Episode Transcript
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Welcome to No Office, a podcast about work, technology and life from a remote company perspective. In Nozbe, we believe that work is not a place to go. It is a thing that you do. That is why since 2007 we run our company 100% remotely in Nozbe. There is no Office. The no Office podcast is consorted by Nozbe Teams, a todo app that helps modern teams do great things. Go to nozbe.com to learn more.
Don't cramp people zoom fluorescentlighted office all day long.
You know you probably aregoing to work from home.
Hello and welcome to episode number 31 ofNo Office, a podcast about work,
technology and lifefrom a remote company perspective.
My name is Rafal Sobolewski, and asalways, I'm joined by my good friend and
CEO of our No Office company,Nozbe Michael Sliwinski.
Hello, Michael, how are you today?Good.
Good, good.I'm really, really good because this is my
last day of work becausetomorrow I have free.
You have a short break.Yes.
Yes, I'm going on a date with my wife.
So that's great.
Well, that's fancy.Well, you have three kids.
You really appreciate that you can go on a
date with with your wife, without kids,you know, for for a couple of days.
So this is what we're going to do.
So let's jump into our typical segmentand let's talk about what we have been up
to us and see because Novemberwas very intense for us.
We had the Black Friday promo.Oh .
And , we had a lot of meetings.
On Cyber Monday, we actually recorded two
product vlogs, one inPolish, one in English.
And we, , we we showed how to useNozbe Teams with multiple teams, how you
can purchase Nozbe premiumfor your team of one.
, even our team of two.
And we saw some new features like filters..
And there are more features,but we are working on quality.
Actually, I see on our Slack that we have
notification from Radekis working on native Mac app.
Yes.And Windows as well.
Don't worry..
So , there are more exciting stuff to comein Nozbe Teams and hopefully we will have
more to share even in Decemberin another product.
So make sure to check out ourNozbe dot com slash blog.
Website It's always likethe newest episode.
Yes.Yes, yes.
I'm really happy thatwe managed to do one.
And you knowthis this whole fact of of us introducing,
you know, the the multi multiple teamsand also introducing more plans.
So there is a plan for a team of one.
So if you just want to use Nozbe Teams on
your own, you can just get a teamof one and use it on your own.
The thing is that just today, when I was
reviewing their promo,we figured if we saw
a case of the person who bought the teamof one
with the promo so far with additionalteams free as of the Black Friday offer,
and already today they havethree people on the team.
So he used already this system that whichwhich I think I would like to say it's
brilliant because we figured itout, but I think it is brilliant.
, because you shaped it up.
Yes, because
this system that when you start with ateam of one and you pay for a year
and you want to add additional person toyour team, you'll have to pay anything.
You just change to the two people and then
we automatically calculate your, you know,your next renewal to be just earlier
because we just like use thetime that you bought anyway.
And and he used it like twice because, you
know, he he also got thethird person on board.
So and and I think this is what I really
like about Nozbe Teams thatwe make upgrades and downgrades so easy.
Like you don't have to, you know, go
through finance, you don't have to payanother bill, another invoice, whatever.
You just change the plan and it
automatically adjusts thethe next renewal time.
So actuallywith doing this tweak, you can buy not
only and Nozbe premium fora month or for a year.
You can actually calculate to buy.
Buy it for 3 monthsor 4 months or seven months.
Yes, exactly.Exactly.
So just by, you know, by
manipulating how many people youhave on your team, basically.
But but this is what I like about ourapproach is that
we want people to start very small, evensolopreneurs, team of one, whatever, and
then gradually keep addingpeople to their team.
, actually, I think that'sthat's even better.
Even easier to introduce to a team once
like two or three people already know thetool and how it works, and then you later
invite more people and help them toonboard because like you know,
every tool for four teams is like, we tryto make it as easy as possible, but there
will always be things that need to beexplained to to some, some team members.
But there's always
something that they always say to ourcustomers is that they should start small.
Just put one project, one major projectthat you working on and the people who are
going to work on thisproject in your Nozbe Teams.
And that's it.
Everything else do thesame way you are doing.
But just this one project do it in NozbeTeams with this small group of people.
And when you get the hang of it, you will
want to add, you know,more projects to it.
But also, this will create engagementbecause people know, I mean, they will
know that to access informationabout this particular project.
They will have to use Nozbe Teams.
There is no other way toget to that information.
There is no email.There is no, you know, Jira or Slack,
asana or whatever you are usingbefore because it's in Nozbe Teams.
