is in my class,
I said, look, my sense is we need to know
what happened to see if there is legislation that needs.

Speaker 6 (14:32):
To be enacted to prevent it from ever happening again.

Speaker 2 (14:35):
Yes, this is this bygones crap. Sorry, no, ain't happening.
I'm sorry. There needs to be accountability so that this
doesn't happen again, because if the Democrats have shown us anything,
they're recidivists. They will just keep coming back doing the
same crap corruption time and time again with that same

rapp worn out playbook. Destroy them. They've already done a
good job of destroying themselves. But they need to be
held accountable time.

Speaker 6 (15:10):
I agree. I agree, and and and the American people
need to know the true story of why they did
what they did. And if they come out and say
for political purposes, then I think that I think if
you're going to if you're going to commit a felony
as a public official, we have to increase the penalties.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
And that mean and we have to enforce the penalties.

Speaker 6 (15:34):
Right, I agree. So it was interesting to most I
would say most of the mainstream media was somewhat accommodating
with mister Trump. Uh MSNBC not so much. There's they

still they still don't get it, and the fact that
he's already fulfilling campaign promises with this, which is seventy
three or seventy eight, that's what you said. Yeah, I mean,
I just I mean, I'm I maybe this is not
a valid comparison, but I'm going to make it anyway.

Joe Biden pardoned what thirty thirty nine or forty three
death row inmates and they have to serve a life sentence.
They're not going to get executed. Joe Biden overrode the

justice system in our country, and he in himself decided
that these people, even though they may have murdered people
and killed children and men and women and police officers,
he is the one who makes a decision that they
shouldn't have to die, they should be their sentences should

be commuted. And I'm saying, where does he get I
know he has the pardon power, but if the president
can override the justice system, once a person has gone
through it, been sense, been sentenced, went through the appeal process,
and all of his appeals were turned down, and now
he's going to be executed to pardon summarily thirty plus

almost forty people, and then fifteen hundred other people, and
then another thousand on top of that, he is compromising
the criminal justice system in the United States. And I
think that when Donald Trump with his fifteen hundred pardons,

only very few of those people were tried. The rest
of them are still either on house arrest, are in
jail and yet to be tried.

Speaker 2 (17:58):
Yeah, and they have a show and that's been how long,
you know, whatever they had, whatever they had would have
been time served anyway. Well, they've been in there longer
than most sentences for armed robbery in some states.

Speaker 3 (18:16):

Speaker 6 (18:16):
So I have a show on Wednesday night Wednesday called
Moms Across America, and one of my co hosts is
from Colorado and she is a close personal friend to
the black woman who was went into the house Steamer
to pray. She's ninety two years of age, and she
was arrested, and she's arrested. She has not been tried,

but for four years she's had an ankle bracelet on
and her movements are restricted, leaving the house a maximum
of two hours a day. But Joe Biden can commute
somebody who murdered children and women and police officers. And
this ninety two year old woman who wanted to go

and pray for the people going on was arrested and
has been under house arrest for four years.

Speaker 2 (19:07):
Again, they're evil people, the entire regime. And he's Joe
holds the record four point three three hundred.

Speaker 6 (19:15):
It's amazing. And and and the there was a picture
this morning of all the all the Democrats who didn't
go to the luncheon, you know, Obama and Biden and
George w and his wife and and Hillary and and
and uh, they all didn't go to the presidential luncheon.

Speaker 2 (19:35):
So nobody cares. I mean, we know, you know, knowing
now what we know about them, that's okay. You can
stay home. We don't want to see you anymore.

Speaker 6 (19:48):
Right, We're done with you.

Speaker 2 (19:50):
We're done with you. Thanks, you know.

Speaker 6 (19:52):
So it was amazing. So it was a very interesting day.
It started off. I can't imagine it was like nine
degrees below zero, and I can't imagine people standing outside
along the parade route to watch a parade and sitting

in the stands.

Speaker 2 (20:15):
Yeah, because then then the left would have been blaming
him for all the people who with frostbite and who
started succumbing to exposure, right.

Speaker 6 (20:25):
Right, that was the that was the the park Service
was the greatest. You're right, that was the greatest concern
they had was exposure. People being to the cold weather
and nine.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
Degrees below zero with a windshill, you're getting you're getting
hypothermia pretty quickly in that in that temperature if you're
not dressed.

Speaker 6 (20:46):
Right, mm hmm. Right. So we're off to a good start. Now,
we don't we have enough time just to ask one
one of the questions. What about about we think about
the elon's partner going leaving the office and go to
Ohio to run for governor.

