All Episodes

January 22, 2025 • 43 mins
Wednesday 01/22/25 Hour 1. With Mike Imbasciani.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Giggyy gigey giggity goo.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Hey, if you're like me, you're not gonna wait for
the next TikTok band. Introducing clip clap clip claw the
new way to share all that awesome stuff you did
on TikTok, like cooking chicken and cough syrup, snorting energy powder,
and putting glitter on.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
Pickles hashtag glickles.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
And you can use clip Clop's royalty free music library for.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
All your videos.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
Performed by Chinese school children. Sign Up is easy, Just
sent her age phone number, contacts and enable location allways.
And hey, always allow clip clop access to your camera
and microphone. It's better that way you can trust us.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
Then let the hilarity begin.

Speaker 4 (00:44):
Clip claw disclamer the answers meme clip clop.

Speaker 5 (00:49):
This is not headline news. Today is National hot Sauce Day.
I say it's a great day to just wing it.
Experts say burning Tesla's how do the pollution during the
LA wildfires? Burning cyber trucks also added subtle hints of
axe body spray. Southwest announced to hiring freeze. It's sad

news for young job seekers who dreamt of announcing flight
delays to irate travelers. Billionaire wealth grew by two trillion
dollars in twenty twenty four. Half of that was earned
by people who sell eggs, and Steve Perry turned seventy
six today. Perry plans to celebrate any way he wants it,

because that's the way he needs it. Any way he
wants it. This is not headline news.

Speaker 3 (01:43):
Whoa wake up? Grab a cup too?

Speaker 6 (02:03):
Can you joy?

Speaker 5 (02:22):
Slid cab.

Speaker 3 (02:26):
Salm sal cab.

Speaker 7 (02:35):
St In this present crisis, government is not the solution
to our problem.

Speaker 8 (02:48):
Government is the problem.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
This is Charlotte County Speaks.

Speaker 9 (02:53):
Your chance to let your voice be heard on local, state,
and national which US and now broadcast live from a
dumpy little warehouse behind a taco bell. The host of
Charlotte County Speaks, Ken.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
Love Joy, Good morning, Thank you for joining US News
Radio fifteen eighty one hundred point nine FM, w CCF
Radio dot com. This is Charlotte County Speaks. I'm Ken
Lovejoy playing the role of cranky old man. Today. Is

Mike Ambassie Annie over here? How you done?

Speaker 10 (03:32):
I am very good and we are broadcasting from the
Golf of America.

Speaker 8 (03:42):
Yes, it's good to be here.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
Yes, I know so uh. Phone lines are open nine
four one two zero six fifteen eighty toll free eight
eight eight four four one fifteen eighty. You can email
us the address. CEC speaks at live dot com. If
you miss a show, head door page w CCF Radio
dot com and scroll down to the podcast section.

Speaker 8 (04:05):
It is cold.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
It's called nine inches. That's what she said in giggity Uh.
In Pensacola, I saw it was seven inches. I saw
some guy in on on the on the Facebook, Yeah,
sticking a little ruler into the ground. It was seven inches.
That was last night. I was, yeah, wow, it's insane.

It's amazing.

Speaker 8 (04:29):
And I heard down to Okalla they could be getting
some snow.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Well, good for them.

Speaker 8 (04:36):

Speaker 1 (04:36):
Once again, lady, I feel very good about it. I
I won I like the cool weather too. Once again,
I tell you it gets a global warming ry ry. Yes,
it's my daughter is freezing her little tushop up in
Sharon pencil tucky at five below, right four below, it's

warming up. Dad's freezing is but oft In Spokane, it's
fifteen cousin Mike and Walla, Walla. The city's so nice
they named it twice twenty two degrees. It's fourteen degrees.
Cheryl's family is freezing in Providence. Ah, in Mercado, he's
telling me, na does he doesn't really do? You know,
the last few winners haven't been really nothing up he had.

It's not really snowing. Yeah, it's five degrees six the
low's coming up at six below. Ooh, larry T. Larry
T is double bundling up three degrees in Peenons So
larry T up there in Finger Lakes.

Speaker 8 (05:39):
It's fourteen degrees right now in Blairsville.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
Ooh yeah.

Speaker 11 (05:44):

Speaker 8 (05:44):
Last night I was loading out a House of Blues
and it was it was like that missed rain with
the wind.

Speaker 1 (05:50):
Listen to us Floridians, can you believe the weather?

Speaker 8 (05:53):
No, my god, it's it's my god.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
I'd almost better have a hurricane.

Speaker 8 (05:58):
Literally, you know that's coming. Uh Yeah, loading out at
the House of Blues last night in Orlando.

Speaker 1 (06:04):
Yeah, he didn't get a home till too. That's why
he sounds like he's very tired, whiny little bit right now.

Speaker 8 (06:11):
Well, and allergies.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
I the zertax working for men now.