So you start with Nozbe Teams with this
small group of people in my projectand then it goes from there.
Let's move on.
As I said, November was very intense,and I really, I'm glad to.
You have a break with your with yourwife for a day to a couple of days.
Me too.
I took somecouple of days free in December and I
can't wait to take these days because,the last month was really, really intense.
We had a lot of meetings
and I additionally hadtraining on macOS Monterray.
And it was on Saturday andit was virtual and it was.
I felt that for thewhole day the next day.
And wow, what kind of training was that?Who, who?
Who did it for you?
Do you know this podcast, MacGadka?
Yes, of course.
I'm like a premium subscriber of this.
And with this subscription, I have likeone one training for free in the year.
OK, .
So I decided I want to have it trainingonce, then macOS ships
and I planned it for for November,but I forgot about that.
That's actually need
that week before Black Friday, and wewill have his always a very intense time.
Yes.So I didn't plan it.
Well, that's my mistake.
But , that's really ruinedmy my, my weekly schedule.
Yes, I'm sure that I would.
But that's the thing, you know, wemake also, I think just today, I had so
many meetings as well, andit's like when you have too many meetings,
we get really very quickly drained out andwe just, you know, it's like meetings are
something that you knowthat you want to do.
Well, you you wants to beprepared for a meeting.
So it's also the time before the meetingand not about just because you are anxious
or afraid, but also because you reallywant to, you know, do well, you want to be
ready for it and then youhave to be on the meeting.
And the good thing is that in our company,we have the set ups pretty well done.
So there is no Hey, can you hear me?
Do you see my camera?
We don't have that, but it's still like,
you know, we are there and youknow, it's it's it's it's intense.
And I think also the style of our meetings
is like, we like we like to fight andwe like to really discuss things.
This training I had from MacGadka guysand our meetings, like I like all of them
thought to be and to to tofigure out stuff about.
But really, after such a meeting after
even though I I felt it wasa very productive meeting.
I feel exhausted after like havingthree of them on Monday, for example.
, yes, all the whole training.
On Saturday, it took like 10 hours of
being online, constantlyin front of camera.
Like, Well, , that's that's really not notgood for for, for, for my brain, I think.
And actually recently on on Tuesday, wehad the retrospection on our design fight.
Yes, so about that, our design fightmeeting is our proudest meeting.
I'm really proud of this meeting.
Our favorite, our favorite, this is our
think, the best thing we haveever invented for our team.
I describe it in my book at No Office.
Com Slash meetings.
So it's in the wholechapter about meetings.
I talk about our design fight meeting.
The cool thing about it is thatit's like this brain trust.
So we we are like, you know, around the
roundtable and we decide on designingnew features for Nozbe and.
None of us has the, you know, has the mostpower like we have to convince each other,
we have to fight each other and we have toask inconvenient questions and ask, you
know, maybe stupid questions, you know,ask and talk about, you know, edge cases.
So it's it's a very intense discussion
because we don't want to shipcrappy features for our users.
We don't want to ship features that will
just break or what's what's what'sfor me personally the most important.
We don't want to ship featuresthat create bad habits,
something that it might be a good idea,but this will create a bad habit that
people will start doing this instead ofwhat they should be really doing right.
And I really appreciate that we we got on
on this meeting or inthis design fight group.
We we really give each other very negativefeedback on the things we see shaping up.
That's really good because if you don'tget negative feedback, that means that
either your co-workers are not so goodat this or you are another or you are just
at the top level and there isno way to to develop yourself.
Nobody's that good.
But if not even me.
So the thing is that wereally criticize each other.
I mean each other, each other's work.
There is this saying when you are an
author, like when you areanyway, when you're creator, you should
kill your darlings, kill yourdarlings, like you should edit.
You should really, you know,look critically at your stuff.
But it's hard because these are your
darlings, but on theDesign Fight meetings.
No problem.People are killing our darlings.
And I remember likeseveral times when I shaped up like a very
cool feature, and I was so excited aboutit, only to be just completely like
destroyed on the meeting and like myfeature went to trash immediately.
And something I was really excited about.
I just went nowhere.
But it's OK.
Like I tried.
I explored an idea.
And then it's, you know, ithelps me also change my mind.
Be flexible and adaptiveto be changing my mind.
Because I think this is the worst part
about our society is that very people,many people are stubborn.
They don't change their minds.
They don't want to improve.
Or, you know, look on the other side.
They just are stuck with their whatthey believe or what they think.