Speaker 2 (21:05):
Uh, he'd be better than do Wine. Like I said
when I left Ohio twenty eight years ago, I thought
Dwine was a complete moron. That he made it to
governor baffles me. And I think that Viveke has got
a shot, and Ohio needs, uh, somebody like the Veke too,
you know, you know, make it turn it back into

the big swing state. Remember when it used to be
it was a bellweather. You know, the way Ohio goes,
so goes the nation. We haven't heard that right in forever.
So somebody needs to do something.

Speaker 6 (21:43):
I saw the two of them, the Veke and uh
uh the other guy. I'm going anyway that there was
there to me to be a balance between the two,

kind of a ying and yang. True, but I think.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
I've read that there was some I've read that there
was some I don't know if it's true. Could just be,
you know, people trying to stir up stuff. But I've
read a couple of stories where there was some internal
grumblings between the Veke and Elon about you know, the
vec's involvement and now that he wants to go run
for governor. I think that's just what it was. Let's

get avake for governor and they're just trying to stir
up you know, an additional story. Maybe it's true or not,
but there were some reported internal grumblings.

Speaker 6 (22:41):
So do you think that he'll he'll leave Trump will
leave it alone with just with him there by himself.

Speaker 2 (22:47):
Well, I would imagine.

Speaker 6 (22:49):

Speaker 2 (22:49):
I mean, come on, it's not a full federal agency.
This is just an advisory group. And I think that
Veveke is still going to probably be able to offer
insighticularly on his run for governor. It's going to I
think it's going to help his involvement in it. So
I think, you know, but Elon, look what he did
with X, you know, got rid of how many people

seventy percent of the staff and it's still working, just fines.

Speaker 6 (23:18):
So you know.

Speaker 2 (23:21):
And when I was just reading the last hour, about
six percent of all federal employees actually go in to
these buildings that we're all paying for. Some of these
buildings are being squatted in now because there's nobody there,
but hey, lights are all on, everything works.

Speaker 6 (23:41):
Well. I had heard that. I had heard a number
is that if you take out the government employees who
are cleaning and government employees who are security, the actual
percentage of office workers who use the space is one percent.

Speaker 2 (23:56):
Yeah, okay, so see, there you go. I heard that
Trump signed also an executive order that you got to
get back in the office. It's either that or I
think that tells you right there, because a lot of
these people. I've also read stories where a lot of
these federal workers are collecting two paychecks. They got another
career going on because they got a job they don't

have to really show up for.

Speaker 6 (24:19):
Right right. I can tell you from first hand experience.
I had an important question to ask about my sister
and Social Security and Medicaid. Well, I called social Security.
The message I got was your greait time is greater

than one and twenty minutes, and then they have this
message that comes on if you would like to save
your price in line, please press one and we'll call
you back at the number that you called a song.

Speaker 2 (24:55):
But you're not going to recognize the number that's calling
in because it's not labeled IR. So that goes right
to voicemail and you miss the call and you start
the process all over again.

Speaker 6 (25:06):
They never they never called back. They never called back. Okay,
So when when I heard people that people were saying
yesterday that three times can be two hours or more
or never to get through. And I got a letter
from I R S. This is hysterical to me. I'm pissed,

but hysterical. I get a letter from I R S.
They have a question about one of twenty eighteen tax
return and they give me the name of the agent
that I was supposed to call and the phone number.
I dial the phone number, it's this, and they get
the message the cellular customer that you were trying to

read is not available. So she ain't in the office.
She's she's working real a little remote remotely and I've
yet to get a callback.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
Well that's good, No, it's not.

Speaker 6 (26:03):
I mean, that's I'm gonna call my congressman. I've just
had enough of it.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
Every Byron's on it.

Speaker 6 (26:08):

Speaker 2 (26:09):
Byron will be on that in a heartbeat, so you
won't have any trouble.

Speaker 6 (26:12):
I'm gonna call him.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
Do all right, sir, you'll answer. It's Dan Perkins. Lady,
look at the time. It's Dan Perkins. He's got his
own website, Dan Perkins Media dot org. Dan Perkinsmedia dot Org.
Dan my friend, Thanks for the call today and look
forward to talking to you next Monday.

Speaker 6 (26:30):
Thank you, sir, Take care bye.

Speaker 4 (26:33):
Here's a quick secret about today's show. They're making toasts
down the hall. Ever notice, toasters are like the radio.
You turn them on and they work, no pesky upgrades needed.
Sometimes you have to shake out the crumbs and that
goes for the toaster too. That wonderful smell of toast.

Speaker 2 (26:54):
Enjoy the show.

Speaker 3 (26:58):
We'll be right back with Charlotte Speaks. News Radio fifteen
eighty WCCF.

Speaker 9 (27:05):
We got no money. Danny Yellen has left us with
no money. Treasury Secretary of the United States says, we're broke.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
I don't know.

