Join @KnockinDoorzDown host Jason LaChance and 3 fellow addiction recovery experts, Arlina Allen, Steven Washington, and Matt Gardiner as they converse about tips and strategies you must know to get and maintain sobriety during the holidays.
Jason is joined by Arlina Alina, author of The 12-Step Guide For Skeptics: Clearing Up Common Misconceptions of a Path To Sobriety, a Certified Life & Sobriety Coach, The Founder of Sober Life School, and Host of The One Day At A Time Recovery Podcast”.
Steven Washington is the author of Soul Care and Mindful Movement for Overcoming Addiction which guides readers through fear, shame, and regret and into community and gratitude.
Matt Gardiner is the mastermind of the Recovery Roadmap and is a Recovery Coach, Level 2 Enlifted Life & Performance Coach, and has certifications in Breathwork & Sound Therapy with over 30,000 hours in coaching & mentoring.
Jason, Arlina, Steve and Matt discuss the following and more.
Intro 00:00
What can YOU learn from the panel's experiences during the holidays early in their recovery? 00:33
Why is the connection with others VITAL to one's recovery? 10:08
Why is working a 12-step program a worthy endeavor to anyone in reccovery? 12:35
Why should a 12-step program be just a part of one's recovery and what additional growth opportunities are available? 14:49
What are some tips for socializing during the holidays when you're working to maintain sobriety? 18:25
What are some ways to create boundaries with family members? 34:58
How can we continue to grow our ability to discern situations and scenarios for prosperity? 50:19
The panel leaves key takeaways on maintaining sobriety during the holidays. 58:20
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