And that's it.
And we should, you know, we should reallyfight for what we what we believe in.
But when we getproof from the other side that it's it's a
different situation and that there isthere are new facts and our situation has
changed too, we should be able to change,you know, the way we think.
Exactly.And many times it can be done.
I think honestly, we actually don'tneed this meeting like that much.
, I mean, again, talkingabout designing features.
So one of the things that's how we
designed Nozbe Teams is thatthe comments should encourage a longer
discussion, a longer comment,not just yes or OK, right?
It should be like a longer thing, OK?
There are good gestures.
Like, Yes, no, but the most important
thing is that we want toencourage longer discussions.
And because of that, we NozbeTeams promotes asynchronous work.
And that's why we realized that thedesign fight meeting as great as it is.
And you know, it is really good.
Well, I want to just explore ita bit more why it's so good.
But it's we've done it very well, but
we can move one stepfurther and we can make going from.
It's a regular meeting because I alwayssay in my book, I say that meeting should
be regular, optional and optionaland optional, and we're prepared.
And the thing is
that we decided that optional shouldbe the default for this meeting.
So the default is we don't have to meet.
There is no meeting on Tuesday at 2pm.
Actually, I think thatoptional was default.
Like, we always
agreed that OK, if we have topics todiscuss, then there is a meeting.
.And now we change it to make it OK.
The default is no meeting unless the day
before the meetingMonday 4pm, we decided that we need.
We need a meeting because there aretopics, but that cannot move forward.
And , because I noticed that often Ihesitated to give Asynchronus feedback.
When it's this feedback is complicatedand maybe it's harder to do, right?
That's right.
Write down this this more complex feedback
to some idea, and I sometimeswaited for the meeting to show it.
And that's not good because if I have afeedback, I should share it like
immediately and and learn how to how toexpress myself on in the written forum.
Because that's that's most productive
and on only when we cannot really get tothe final conclusions, I think honestly.
And then we will do that meeting.
Yes, because you know, the meeting isbasically for the nuance is to really
talk things through if you cannotget it right in the written form.
And and that's that'swhere we should be headed.
And our comments, as youmentioned, should be better.
So we should basically get better, eveneven as the masters of asynchronous work
should get even better and asynchronouswork at asynchronous comments.
Async is default, like meetingis really only when it's needed.
Yes.And you know, like we are humans, like we
like to, you know, hang out tobe together and all that stuff.
That's why we also decided that we will
have the meeting when it's necessaryor once a month, whichever comes first.
So this way, we make sure that to the
group of design fighters and is stillcoherent, that the group is still there.
We know that we are part of the group andwe have this one moment in months at least
to get motivated to, you know, give eachother, you know, push each other for
better comments, for betterfeedback, for better conversation.
Yes, because right on those meetings, we
sometimes see that our third toolto brainstorm some idea.
, but we always do it.
OK, that's interesting point.
Let's let's brainstormthis, but for 15 minutes.
Mm hmm..
And after 15 minutes, OK,if we decide there is something
interesting that we create a task to beshaped up by someone and someone, someone
from the team will explore the topic moreand prepare to put shape up,
which in the future will be bydefault discussed asynchronous.
One thing that I really liked about our
design fight meeting was thatit was really well-prepared.
So they really were prepared, just like
what I mentioned in my in my book, in mychapter on meetings that
sometimes were late, of course, with,you know, with documentation and stuff.
Sometimes it was really last minute.
But still, we always, like all of us,
really read the documentation, thecomments, everything before the meeting.
So the meeting was always afterwe've read stuff, which is great.
So like, so you read it firstand then you will discuss and.
But now, as you said, we need to be better
even at preparing thisdocumentation and commenting on it.
Asynchronously, we also said and and Ithink it's also very cool that
the person who is responsible for afeature for the proposal for for the
document is responsible formanaging managing commons there.
So they have to react to comments there
and then later in our Nozbe Teams app inthat task, summarize for everyone else
like, OK, so I got these comments,I'm changes document or I'm going to ditch
it, I'm going to completely make itnew or I just improved some stuff.
And these are the final conclusions.Do you agree?
And then when we agree,the thing goes forward.
So , the thing is we go for those forward
to to our portfolio of optionsfor further development.
Mm hmm.Exactly.
I encourage you and every one of youjust to really question your meetings.
You know, like make sure that the
because there's a saying, you know, it's ameeting and it could have been an email.
No, it could have beena task in Nozbe Teams.
But mostly it if if thismeeting happens too many times.