Speaker 9 (27:13):
We're gonna have to start telling people like wimpy. I'll
gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today. I don't know,
I as a Treasury Secretary of the United States leaving
and so that there's nothing, no money, no money there
in the treasury.

Speaker 6 (27:31):

Speaker 2 (27:31):
Don't you love these these brilliant, these brilliant economists public
servance that we've got here. I'm not making it up
with this.

Speaker 9 (27:39):
And again you can just take a look at what
these people say, and it's amazing. It's amazing that they
have jobs.

Speaker 2 (27:45):
It truly is extraordinary.

Speaker 9 (27:48):
Janny Yellen said this in October of two thousand and seven,
two months two months before the largest procession in one
hundred years. The most likely outcome is the economy will
move forward toward soft landing. It looks very good, right
Watchdog on Wallstreet dot com.

Speaker 2 (28:34):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM, WCCF
Radio dot com, Charlotte County speaks at ten forty two
on a Tuesday with a little funk forty nine cleticy
of a James Gang. Well, there's a new sheriff in town,
and we appreciating that new sheriff already. And Mike McDaniel

brings us some good information on the ATF. We don't
like the ATF. ATF ATF is, yes she is. Michael
Cargill is an Austin, Texas gun store owner, and under
the Harris Biden ATF, he was one of many Federal

Firearms Licensees license holders targeted by the ATF for license revocation.
What did Cargill do? Well, well, tell you he illegally
traffic guns. No, give them to Mexican drug cartels.

Speaker 10 (29:40):

Speaker 2 (29:43):
Oh no, wait, I'm sorry. That was Eric Holder, Eric
the coward Holder and the Obama administration ATF. Oops, my bad. Anyway,
he made a few minor paperwork heerrs. That's all on
the forty four to seventy threes. It's the form required
when anybody purchases a gun through an FFL dealer. In

several instances, people mistook the county blank for country and
wrote USA cargo. Didn't catch that, But the ATF inspectors,
unable to find any real violations, resorted to line by
line scrutiny of forty four to seventy threes, which dealers
are required to keep, and try to revoke his license.

This sort of thing is known in law enforcement as
a chicken poop, a picky, small minded action that, while
technically legal, destroys public support for law enforcement. Stupid move
beneath honest, ethical officers. He Cargol noted, quote, it's impossible

for anyone to do what we do and not make
mistakes at all. You get people that walk into the
gun store fill out a forty four to seventy three,
which is the firearms transaction record. There's one hundred ways
a person can mess up this form, if not more
than that. I've filled out several and it is true
you can easily check a wrong box on these forms

because there's lots of little check things. They ask all
kinds of little questions on them. Most of you know,
even customers make mistakes when it comes to their own name,
their middle name or their first name. They reverse it
on that little box it says county, they put country.
It doesn't mean that that person is going to get
handed a firearm and that they're not supposed to. They're

not a prohibited person, and so their license should not
get revoked just for that simple minor mistake. And that's
only common sense. There are more than enough actual crimes
out there, particularly thanks to the Democrat, Socialist, communist weakness
on crime and embrace of criminals. Because Democrats criminals are

obsessed with guns, one would think the ATF would focus
on actual criminals rather than the occasional utterly harmless paperwork error.
But Democrats, socialists, and criminals only want to deprive law
abiding citizens of their liberties, not criminals, and it's much
easier and safer to go after FFL dealers than criminals.

That tactic was common during the Clinton and the Obama administration,
as well as the Biden Harris administration. Fortunately, Cargill and
the Texas Public Policy Foundation they take the Second Amendment seriously.
In Texas, they filed a lawsuit and before the case
could be decided, knowing they were going to lose. Even
if they won, Donald Trump would overturn them, and the

Bidenightes had to give up. Quote. The new enforcement guidance
reinstates the decades long understanding that an honest mistake like
writing USA in the field for County on the background
check form is not a wilful violation of federal law. Quote.
For purposes of regulatory provisions of the GCA, the terms

wilful and wilfulness means a purposeful disregard of a plane,
indifference to, or a reckless disregard of a known legal obligation.
Wilfulness requires fact specific application of law, says the new guidance. Crucially,
it also adds that quote not every repeat violation is

per se wilful. A single or even a few inadvertent
errors in failing to complete forms may not amount to
wilful failures, even where the legal requirement to complete the
forms was known. In light of this victory, Cargill has
filed an unopposed motion to voluntarily dismiss the case without
prejudice with the trial court. In federal circles, the ATF

has long been known as a corrupt and incompetent agency.
Other federal law enforcement agencies didn't want ATF agents thinking
them the bottom of the barrel. Ooh, maybe that's why
they've actiized. They're getting the bottom of the barrel. Bottom
of the barrel. Yes, actions are what you get. Now

that distinction might lie with the FBI as well. Would
you guys agree?