Speaker 8 (06:15):
But it was like that that misty needle rain with
the winds.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
Yeah, that's well, it was like that yesterday here too. Yeah,
same thing, and.

Speaker 8 (06:24):
It said it was forty one degrees and felt like
twenty eight. The real feel, the real feel was twenty eight. No,
it was forty one yeah, with a wind to real
feel nine inches.

Speaker 1 (06:43):
Hey, I can't deny it.

Speaker 3 (06:46):
But it's a good day.

Speaker 8 (06:47):
And you know why.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
You know why, folks, You know I slept very peacefully
last year.

Speaker 4 (06:51):
You know why?

Speaker 8 (06:52):
You know why because Donald's J. Trump is your president.

Speaker 1 (06:58):
Oh wait, what's the what the best musk? What's the musk?
Salute my heart?

Speaker 8 (07:10):
I said that. Oh Jesus, my buddy's a big uh
he was a big Tesla fan at first. He actually
actually my friend's dad was the first guy to get
a cyber truck. He read my mind in the state
of Florida. He got the very first one. And uh
so that he's a big Elon fan and he likes

X and all that. And I sent that video of
Elon when he walked out on stage at that you know,
basically that it was the same building they had the
pre victory rally in I think anywhere, and Elon just
jumping around my grand all the time. I sent it
to him. I sent it to my buddy, I said,
you're a doctor, can you diagnose this?

Speaker 1 (07:53):
Here's do we bit of the spectrum going on there?
It's always the geniuses.

Speaker 8 (07:59):
Yes, what level of theism is this? But I love it?

Speaker 1 (08:03):
Well, it probably started out about a four. It's sound
about a two to three.

Speaker 8 (08:07):
Yeah, you know. But and the meme though, the meme
of Elon standing next to Baron when Trump was giving
his speech at the inauguration was hilarious because Elon's just like, yeah,
we're gonna go to Mars, and Baron's like, can you
get this guy away from me? Baron?

Speaker 1 (08:24):
What a beast man?

Speaker 8 (08:26):
How tall is this guy?

Speaker 1 (08:27):
Six seven? I think so, because he's definitely tall. Trump
is what six ' three? Yeah? Geez hi, collar, are
you on the air?

Speaker 6 (08:36):
He speaking of propaganda and Nazi signs. I looked up
at what if about the Canadian invasion by the Nazis,
and one thing I saw in common was the government
was involved, their military, the bank, radio media, print media,
and Hollywood because Hollywood provided the uniforms. Yeah and uh
in two thousand, five hundred and rolling Canadians went along

with it. Isn't that crazy?

Speaker 1 (08:58):

Speaker 6 (08:58):
That's all I.

Speaker 1 (08:59):
Wanted to say, so, yeah, that was that was you
bet that was we were talking about that. I think
it was in one of the random facts yesterday. Someplace
in Canada actually staged to try and help help say,
help sell war bonds, actually stage the Canadian Nazi invasion.

Speaker 8 (09:19):
Had you bow went pretty far?

Speaker 12 (09:20):

Speaker 1 (09:22):
Well, no, I think I know, I know they did
that there.

Speaker 8 (09:25):
They were coast of South Carolina. They right out the.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
Coast of here adult America. Yes, Cuber, they're down there Cuba. Yeah, hey, kids,
guess what do you like bowling? Who doesn't like bowling?

Speaker 8 (09:36):
Do you like the bowling time?

Speaker 1 (09:38):
The Port Charlotte High School band, they like bowling and
they're going to have a bowling fun razor, ladies and gentlemen.
It's coming up this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, January twenty sixth.
It starts at one ends at three twenty five bucks
to get in, includes your shoes, bring your own spray,

uh treasure right there on the Tammyammy. That's a nice
place like that. Huh. No, you want something that's gonna
kill the funk. I don't think the axe. The axe
adds the axe will choke out the funk for a while,
but the funk will come back. You need like the
lysol just where the acting. Yes, uh, one hundred and

twenty spots available pre registration until today. So it uh
so caller text Uh nine four one two zero four
eight four two six. That's nine four one two zero
four eight four to two six.

Speaker 8 (10:36):
Or that's a good way to do a fundraiser.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
There you go.

Speaker 8 (10:39):
It's too cold to do the car wash.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
Bowling is fun. Plus they got you know, you got
you not chose, you get you pitches a beer, you get.

Speaker 8 (10:46):
You the kids.

Speaker 13 (10:48):
Huh the kids there, well, they're down there. They're down there,
and the kids lane, we're that. We're in the lounge
with thet we're letting them bowl. Yeah, we're pool playing
the video games that they.

