Episode Transcript
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Unknown (00:00):
On today's episode of
investing in the American Dream
podcast we have featured guestSonia Clark. Sonia is FPPS
Regional Director based out ofJohannesburg, South Africa,
whose focus is on US immigrationthrough the EB five visa
program. Sonia has been herevisiting the United States and
more specifically to meet with IUSA President Bob Kraft and the
members, the first pathwaypartners. She's also been
touring many of the EB fiveproject sites here in Milwaukee,
including the current projecttemple by Hilton, which is in
the lucky near the Pfizer forum,the NBAs Bucks arena. Let's get
into it.
So joining me live in the studiois Sonia Clark and Shivani.
Birmingham. Welcome.
Thank you, Jessica. And so niceto be here with you in person in
Milwaukee. And so nice to meetVaughn. What an absolute
pleasure, most beautiful,glorious offices in Milwaukee,
you know, the first pathwayofficers get up to meet
investors. And obviously, all ofus, representing football
players all across the globe andthe world are so
happy to have you here. And wehave Shivani as well.
Thank you guys for having me.
So Sonia, you've been able tocome visit the office here and
visit some of the project sitesand kind of tour downtown
Milwaukee. Can you tell us alittle bit about some of the
sites you visited and projectsand maybe specifically, you
know, I know you mentioned theBMO Harris office tower.
Okay. Yes, of course. So,Jennifer Sharon, that senior
vice president, we took theafternoon to go for a drive in
conversation with Mr. Kraft. Youknow, I mentioned how different
Milwaukee is from my last visit.
I actually stayed in Milwaukee23 years ago. And compared to
what it is today, it reminds mevery much of what Chicago was
back then. The streets arebeautifully clean, the
architecture is magnificent.
You've got all the historicalarchitecture with all the modern
architecture. When we reachedthe BMR, the Bank of Montreal,
it was spectacular. You know, atypical high rise, strict
security, marble floors marbleup the wall, you know, state of
the art finishes, you know,you've got so much space, you
know where you can conduct yourbusinesses, we've also got
terraces, you've got the massiveparking areas. You know, just
just how, you know thetechnology that they've
implemented into this buildingwas absolutely first world first
Yeah, it was very thoughtfully,well designed and planned. And
that kind of goes along with allof these projects that you know,
FPP chooses for the EB fiveinvestors, you really can tell,
you know, it's all the lateststate of the art technology, a
lot of those high end designfeatures. So it's really great
to be able to, you know, showthose projects, you know, to our
to you and you know, to ourinvestors. I'm glad you got to
do that.
Sonia, I know that you arestaying at one of our EB five
projects, which is the Kimptonjourneymen Hotel, which is
actually located across thestreet from our headquarters
here in Milwaukee and how haveyou found the hotel? What do you
think of it? And also, what doyou think of the overall maki
vibe that you've found duringyour trip your
way to start, you know, theKimpton hotel, very well
positioned, you know, foranybody that doesn't know me
walk in, has never actually beenin this particular Ward, it's in
ward three. And there's plentyto see, as you step up the hotel
you you can either go left orright if you're going to go
either way, the one side willtake you down to the river where
you can actually go for walksand the opposite side you've
actually got the leg in betweenyou've got the most amazing
little shops, you know, you'vegot restaurants, it's very much
international so you can hearfrom sushi to Italian. That type
of thing. Going back to thejourneymen to the Kimpton hotel.
It is the staff are so friendly,it is so clean, the rooms are
spacious, it's got everythingyou need. Even the products
inside the rooms are absolutelyamazing which just makes your
stay so much you know morecomfortable and that you don't
want to leave. Inside the hotel.
You've got two fireplaces. Sowhat we've been experiencing
this week Celsius wise, you knowit's very cold in the winter.
Yeah, any anything from minussix to What we had this morning
to minus 15 degrees. So theminute you step into the hotel,
it is warm, you know, you reallyfeel at home, I think from in
terms of, you know, theinfrastructure and the structure
of the building. It is, youknow, on par with with the top
hotels globally.
You know, Sonia, you mentionedvisiting the different project
sites. And I know actually oneof them is the temple by Hilton
project. And that site issituated right near the NBAs box
basketball arena. And that wholearea is such a huge tourist
attraction, you know, so thataccommodation to have a hotel,
there really is such a need forthis project, and especially to
with the Wisconsin conventioncenter expansion, it's just such
a high traffic, high profilelocation, I'd say it's, you
know, it's perfect for hotel.
Absolutely, you know, justdriving up to the Bank Stadium
last night, where we actuallywatched the Milwaukee Bucks play
what Nick's experience next tonone, you know, just just
leaving the stadium, one cansee, you know, that you need to
be in walking distance to a lotof the facilities and amenities
that the city has got to offer.