Speaker 6 (34:24):
I would so.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
Sentiment for abolishing the ATF is a hell of a
lot stronger now it was already strong. It's a lot stronger.
Representatives Eric Burlson Republican from Missouri, Loan Bobert, Colorado, introduced
the Abolish the ATF Act to safeguard American Second Amendment
rights and protect law abiding gun owners from the relentless

bureaucratic overreach of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
Herea quoth, the ATF is emblematic of the deep state
bureaucracy that believes it can infringe on constitutional liberties without consequence,
said Representative Earlson. If this agency cannot uphold its duty

to serve the people within the framework of the Constitution,
it has no place in our governments. Here here, here,
heah promosa. I cannot imagine under any circumstance or administration
where the ATF serves as an ally to the Second
Amendment and law abiding firearm owners across America. As co

chair of the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus, I'm eager to
continue this effort, was Representative Burlson. To defend our constitutional rights.
The ATF should be abolished before they eventually abolish our
Second Amendment, said Congresswoman Laura Bobert. We like the Bobert
and her Boberts. It will be interesting to see if

Doge agrees with Representatives Earlson and Bobert will be more
interesting and very good for individual liberty. If President Trump
agrees in Congress goes along with him on this and
the Senate. So we'll see. But hey, fingers crossed. Coming

up America's hottest new curse word, Cleman, We'll tell you
what it means after.

Speaker 3 (36:21):
This, we'll be right back with Charlotte County Speaks on
news Radio fifteen eighty wcc.

Speaker 10 (36:27):
I recently learned how to make Solitaire into a drinking game.
It's not the punchline yet. He just sit there with
a deck of undult cards and think about how lonely
you are. I don't think we should call it cameltoe.

Speaker 2 (36:53):
I think we.

Speaker 10 (36:53):
Should call it the only reason I go to yoga.

Speaker 5 (37:01):
Te t.

Speaker 10 (37:07):
Do you think God created cancer just because he likes
to watch us race? Does that make sense for this
next joke? I have stepparents. I don't like to call

my stepdad my stepdad. I like to call him my
faux pap.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
News Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM WCCF
ten fifty six Here at Charlotte County Speaks, and Oh,
we gotta get right to it here, and now it's
time for what's that a time random facts? We learned stuff?
Sorry thirty eight special. Well you don't want to make

it to the chorus, but we couldn't do it today.
Number one of your five random facts? What do we
have here? Is a big one. Over the next decade,
the following copyrighted works will enter the public domain. Popeye, Pluto,
Donald Duck, King Kong, the Original movie, Superman, Daffy Duck,
James Bond, Batman, Captain Marvel, plus Bilbo Baggins, Gandolf, and

the others from the Hobbit. Uh oh, well, look what
they did with Winnie Depoo and look what they've done
with Mickey. I don't know. This couldn't be good. Number two.
The last time the state lines moved was nineteen sixty one,

when there was a border shift between Minnesota and North
da Quota Number three. Shakespeare invented the name Jessica in
the Merchant of Venice. Number four. In nineteen forty two,
Manitobac Canada tried to promote the sale of war bonds
by staging a fake Nazi invasion of Winnipeg. Of course

they did. Wow, I'm gonna have to look that up.
And finally, number five of your five random facts, there's
only one country between Norway and North Korea. Granted that
country is Russia, which is huge, but a small part
of Norway borders a northwest corner of Russia, and North

Korea borders a southeast corner. And there's your five random facts.
So there, ah anything. There's some good news, isn't there.

Here's one. An aquarium in Japan closed for renovations last
month and employees noticed a massive sunfish wasn't doing so good.
It stopped eating, seems sick, but it turned out it
was just lonely. Someone suggested it might just be miss
seeing people come visit, so employees put a bunch of
cardboard cutouts next to its tank, and it's doing much better.

That's cool. In case you missed it. A guy near
Boston walking his dog last week when it ran out
on a frozen lake and fell through the ice. So
he tried to save it, and he fell through drone
footage of firefighters rescuing both of them, and they're okay.
And if you need a quick pick me up, head

over to Reddit. Somebody asked people to name a random
act of kindness that they'll never regret, and BuzzFeed did
a roundup of the best ones. That's over on Reddit.
Get the reddits. And also, hey, don't you like our
new ilheartradio app. It's pretty cool, just saying, you know,

it looks like like a real radio, you know, presets
and stuff. Fuck to you tomorrow.

Speaker 7 (41:18):
Anybody got any more jokes, any funny?

Speaker 6 (41:20):

Speaker 2 (41:21):
Nope, all right, see you folks.

Speaker 3 (41:24):
We're news Radio fifteen eighty am w CCF Punda Gorda
and FM one hundred point nine W two sixty five EA,
Punda Gorda.
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