Speaker 8 (11:03):
Miss the old days, like when they were still smoking
in those pool lounges. And like my grandfather, there was
no actual door breaking up the lounge to the actual
bowling alley. So it just like whiffs out every now
and then, yeah.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
Oh oh, my my granddad wasn't. He was a smoker
for a while but he quit. But he was a
big bowler. And the uh yeah, he he's cutting out
of the newspaper out of the Spokesman review ten pin topics.
Let's see who did great this week? No, yeah, but anyway, No,

I don't like you go home. You just reak And
then I got to listen to my mom. They're always
smoking here every just weeks. Take those africainna wash uh.
So get signed up Treasure Lanes twenty five bucks to
get in one pm to three pm this Sunday. Collar
text nine four one two zero four eight four to

two six to get pre registered, or you can register
at the door until twelve thirty on Sunday.

Speaker 8 (12:03):
It's for the band. It's for the band, and I
just I want there to be the guy who plays
the tuba, like just watching everybody bowl, just going.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
No, he's got to learn, he's got to learn the
Can you imagine or that it's like you're the trombone. Yeah,
after every gutter ball? Yeah, okay, kids, quick ray. I
love the radio. It's so random.

Speaker 14 (12:33):
Radio radio, Bray Radio.

Speaker 12 (12:51):
When I'm driving.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
I got a guy on the radio who will.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
Be right back with Charlotte County speaks on news Radio
fifteen eighty.

Speaker 15 (12:59):
WC defending BI nomics. So Jared Bernstein Jared Bernstein, Joe
Biden's b f F and economic advisor. Chief economic advisor
was so when he was vice president. Is again takes

to the Wall.

Speaker 11 (13:21):
Street Journal and put out a puff piece defending by nanomics.
And I'm not going to go through all of the
nonsense again Jared Bernstein. Bless his heart.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
He was recently interviewed. We highlighted this on.

Speaker 11 (13:38):
Our program, basically saying to you know, talking about how
the United States couldn't go bankrupt because we print our
own money. And he was pressed on this and asked, well,
if we can print our own money, why are we
borrowing our own money? And he couldn't even answer the question.

I can bless his heart. Watchdog Wallstreet dot com.

Speaker 13 (14:15):
See my hairless the closet I'm stuck inside, can see
the line.

Speaker 1 (14:24):
My hair honors in my styles in the sky. You
got sexual eat day and I'm all right, You're.

Speaker 3 (14:38):
Can see the line keeper locked up inside. Don't talk
about it.

Speaker 16 (14:45):
To talk about the weather, which is what we have
been doing here at news Radio fifteen eighty one point
nine FM w c CF nine six.

Speaker 8 (14:58):
It's cold, yes, yeah, a little bit.

Speaker 1 (15:05):
Just about nine to twenty seven. Humpday Wednesday, Oh my god,
I can't take it anymore. Breaking Netflix is jacking up
the prices again, again, again, again again. I can't believe it.
For me, it's only going up to seven ninety nine.

Speaker 8 (15:28):
What are you paying now? Six six ninety a buck?

Speaker 1 (15:31):
But for Yuen's out there that think you're cool, your
fifteen forty nine package is going to seventeen ninety nine
fifty cent increase. I have that one, So yeah, it
defeats the purpose by See, that's why I all a
card everything, because I don't wantch enough TV to justify
paying paying the eighteen bucks a month for it.

Speaker 8 (15:53):
And what did what did Cable and the dish net
and the different dish networks do they started bundling everything?
And what are you seeing now with all of the
streaming service bundling.

Speaker 1 (16:03):
I don't want to bundle. I'm not gonna bundle. I'm
gonna all a cart and I don't mind a couple
of commercials. They're not that long. The stop sets are
only like two minutes.

Speaker 8 (16:11):
The Amazon ones are getting bad.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
I haven't watched much Prime. I'm I'm still I'm on
my final I just started the final season of Cobra Kai.

Speaker 8 (16:22):
Oh yeah, Louis.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
I can't wait till he comes back to Vasani. That's
gonna be fun to bust. Yes, he did a good
job in that role playing the dopey cousins. Yeah, but anyway, yeah,
egg prices, that's not the only thing. So two dollars
and fifty cents for the premium package, that's the price.
Increase a buck for the commercial from seven to ninety

nine to eight ninety nine. I'm sorry, Oh well, oh oh,
the that's the primary account. Oh extra, remember, oh yeah, extra,
Remember who's gonna pay for that?

Speaker 4 (17:03):

Speaker 8 (17:04):
Wh yeah, so no, no, thank you?

Speaker 1 (17:06):
Okay two o six fifteen eighty toll free eight at
eight four four one fifteen eighty. Well, you know when
he when he doesn't get enough sleep and and his
and you who and is you who? In the morning,
he gets out a very very cranky as hell. And
I'm not trying to take this anymore.

Speaker 17 (17:26):
I am hotter than a bare butt on a tin
roof in August August.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
So we got our helicopter. Cool cool, cool, cool cool.
That's a sounding mate. And can I that's a sounded mate?