So, right next to the temposite, you've got the
conventional building, whichJessica just mentioned, and it's
really so cheap, strategicallyplaced. Whereas, you know,
you've got the stadium rightacross the hotel, you're on the
river, where you can actuallyhire boats. They also have like,
political concerts right acrossthe road as well.
Yes, a big entertainmentdistrict over there. Yeah. 100%.
And, and, you know, for thosetourists that want to come and
experience the nightlife, youknow, there's rows and rows and
rows of bars, and really nice,friendly dining places and
things like that. So and there'sno hotel in that vicinity. So
definitely a hotel is neededthere.
Yeah, I would say that theevents that are coming into
Milwaukee and how well the Buckshave done in the past year, it
just goes to show how manypeople want to come to Milwaukee
and how there's definitely aneed for space, and a need for
more jobs where a project thatwe have here from FTP is so
useful. And I want to ask you,Sonia, how, on your first visit
here into the office meeting ourCEO, Bob Kraft, how did you
initially like receive? And whatwere your first impressions here
inthe office? Mr. Croft, being an
icon in the industry is one ofthe most magnificent people
you'll meet. He's warm, he'sfriendly, is knowledgeable, you
know, he's caring, he's verydeep, caring person cares about
everybody in the office. Andmost importantly, he cares about
our investors. Ithink definitely Mr. Kraft
communicates openly with hisinvestors throughout the whole
process. And that's definitelyan important trait you want to
have for with someone in thisprocess.
And it's, it's so nice to have aresource like Bob, who's also so
highly involved with IR USA, andwhat's going on with EB five.
And the fact that he reallycares about the integrity of the
program. And, you know, notjust, you know, for the program
itself, but for the investorsand making sure that they
understand how the program worksand the benefits and obviously
choosing projects that reallywill benefit, you know, our
investors and making sure thatit meets the criteria that they
need in order to have thisprocess work for them
100% It's just testament to whatwe do and what our goal is to
ultimately handhold everybody sothat they can have a smooth
journey to the United States.
What are some things you know,that you've noticed, that are
major benefits of someone who'slooking to immigrate from South
Africa to the United States? Youknow, I've I know you've talked
to us sometimes about havingsome issues with electricity. So
what are some other factors thatare, you know, really persuading
others to look at these optionssuch as the the EB five
investment program?
Okay, so first and foremost,what comes to mind is executive
vice president, he's, he's gotfive children, his children walk
to school. I mean, that issomething we would never do, you
know, back in South Africa.
Secondly, a lot of people havespent a lot of money going off
the grid, you know, investinginto solar into inverters. You
know, really trying to get ontoprepaid water, all the things
that shouldn't actually behappening with a country like we
have in South Africa, me we usedto be a really, really well run
services that work butunfortunately, the breakdown,
you know, of our servicedelivery in our country has led
to a lot of violence, riots,protests, interruptions in
water, you know, you cannotcontinue Running a business and
manufacturing business with noelectricity, rain, you know, as
is in our households, we can putup solar, we can have the
inverters, we can do whatever wecan to get ourselves to a point
where we don't have theseinterruptions so that we can
actually continue our businessday and we can work from home
and still thrive in our SouthAfrican economy. But, you know,
the Outlook doesn't look verygood for us, the Center for Risk
Control, you know, they've gotbriefings that they put out,
every now and then. And, youknow, with our parliament
building that burned down, wehad no insurance, that is a
major worry. I mean, the firedoors weren't even closed. I
mean, we can go into that wholedebacle. But, you know, basic
security, I mean, who, who, wholets, you know, the center vada
mock democracy go up in flames?
So, yes, from a safety securitypoint of view. It's just lovely
from the minute you, you enterthe United States, you have an
immense sense of freedom. And,yeah, I think it's not just the
freedom, it's the security thatgoes with it. And it is the
freedom of choices that you'vegot, you know, not just choices
in your everyday life, but youcan afford cars, you can afford
houses, you can afford schools,you know, healthcare, all these
things. So the quality of yourlife most certainly, you know,
coming from South Africa, whichwas considered a first world
country to the United States istruly a first world country. You
know, that's what we're allstriving for. We want a better
quality of life, and we want abetter future for our children.
And most certainly, you know,I'm proud to say that my son is
graduating from the militarytomorrow, and he's got a
thriving future and career aheadof him. It's wonderful.
Well, Sonia, we reallyappreciate you taking the time
to sit down with us today todiscuss your experiences here in
Milwaukee and enthusiasm for ourcommunity.
Thank you so much. Thanks,Jessica. And Siobhan is always a
pleasure of course.
Thank you, Sonia, for sharinghow you found everyone here in
the FPP office, especially ourCEO Bob Kraft. I found
everything you've shared with ustoday super insightful, and
thank you for joining us.
If you would like to know moreabout first pathway partners,
and how they can help you with adirect EB five investment or if
you're looking for other visaopportunities such as an E two
visa, please contact themdirectly online at www dot first