Think about it.Does it really have to happen?
Does it have to really happen that often?
Can we not make it a different process,like having a task, having comments,
deciding there and only whenwe really need to be together?
We we are together on a meeting.
So really, I do encourage you toall to to question the meetings.
If you if you encounter resistance from
your teammatesand he wants to do it, maybe,
maybe try convince them by, OK, so we havethis meeting every week, like make it
every two weeks and in the meantime,try to discuss things asynchronously.
Exactly like to like to not makedrastic change, but slowly adapt.
Add up to the asynchronous work.
, but and because it is important,especially in an all remote workspace like
we have, that you have to meet becauseyou have to every now and then.
Yes, because you want to feel that you'repart of something and you're part of a
team that you are in this together withsomebody else, hand in hand, right?
So you want to meet
quite regularly, but maybe not asregularly as initially you thought,
because this can be drainingand this can be exhausting.
And what I like about our decision on the
design fight meeting is thefact that we had something.
I mean, we have something which is great,
but we still are trying to makeit even better like we can.
And and we and we appreciate thatwhat got us here won't get us there.
So like the way it works now, it's it's itwas great for the time that we needed it.
Now we are changing it a bit different
because we think this will help us,you know, make it even better.
So we're constantly wants to move forwardand evolve ourselves and our process.
And I think those who want to addto this topic also we take a break.
Let's take a break and listen to oneof our customers how they love Nozbe.
Yes, becauseNo Office podcast is sponsored by Nozbe
Teams, a To-Do app that helpssmall teams do great things.
Let's hear what Sara Nozbecustomer say about the product.
When we've been around for about 10 years,
our business has been using Nozbe forabout eight of those years, and as we
grew, we kind of got to the point where Ijust couldn't remember everything anymore.
I'm pretty organized.
I would just kind of keep everything in my
head and with the notes and things likethat, and it just got to be too much.
And so I started looking around for some
sort of project management softwarethat can help me have it set up.
Really trusted system.
But really, I just wanted a system where Icould know that I had everything in there.
I wasn't going to forget anything.
I wasn't going to drop any ballsfor clients or miss deadlines.
So that was Sara, our great customer, andyou spoke recently with Sara.
I mean, this was an excerptfrom my interview with her.
Like, so first I spoke to heras because I speak to customers, if you go
to Nozbe dot com slash contact,you will know how we do customer support.
And one of the things I do is regularly
meet with customers andI met with her and she was brilliant and
it was so much fun talking to her and Ithought, you know, and ask her if she
could, you know, do an interviewfor our podcast and for our blog.
And if you want to learn more, just go toNozbe blog, go to our blog
Nozbe and then you can see mywhole blog Nozbe dot com Nozbe.
And if you go there, you will see you willfind my recent conversation with Sara, the
whole the full conversation whereI asked her several questions.
And one of the key takeaways is how she
forces people to use verbs tomake Nozbe more actionable.
So stay tuned.Check it out.
It's like she gets lots of good tips andtricks to tricks, and she's a kind of
productivity nut,which I appreciate a lot.
So, all right, so let's move on to our
No Office No Office setup segment, and Ihave some follow up to the previous
episode today, but onlybecause in the recent episode, I was
complaining a little biton my iPadOnly trip.
And , I actually you posted on your blogdoesn't read the review of iPad Pro.
The 13 inch yes.
After three months.
, and you reminded me.
One another thing tha,that really annoyed me
is that like working withworking with large fires on the but this
is it can be really be a pain in the inthe in the back pocket parts of your body.
, because I back then II had like mobile internet connection and
I was just finishedrecording a podcast episode with Emilia.
, .
And I downloaded downloaded the recordingfrom Streamyard and the whole the whole
recording, how the recording waslike nine hundred megabytes.
And I wanted to upload it to Dropbox.OK.
And still working on someother stuff on the home iPad.
, and it failed.It failed.
Via Dropbox.It failed via Files app.
.And I only managed to do it the day after.
OK, which wasn't great.
And you actually made a good point that
you cannot even you boughtone terabyte model.
Yes.But , and but you cannot set it to
download all your photosfrom iCloud photo library.
Yes.Locally, .
Which is, , this is nuts.
I mean, this is really ridiculousbecause I have one terabyte iPad.
I got it on the and rememberwe had this discussion.
Should I get it or should I not get it?
I got it for this 16 gigabytes of RAM
because it has more ram and andan apple is charging it for.