Speaker 12 (17:44):
She said, Nay, that's right, that's.

Speaker 8 (17:48):
Right, that's right. So a little update here, and we
are working on getting Scott Weinberg back on the show
to discuss it further. But many people are are wondering
what is going on with our local J sixers since
Trump has pardoned many of them fifteen hundred plus and
commuted the sentence of others well. Via NBC two and

this was sent to me by Scott Weinberg. David Morschell
of Punta Gorda, whom.

Speaker 1 (18:18):
We had on the show.

Speaker 8 (18:19):
Yes, we've had on the show, and who Scott Weinberg
is representing. Yes, he is one of fourteen people whose
sentences were commuted by President. That's right, I said, President
Donald J. Trump.

Speaker 1 (18:34):
Donald J.

Speaker 3 (18:36):

Speaker 8 (18:36):
Yes, thank you, your president, my president, everybody's president in
America commuted his sentence on Monday night for the January sixth,
twenty twenty one Capitol riot, and of course Morchelle was
an oathkeeper at the time. Morchell served a little more
than half of his three year sentence and he is

now back home with his three kids and his wife,
which is very nice. His attorney, Scott Weinberg, said that
his client was in DC to attend President Trump's rally
and provide security with the oathkeepers, and he said Morchelle
was only the capital for twelve minutes and didn't touch anything.
And Weinberg believes that Morchell's sentence was commuted instead of

pardoned because of one of the charges. And Scott said,
quote the seditious conspiracy charge. It's a charge that isn't
used very often. And Scott said that he thinks the
DOJ brought out that charge for justice reasons, for political purposes.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
Yeah, which I believe as well well. So hopefully it's
going to be looked into and maybe by the time
that we have Scott on next week.

Speaker 8 (19:40):
We'll have some info because Scott is pushing and trying
and you know, trying to get some info.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
Because as yeah, and as is as is h who
did we have which is Jeremy Yes, Jeremy Brown. He's
the guy that the FBI tried to recruit, right, and
he had his home security video filming them trying to
recruit him for the j sixth thing. He posts that

video nine months later, he winds up getting arrested. They
try and throw explosive charges on him, saying that he
has some hand grenades there, but DNA analysis found no
connection to this it's like they were planned it. Yeah,

the whole thing is SKIVIEE. So hopefully they're looking into
his case too. He was there at the rally. He
did not go into the Capitol building, right, but he
was there providing security. I don't know if it was
oathkeeper security. Maybe that could be. I don't know if
he was an oathkeeper or not. Yeah.

Speaker 8 (20:45):
So Weinberg wrapped up by saying, I hope the same
for my client that I hope for the country. I
think it's time that we unite, we put this behind us,
we get together, we move forward, and we make America
great again.

Speaker 1 (20:57):
So, yeah, we move forward. But also so there's got
to be accountability for the people that perpetrated this setup,
the FBI, the confidential human sources, Nancy Pelosi. While that
skanks just about ready to check out anyway.

Speaker 8 (21:14):
Well, and we've talked about it.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
Where leave that one for God?

Speaker 8 (21:17):
While I do believe they all and you believe they
all should be pardoned regardless, because at this point it's
time served.

Speaker 1 (21:24):
Look, you've got guys that committed manslaughter that did less
time than these people, a lot of whom have not
even been had a trial. Yeah, or or a pre
trial or an indictment anything. They've been sitting in jail
for four years, right.

Speaker 8 (21:40):
So I think for these specific fourteen proud boys and
oathkeepers that got their senses commuted, I think that's Trump saying,
look that's step one, you did your time. You're getting
out now. It's that's over. And you know it's fourteen
files instead of fifteen hundred. That now they can hone

in on and say, okay, you get a full pardon you.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
We hope that's the case.

Speaker 8 (22:05):
I hope that's we hope. I do hope that's the case. Hey,
Secretary of Saint Marco Rubio, which is you know, kind
of I don't like saying too much. He ends the
covid era work from home nonsense, which Trump signed the
executive order.

Speaker 1 (22:21):
Well, as we were discussing yesterday on the show, all
kinds of surveys and studies indicate that less than six
percent of federal employees show up at these buildings that
we're paying millions of dollars a year for electreat yeah,
ac heat, water, the whole thing. And a lot of

these buildings have been squatted in. Now why wouldn't you
I'm homeless but hey, yeah, nobody's in this building, but
everything's on and it works exactly.

Speaker 8 (22:51):
So he has ordered all State Department officials immediately back
to work. That's good.

Speaker 1 (22:55):
And those that don't find another gig or they'll just
maybe they'll just drop. They already have, they've already got
another gig. Anyway, they're already double.

Speaker 8 (23:04):
It's okay.

