Launch Into Freedom •

#23 How Your Message Will Turn Followers Into Lifelong Clients with Kristin Thomas - Launch Into Freedom

Launch Into Freedom

You know those moments when you have to read something twice because you can't believe it the first time? That’s how I felt when Kristin Thomas reached out to be on the show! Kristin is the founder of the Health & Wellness Business School, natural health specialist, copywriter, storyteller and someone I’ve been following for a very long time. Starting out in the marketing world, she ended up reversing a severe autoimmune condition and took her healing and marketing experience to grow her own functional health coaching business! Today, she’s working exclusively with passionate health and wellness professionals helping them build the business of their dreams. In this episode of the Launch Into Freedom podcast, we talk about… - Why alternative health & wellness experts are now more needed in the world than ever before - How to get started to share your own message - How to stand out on social media and have your message heard - How health & wellness experts stay compliant on social media - Where health & wellness experts can go to take their business to the next level Links & Resources mentioned in this episode: - Find out more about the Health & Wellness Business School: - Follow Kristin on Facebook: - Follow Kristin on Instagram:
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#23 How Your Message Will Turn Followers Into Lifelong Clients with Kristin Thomas - Launch Into Freedom