It's like the difference between half
terabyte iPad and one terabyteiPad is a big difference.
So I was really like doubting myself.
I should spend so much money on this iPad,
but I did because, you know, I mightadd only this is my main computer.
Let's do it.
And first of all, I'm not sure that the 16gigabytes of RAM are still, you know, so
useful because many apps are justbeing killed anyway, you know?
But second thing is that really, I can usethis one terabytes of data like I cannot
download all my iCloud files, for example,like I have my presentations.
I can think with so much space I coulddownload all my presentations, all my
like, really, all of my iCloudfiles, all of my photos.
And I like and I would be stillwith plenty of space.
You know, I made my photosand videos are like A.
300 gigabytes right now and then my iCloud
data, like it's just, I don'tknow, 50 or one hundred.
So it's still, I mean, I would stillhave plenty, plenty room to spare.
But there is no way to set iOS,to do it, to download it all.
Because whenever I want to edit some
video, I have to first waituntil it gets from the iCloud.
And with that, it would be local.
I would just, you know, usethe video and that's it.
Yes, exactly.
Like, that's that's bananas.
Because like, I put this a mobile device,and often you can find find yourself in a
place that you want towork on such a video.
But you may have like, ,of course you, you will.
You will have like 4G oreven 5G internet connection.
But that's not always the case and
that this internet connection can benot not not so good as you have, you know,
so it takes like a couple of minutes to, to download a long, long video in 4K.
Exactly.So that's the problem.
And you know, the 5G is fantastic.
I'm really I'm so happy with the 5G like
because around me, like it seemslike 5G is everywhere already.
I think it's very, very like where I live.
I think they have upgraded the
infrastructure very quicklyand and it's really fast.
So I don't have to find anyhotspots, anything, anywhere.
I'm not even in the hotel rooms.I don't care.
I'm not.
I'm not going to load the crapout, crappy wi fi of the hotel.
I just prefer to use 5G.
I download the video like what I want or
what I mean, extremely videosthrough 5G and it's fantastic.
It's no problem.
So, so it works pretty good.
But still, if I could have these files
locally and you know, I have that spacelike it's wasted space right now,
it's kind of, you know, it's, you know, Ihave eight hundred and something gigabytes
of wasted space on this hype, butit's completely empty.
So I would love to have more,
more ways to really download likeindicate I want to download this.
I want to have this locally.
I want to have thatand and have that really work for me.
So, , I mean, there are hacks to doit, but it's like it's not ideal.
I would love to have it likereally, really well done.
And especially because, you know, it workswith iCloud and and and it should with
iCloud Photos, it should justwork out of the box like this?
, I don't.
I really cannot wait to toget my new MacBook Pro.
It will have two terabytes.
This is the.
And I just checked my iCloud Photo Library
is 400 gigabytes now, sobigger than mine, so.
So , I couldn't fit it neither on my iPad.
I could fit it on my iMac,
but it would be very hard becausemy arm, I is 512 gigabytes.
And I really cannot wait toto make a clean up of this.
Icloud Photo Library because like, it'slike nine years of photos,
and I really want to get to grab someolder photos that I have on some disks
to upload it, like some photolibrary and , cleaning it up.
I want to have all the files locallyto do it efficiency.
So I'm I will do it in inDecember on my new MacBook Pro.
So that's the plan.
And , and I'm really glad that, , Ireally can't wait to have this machine.
Well, anyway, so apart from that,I'm really enjoying the iPad Pro.
I'm loving it.
So if you go to Michael Nozbe Teams iPad
13 Pro, you will have to, you know, thewhole review of of the
three month review of my iPad Prowith all the details and some photos.
Andlike for me personally, like, there are
these drawbacks and these,you know, iOS limitations.
But for my work, theydon't affect me that much.
But they they I still find lotsof joy just using this iPad.
And it's just I love havingit as my my only, my only.
I mean, my main computer.
That's that's we alwaysthink like using an iPad.
It's a lot of joy.
It has it has its limitations about, ,it really sparks joy.
Just like my iPad Mini that we talkedabout that on a recent episode.
But it was two weeks ago, and I really
didn't have much time to playwith it because of November.
So sorry, I don't have any newconclusions about that yet.
Hopefully, I will haveit for the next episode.
But , you posted a two blog posts aboutyour new Home Office set up for 2022.
Here it is in the shownotes and a chapter.
, and I have some questions about it.
OK, because so this islike this last question.
So this is the space.
What you're showing right nowis the space behind my desk.