Speaker 1 (23:06):
Well today, what do we have today is a library
shelfy day shelfy there almost your favorite shelf at your library.
I don't go get a book, it's basically it right there.

Speaker 8 (23:26):
What is your thought about the little library boxes they
have in like parks and stuff. You think that's a
cool idea?

Speaker 1 (23:34):
Yeah, why not?

Speaker 8 (23:34):
It's nice?

Speaker 1 (23:35):
Yeah, I mean any any I encourage people to read
the classics, particularly Hemingway. Really need to read some Hemingway
House of Seven Gables, I mean all kinds po Yeah,
dostoyevskis up.

Speaker 8 (23:51):
It will but you know, but it makes you think.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
But it makes you think and it opens up it
opens up the creativity in your mind as well.

Speaker 8 (23:59):
The great I've read that three times.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
Great Gatsby's great. Yes, just saying there's lots of lots
of good books out there that you can. You can,
you can really lurch stuff from and get and get
maybe some some insight into your own stuff.

Speaker 12 (24:18):

Speaker 1 (24:19):
It's also National Polka Dot Day, Polka dot polka dot
not polka polka dot dot, Polka dot Day. Yes, so
where the polka dots?

Speaker 9 (24:28):

Speaker 1 (24:28):
National? And this should be every day National Sanctity of
Human Life Day. Yes, that should be every.

Speaker 8 (24:36):
Day really except for protophiles.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
But it's also Celebration of Life Day. Okay, I'm okay
with that. Ye too good? Yeah, we're you know, shouldn't
you guys get together maybe have a bigger day? Really,
you could double up.

Speaker 8 (24:53):
And it's a full celebration life past and present.

Speaker 1 (24:56):
Yes, Oh, here we go. You know, some people call
it just a giant chocolate chip cookie, but some people
call it National Blonde Brownie Day. Blonde Brownie.

Speaker 8 (25:07):
I'll tell you what I got to because House of
Blueses and Disney springs up there in Orlando. Yeah, so
I got up there early and went to it's Gideon's Bakehouse.

Speaker 1 (25:18):
Gideon's Bakehouse and free bibles and at every table.

Speaker 8 (25:22):
Yeah right, No, but the chocolate chip cookies.

Speaker 1 (25:26):
Ooh, giant one?

Speaker 3 (25:27):
Yeah, oh you.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
Would man, They had this thing, this taco place in Texas. Uh,
if you could yeah, oh no, really authentic. You got
to choose your meat. But it was twenty If you
could eat twenty tacos in twenty minutes, that was the thing.
You get the t shirt and you don't.

Speaker 8 (25:51):
Have to, you know, pay with this shirt and heartburn.

Speaker 1 (25:55):
But they bring it out on the tacos. Looks so good,
but they were corned to our tea is double corn
tortillas every taco something wow. Corn flour maybe, but that
corn is just going to hit in there and just
to kind of expand a little bit. But those tacos
looked really good. I don't think I could do twenty
and twenty minutes even in my heyday. That'd be pretty close.

Speaker 8 (26:15):
Guy Fieri has a chicken place up there too. I
had lunch there. Yeah, that was pretty good.

Speaker 1 (26:19):
Any good.

Speaker 8 (26:19):
Yeah, Yeah, they had a good like garlic parmesan dip. Yeah,
very big on the dips up there for that place.

Speaker 6 (26:27):

Speaker 1 (26:27):
Speaking of dips, also today one of my favorites National
Hot Sauce Day.

Speaker 8 (26:33):
There you go.

Speaker 1 (26:33):
I gotta love the Hot Sauce World Toilet Day back
in November. You would think that they would try and
coordinate it. Maybe tomorrow should be World Toilet Day.

Speaker 8 (26:43):
Yeah, but yeah, tomorrow's World Clean Your Toilet Day.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
Instacart released a big report that looked at which states
use the most hot sauce per capita based on last
year's sales. New Mexico you I want to go.

Speaker 8 (27:00):
I'm sorry about that.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
Ally, New Mexico tops the list at thirty one point
nine ounces per customer. That's a lot of hot sauce, yeah,
followed by Alaska and Colorado. Well, hot sauce goes very
good on seafood and on on on kind of some
of that very uh you do like the seafood boils

or whatever. A lot of that elk is grain fed
from the tundra, so meat could be a little chewy.
So you're gonna want some hot sauce, little gamey, little
gamy Alabama, little fish Alabama ordered, well, Alabama or Louisiana.
You would think Louisiana Hot sauce Alabama ordered at least
sixteen point six ounces. Doesn't say about Louisiana. They also

looked at each state's favorite hot sauce brand.

Speaker 8 (27:46):
Louisiana didn't have to order it there, they make it
they make it right.

Speaker 1 (27:50):
That's true, it's already here.

Speaker 18 (27:52):

Speaker 1 (27:54):
There are eight all across fifty states, but one brand
still dominates.

