Episode Transcript
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Oh my god, chocol Heart ifyou don't have its downloaded now playlist,
I oh yeah, then Poco Poco. Thank you so much for being with
I hear radio chocol the radio showthat the Roomba Boston. No. I
like the swag. I like that, I like the confidence, the sid
I've been checking you out, notchecking you out, seeds, I've been
I've been paping what you're doing.Look at the Haciendo and then the two
calos, not the tank lime backa track, serious, Okay, I'm
gonna speak my piece. New Yorkno, no, no turns two different
things. Why Paul k okay,Paul K different? Why is different?
They just move different? Okay differentin New York independent No, no,
I don't like to not in NewYork. Do you think they move into
slow now a little bit? Yeah, are moving a little better. I
see. That's like I can't evensay no, like that's one hundred percent.
You can't ask anybody in this roomright now. The reason why I
ask you this, tally Okay,sometimes if the if the they are stepping
in a different direction than men,and that's another period and yes and music
like and like every handdo I meanwhere that is, I'm serious, Quinn
Parker Bell Ali Bell, I won'tsee no momento then break and then the
immortar for you guys to have abigger and better platform. Okay, okay,
so that's where I want to goto. Okay, break that down
to me again. Momentum our meansI'm sorry. I'm sorry. You got
to break that down a little bit. What do you? What do you?
What? Can I understand that it'sa factory as far as that's concerned,
you ladies taking over. Oh,we gotta be comfort because they're gonna
all try to bring us down asfemales. We just gotta wrap ten times
harder. We can't just wrap regularwrap. We gotta rap. You're gonna
go to the sixteen. Ok Ijust let her rip. No way.
I don't want no beat. Ijust want to want to roll doggy and
let's go. Okay. Oh yeah, uh la, when I'm done getting
busy, teppedo and me, Isee you looking what you're looking ass You
ain't bad, You're just looking bad. I ain't the one to really come
for I guess you bitches ain't goodat math. I guess your bitches ain't
getting money. I guess you bitchesdon't get the bag. I gott shoot
this down, do it funny Joesothing, they don't need a mask.
And when I got La Bom insocial media, I didn't really feed too
much into it because I said,to the universe, you helped me,
right, so you can a daylater. Maybe I gotta be careful when
I send things to the universe becausethey just be coming right back and I'd
be like, yeah, I wasn'tready for that, but it's here,
so like I'm serious, I kidyou, not forty eight hours later and
don't know what the heck is goingon? Who got pop? That's usually
why who got Pop? I can'tlet I in those what happened? No,
you're doing piece so that's why yourqueen Parker ron Pio No, OK,
yeah, that's it. The restlike that's irrelevant, respectfully, the
irrelevant, super irrelevant, like theirrelevant, the super I the k opening.
This is the first badge the damnassfor the New York were semi local.
Say they'll date stock and those sayssignifica et significant et significa. You
just got three questions on one.Okay, part of me I wanted like
for the woman to be taken seriousand they hating do they hate a lot
of those? No? No,well not everybody got the same type of
mentality. Well, I also gota web that will stab the shit out
of me anyone. I'm glad itis after the milk got so I'm always
shaped, said nothing. Most thenboth say they oh too, say that
lost a little trap. How doyou feel breaking that ice? Can?
It feels really good? Look atyou like cheing right now? Is that
the red is the red? Isthat what it is? Makes me feel
a little spicy better, you know, incompetence about your and everybody take it
serious and that's just work music,work music. That's no joking around,
no clown ship. I heard somewherethat you actually not even Dominican. You
actually put them in say bodied byyour own pap. So it's a double
warming with you, pork. Itis the Cana. The New York City
is here too, And I tellyeah, yeah, haven't has anybody ever
come across and tell you the medo not allow me the flow. They
tried it, but not really becausethey know, like so it is what
it is, look ice, spice, but you know, I don't see
it Okay, I don't know.I think it probably is rably this mile
or whatever. Probably no land.They came in. They call me firecratch
Daddy. Yo. Just listen toI hear radio app make sure you download
it. But I say, ifthey want miss my home song d A
single, wish way and Spanglish andtrapped and you're gonna see in New York
like them, she's talking about me, like, what's up do you talk
about? What are you talking abouton this record? You see me,
Papa, Yeah, yam indictment thatinternational Colombia, Miami, Colombia. Let
me see you know, yo,I really truly want to thank you for
being with us radio. I knowthis is your getting started and I'm gonna
be honest with you now. Wedon't want to take that, okay and
really take it to the next level. I'm not gonna name names, but
the big names know what I'm saying. They don't they don't talk about me,
but they know about me. Weknow about you. Thank you,
Thank you so much. You're gonnabe so big. You are a quin
appreciated in Puerto Rico. Lunn mySlow, t n K N Leach,
the women in p r No Sallyin Colombia. We see all these women.
It is crazy. I was withMaya the Dawn the other day and
it is crazy. Letter Rip,just be mentally strong, be confident,
and don't fall from these fu niggas. That's it you mean, you mean
what you mean? Don't fall like, don't you grab. Just just hug
solf, drunky like, shake hands, smile, keeper cute and just work.
All right, That's what I'm talkingabout. Match Jessy Fire fire