Joining me this week from “The Land Down Under” on Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald is Clinical Psychologist, DR. ANDREW FULLER!! Excited and grateful to discover more about his concept, The Resilient Mindset, and the ways in which this has particularly benefited the more than 500,000 young people he has worked with, and the 3500 schools he has spoken to and intervened with. A NOT-TO-BE-MISSED SHOW on my C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network Host Page! As a clinical psychologist, Andrew Fuller started working in psychiatric crisis teams with people who were at their last hopes and that inspired him to create with people futures they can fall in love with. His work with over 3,500 schools and with more than 500,000 young people has identified the concept of The Resilient Mindset and also the three main components of resilience- connect, protect and respect (CPR). Andrew is an Honorary Fellow at the University of Melbourne and has been a scientific consultant for the ABC. He is an ambassador for Adolescent Success, the Lion’s Club Alcohol and Drug Awareness Foundation and Mind Matters. He has also been a principal consultant to the Dept. Education Bully Stoppers initiative and the national drug prevention strategy REDI, and is a regular presenter on Radio National. Andrew’s research on neuro-developmental differentiation takes the research on resilience and positive education back into the classroom where it can make the most difference. He is the author of TRICKY BEHAVIORS and YOUR BEST LIFE AT ANY AGE. You can find him online at
Uplifting you to fear less and to live more!
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