Speaker 8 (28:00):
Uh huh, Tabasco.

Speaker 1 (28:01):
No, what baby Frank's Red Hot. Okay, that was yeah,
that's been. That was my go to all the time
I was up up north, and when I first moved
down here, Frank's Red Hot was top. Right now, Saracha
Burman's Hot Sauce. I've never had the Burman's. It's popular
at Aldi's. Oh it's a knock Frank's knockoff, but cheaper.

Ald It's the top choice here in Florida, Alabama, Oklahoma.

Speaker 18 (28:32):
Oklahoma, weather wind go sweeping down the Plaine, Missouri, Iowa,
Wiscnson and South Dakuota, Louisiana brand Hot Sauce famous in
five states, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee.

Speaker 1 (28:47):
And yes, Louisiana. Very nice. Chilula love that one too.
It's one of the little Wood top Oh yeah, four states, Utah, Oregon, Idaho, Montana.

Speaker 8 (28:56):
The Mormons love it.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
Tech Pete not bad. I've had the Texas Pete. I've
had all these except for the Burmans. Burman's the only
one I haven't had. And they're all they're all good,
They're all good.

Speaker 8 (29:09):
I sent you the picture of the one I saw
in Nashville's the Sphincter or something.

Speaker 1 (29:13):
Yeah. When they have names like that, Yeah, boyd, you
gotta be good. Hot sauce.

Speaker 8 (29:19):
Yeah, But this is how my brain works. I think
of the hot sauce. It makes me think of barbecue sauce,
which makes me think of sweet baby Rays, which makes
me think of Mark Zuckerberg, which makes me think of
he was acting more human at the inauguration there when
he caught the quick.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
And he's letting his hair grow. I know his Chinese
bot wife isn't making him cut it with the roomba.

Speaker 8 (29:39):
By Mark Zuckerberg can grow my hair out because I
am a human.

Speaker 1 (29:43):
I've been re chipped to grow hair. But Texas Pete
is famous in Virginia and both Carolinas, and despite the
name Texas Pete, it's actually made in North Carolina since
nineteen twenty nine. Some guy tried suing him for false
advertising years back, but lost. Three different sauces got one

state each, Tabasco kind of the original, which state Hawaii.

Speaker 8 (30:10):
That's probably all they can get out there.

Speaker 1 (30:12):
Five oh five Southwestern and it's probably forty bucks a bottle, right,
five oh five Southwestern. Never heard of it, but it's
popular in New Mexico and Tapatio. I've had that too.
That's a popular in California. Okay, so there you go.
There's your hot sauce.

Speaker 8 (30:31):
Is that one green or something?

Speaker 1 (30:32):
No, it's it's Actually it almost looked if I recall it,
kind of looks like the Chilula label somewhat. I think
I could be wrong. Yeah, I like the Verde. I
like uh Tabasco's Verde. Oh yeah, they got a good
they got a good to Verde.

Speaker 4 (30:51):

Speaker 1 (30:52):
But I'm a Saraci guy and that didn't make the
list because I guess not a hot sauce. Apparently to
them doesn't classify.

Speaker 8 (30:58):
Apparently, no idea too spicy for me.

Speaker 1 (31:03):
I love it.

Speaker 4 (31:03):
Today's show is brought to you by stay Put full
Body Condoms. These days you can't be too careful, so
cover it all with stay Put full body condoms. Oh
and make sure you put it on properly. That hole
is so you can breathe. It goes by your mouth.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
Stay put.

Speaker 8 (31:23):
We got you covered.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
We'll be right back with Charlotte County speaks on news
radio fifteen eighty WCCF.

Speaker 17 (31:31):
We've lost collection. We have been right since COVID.

Speaker 2 (31:34):

Speaker 17 (31:35):
We don't talk, We don't interact. We don't chit chat,
no more, we don't. We don't even like talking on
the phone. We get mad if the phone rings, the
phone that was.

Speaker 1 (31:45):
Invented for talking, you get mad. Oh hell no, you
got to text me first. Don't just be calling me.

Speaker 17 (31:53):
Give me a sneak review of the conversation, and then
I will decide if this conversation real quick wise.

Speaker 3 (32:00):
A human connection.

Speaker 17 (32:03):
I remember time in the stores, man, We used to
have greeters in every store used to have a greeter.
We used to have people at the front door of
the store whose only job it was was to just
say hello. Connection mattered to companies, and it was extra
special if you went to the store and you was black,
because they had an employee that would follow you around.

Speaker 10 (32:22):
You was connected.

Speaker 1 (32:37):
I must say, mister Kravitz is looking very healthy for
his age. He's very ripped. He's got the abs what
a they ladies called a six pack.

