Episode Transcript
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Unknown (00:01):
Good evening. My name
is Steve Marvel, this is crucial
survival. And today I'm going totalk to you about the podcast
that's coming back.
I've been running a series oflive sessions on Facebook.
And they were supposed tooriginally be repurposed to come
to come to the podcast. And lifegot in the way and the media
guy, he didn't have the time.
And I didn't give him the time,you know, all the things that
are realistically my fault. ButI'm going to rekindle the
podcast and ultimately, take thebest of the live videos, and put
them into the podcast, so youcan listen to them on the train,
or wherever you're listening tothis from. So what I need to for
you to do for me is to go toFacebook, slash well
facebook.com slash crucialsurvival, find the lives videos,
have a pile through them. And ifany of them
you fancy any of them goingstraight into the podcast, the
let me know by commenting onthat video, and I will put that
episode on the podcast. Andthank you very much for doing
so. I will thencontinue to put the episodes on
the podcast, and everything willbe great. And we will going
forwards with video and audio atthe same time. So
dear listeners, pop tofacebook.com slash crucial
survival. Find yourself the livevideos that you fancy comment on
them and say this belongs in thepodcast. And I will see you
know, this is mean I'm so usedto doing videos. I will
speak at you. Anyway, we'll gettogether on the next one.
Until then, good night.