Speaker 8 (32:49):
He lifts a lot of things.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
He lifts them up and puts them down. Yeah, I
call her, you're on the air news radio fifteen eighty
one hundred point nine FM.

Speaker 12 (32:58):
Are you there, yes, Ken? Hello, good morning, how.

Speaker 8 (33:02):
You doing, Good morning?

Speaker 1 (33:04):
What can we do for you?

Speaker 6 (33:05):

Speaker 12 (33:05):
You're talking about a hot sauce.

Speaker 1 (33:07):
Love the hot sauce.

Speaker 12 (33:08):
Well, there's a particular brand I bought down here in Florida.
I had to sign a release for it. It's called
possible side effects.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Yeah, there are some real.

Speaker 12 (33:25):
That it could cause. Possible side effects.

Speaker 8 (33:27):
Oh yeah, like.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
Cook effort dide you have you tried it yet or
you just for discussion purposes keep it on the shelf there.

Speaker 12 (33:37):
No, I've actually tried it. This stuff. This stuff will
cook a effer from the inside out.

Speaker 8 (33:45):
Are you well done, sir?

Speaker 12 (33:47):
Yes, I'm well done. But immune to it now?

Speaker 1 (33:51):
Yeah? Yeah, you do.

Speaker 8 (33:53):
You build a resistance and it depends, you know, and
as you get older.

Speaker 1 (33:58):
I don't use it. I just naturally don't use it
as much. I haven't overdone it, but I I have
witnesses watching me eat golf ball sized uh with sabbie ball.

Speaker 12 (34:11):
Yeah, my wife, My wife succeed need to make a
hot sauce from crash and she tries to accuse me
of killing trying to kill her with my hot sauce.
I use it for a guinea pig.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
There you go, buddy, all right, thanks to the golf
two six fifteen eighty toll free eight eight eight four
four one fifteen.

Speaker 8 (34:29):
How people do it? I had dirty rice with my
salmon last night, and that was messing me up.

Speaker 1 (34:36):
Well, you know, I don't like I don't like the hottest,
the hottest, the hottest. It's got to have some flavor
to it, you know.

Speaker 8 (34:41):
I just don't eat it because he's hot. Yeah, So
otherwise that's why.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
That's why I like sarachi. I actually the uh the
siracha brand, I forget the brand name of it. But
they also make like a hot chili paste.

Speaker 8 (34:55):

Speaker 1 (34:55):
It's a little you know, you can put that in stuff. Yeah,
but that just tastes good just spreading it off and stuff. Oh,
very good, very because it's got a lot of you know. Yeah.

Speaker 8 (35:05):
And if you don't have a tolerance to the hot sauce,
you may sound like the people in Scott Francisca.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
That's what they make ketchup for for people who can't
handle hots on.

Speaker 8 (35:14):
Yeah, I enjoy ketchup.

Speaker 1 (35:16):
There's nothing wrong with nothing wrong with Ketchup, but I
love I love the ketchup too.

Speaker 8 (35:20):
Like the ranch.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Uh, I'm kind of over the ranch. Everybody's into the
ranch now, No, but I've been over the ranch for
a long time. I see. I grew up, like I said,
my mom. My mom and my stepdad were both managers
of Safeway stores, so we got all kinds of I
test drove all kinds of dressings when I was a kid.

Thousand Island roche for rope for the blue cheese. I
love the blue cheese.

Speaker 8 (35:46):
Not a fan of the blue.

Speaker 1 (35:46):
You don't like the blue ches like the blue cheese,
and I don't like the balsamic either.

Speaker 8 (35:50):
You don't like the balls. But if if you don't
have a tolerance to hot sauce, then you may sound
like the people in Scott Francisco who gathered in a
little group to protest the homeless people defecating on.

Speaker 1 (36:06):
The sto' it's not worthy of actually downloading and recording.
Just play it off, they gathered. There's no cussing in there.

Speaker 8 (36:14):
No, it's just a stream. They gathered to scream and
frustration over President Trump's inauguration. Let's see, they counted down
five four, three, two one.

Speaker 10 (36:35):
I mean, have you other than it's nothing you lose,
you lose, Yes, but really, when you really want that,
you would, really that you would, really we're all going
to gather up a Hoye tower and when we're gonna
scream together at the same time and just release the energy.

Speaker 1 (36:59):
Good God, Really, what kind of.

Speaker 8 (37:01):
A And from the first inauguration when you when you
thought it couldn't get any better than the one just
going you have a whole group of them.

Speaker 1 (37:11):
Well we're gonna have it. We're gonna have a whole
other group of screamers here pretty soon.

Speaker 8 (37:16):
Oh, breaking news.

Speaker 1 (37:20):
Story is an hour old. You might already heard it,
but probably not if you've been listening to us to chumps.

Speaker 14 (37:25):

Speaker 1 (37:25):
President Trump has signed a memorandum placing all federal.

Speaker 13 (37:29):
Diversitae Equite Inclusivity and Accessibility.

Speaker 1 (37:38):
Employees on administrative leave pending the termination of these programs
under Trump's ending radical and wasteful government DEI programs and
preferencing and the initial recessions of harmful executive orders and
actions Executive Order. Very good, there you go.

Speaker 8 (37:56):
Yes, So.

Speaker 1 (38:00):
Forty actions that Trump assigned thus far aimed at restoring
national sovereignty, economic Prosperity, public Safety, and Racial Equality, which
Trump signed immediately after taking is thoth. Tuesday, DEI Coastguard
Commandant Admiral Linda Lee Fagin was fired by the Acting

Secretary of Homeland Security, Benjamin Huffman due to several operational
failures under her watch, along with rampant political correctness.

Speaker 8 (38:30):
What about the.

Speaker 1 (38:33):
Air Force commandant who I believe is currently the head
of the Joint Chiefs. He's got to go, baby, you
got to go.

Speaker 19 (38:41):
Yes, But a female bishop prayed for Trump to have
mercy on the gay, lesbian, transgender children and immigrants who
picked Yeah.

Speaker 1 (38:53):
Yeah, don't worry. We're going to stop the butchering here
real quick, here exactly, sugar booger idiot. Yes, no, wonder,
No one's going to church anymore.

Speaker 8 (39:04):
Yeah, somebody said not to be the guy said, guys,
I'm starting to think that some people didn't get the
memo about the reason Trump won.

Speaker 1 (39:11):
Exactly and really, good God, not the place, Maryanne, bud buddy,
I know. And have you seen her seen the picture?

Speaker 3 (39:23):

Speaker 8 (39:23):
Yeah, and not Kay.

Speaker 1 (39:27):
In fact, married with two kids. I want to see
a picture of her husband. We need to see those.

Speaker 8 (39:34):

Speaker 1 (39:35):
Anyway, the transgender guy. Yes, no, no, forget it anyway.
Uh so that's good d I and I would imagine
there's a good portion. And losing her mind too, by
the way, Well, what's new. She lost her mind before
she even got elected. She's been gone for quite some time.

Uh fifty six. Okay, let's see what have we got here. Uh,
here's one for you. Here's one for you if in
New year's resolution to get back on the dating scene.
Here's an interesting hypothetical for you. Someone posed this question
to straight men online. If you walked into a room
with one thousand single women around your age, how many

of them do you think would be attracted to you? Yeah,
did not have high hopes exactly, and said between one

and twenty five. Yeah, I'd guess, yeah, one to twenty five.

Speaker 8 (40:52):
Well, what's the joke? A guy would would talk to
a couch for an hour and a half if the
couch initiated conversation.

Speaker 1 (41:02):
Twenty four percent said it's a little higher, between twenty
six and seventy four out of a thousand. Little confident, Yeah,
a little.

Speaker 8 (41:08):
Confident out of a thousand, that's confident.

Speaker 1 (41:13):
There the ten percent of these arrogant bastards said seventy
five to ninety nine.

Speaker 4 (41:19):

Speaker 1 (41:20):
Fifteen percent said they'd turn heads one hundred to two
hundred out of a thousand. Wow. Good for that, very
full of themselves. Yes, is that Lenny Kravitz, Yeah, fourteen
per he would. I would imagine because he's like, like,
damn near my age, he's in his fifty Really. Yeah.

Fourteen percent said they'd be fawned over with more than
two hundred of the thousand women being attracted them, which
is more than twenty percent.

Speaker 8 (41:49):
Which is surprisingly because the men who said that are gay.

Speaker 1 (41:53):
They'd love me, they would fund me. Look at the
THLK so then they're Yeah. In the comments, one person said,
if I walked in right now is zero. But if
I had a chance to shave and dress up a
little five, I'd be happy with that. Someone else said,

can I talk to them for a few hours or
is this like a first sight based on appearances only stuff?

Speaker 8 (42:20):
Yeah, I'm a good personally, gotta get to know me.

Speaker 3 (42:23):
You get to know me.

Speaker 1 (42:25):
And then there were several men who lacked any confidence
at all and commented on the fact that there was
a zero There wasn't a zero option.

Speaker 12 (42:34):

Speaker 1 (42:34):
One man said, for better or worse. Women are a
lot more pickier than men. If I walked around a
college campus, I would find at least half the girls
attractive enough to date. If you asked women the percentage
of college boys they found attractive, most of them would
say less than ten percent.

Speaker 8 (42:49):
They did a survey on like one of the swiping apps.
They said men swipe on ninety percent of women. Women's
swipe on ten percent of the men.

Speaker 1 (42:57):
Fake news radio update on the way, We'll be back
mm hmmmm. W CCF hunta Gordon, Sharna County's only news
talk radio station, serving you around the clock.
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