So this is what you can see.
Like, this is the space behind me.
It's not my desk.Hmm.
So you're still have thisThunderbolt display?
What do you use it for?No.
So right now, nothing.
Just there because I used tohave the iMac connected to it.
But now I'm, I guess,in a different place.
So the cable is not long enough.
But I am getting a Thunderbolttwo USB-C to Thunderbolt two, Thunderbolt
four like that, you know,to have the dongle to to change it.
Slack and I talk to my iPad
so I could sometimes connect to it and putsome videos on there and some other stuff.
I want to use it as an additional display,and I'm either going to use that,
I'm going to sell it andget a proper 4K display.
I'm not sure yet like I used to use itjust because I had it in my home and I've
had this display forjust many, many years.
But now it's there just fordecoration until I find a use for it.
.Okay, okay, that's good enough experiment.
All right.Another question is what?
Because I can see some new stuff on youron your fancy OSB walls?
, there is.I think there's a new iPhone there.
So.So there are two iPhones.
There is the iPhone AC andthere is the the iPhone 3G.
Yes, yes, 4G, 3G and bothwork and both work perfectly.
Even the 3G.
And so there is the iPad three.
There is the iPad one.
And I made a special kind of
shelf for my water so I can havewater next to me when I sit there.
I made a special hanger for my am,
so I have this stand for the iPad so I canuse the iPad as on the iPad for drawing.
So I have to stand there
that I can just pull up and use it asa, you know, as a support for the iPad.
And then above this, this is the great oneis just just below the the original iPad.
It does build the iPadthree the way it is.
Yes.So yes, exactly.
This is like a stand, apop up for the, you know, for the to use
it and then iPad, not just fordrawing and those kind of things.
And then I have a broken iPad.
Mini two, and it's completely broken, it
doesn't work anymore, so that's why it'sback is there.
So that's that's that'sthat's why it's backwards.
Exactly, exactly.
I mean, the screen is not shattered,but it just doesn't display anything.
So I decided to put it on the other wayaround so that you can see a nice Apple
logo and, you know,and that kind of stuff.
And then I also put my LEGOon there on the wall and my Porsche Lego,
which I really likeand just, you know, personal stuff and of
course, my collection of of Apple Watchwrists wristbands.
I really like like this.
I wasn't a fan that first of allof this of this wall, but
you managed to convince me that's that'sthe nice and it really looks very good as
your backgroundnow as you move to your desk, right?
., that's that's really cool.
And I noticed that you do also
like as you move to move your desk,you had to move your cables as well.
Oh, yes.That's because now all the cables are
below the entrance tothe back to the balcony.
Yes.I mean, not really all the cables.
I mean, I have just two cables thatare below the entrance to the balcony.
So the main and electricity the cableand the Ethernet cable, and that's it.
Everything else that is under the desk.
Only to those two to the desk.
, because I also wanted tomake sure that I can plug it.
I mean, I can unplug the desk completely.
So the Ethernet cable also is connectedto other Ethernet cable.
With this joint thingthat you can, you can.
There's plastic there, a plasticthing that joins two ethernet cables.
So this way I can
unplug the Ethernet cable and plug thepower cable, and I can move the desk with
all of the cables in it so I can reallyfreely move the desk anywhere I want.
And I mean this here now I can move ita little bit, you know, differently.
Or, you know, move decide if I don't want
to have it next to the balcony for forsome reason,
I just wanted to make sure that thedesk is kind of independent, you know?
And I think it's a good tip that you don'thave too many cables going to the desk.
Instead, you have just, you know, twocables maximum and the power and the
Ethernet and everythingelse is within the desk.
So under the desk, I have all the powercharging, you know, all the,
you know, everything the wholeinfrastructure is contained in the desk.
, , that's that's really nice.
I think that's the best,the best setup you ever had.
Yes, I think so.
So have you managed to to make thisdisplay in the teleprompter mode?
So we've mirrored screen.
There is no chance to do it.
I checked everythingthe the there an application that tries to
like to do this, youknow, teleprompter mode.
, essentially, yes, tothe Typekit didn't work.
No, it works, but it'srewrites the screen.
So it's laggy.
Oh yes.
So it's good for, you know, for text, but
it's not good for thisfor video conferencing.
VIDEO Because it willjust be like, I tried it.
I just told it, it works, butit makes everything laggy.
So no.
So no, there is no application or no wayto like, you know, in the, you know, our
macOS to flip the screenhorizontally so that I can see
like you right now in theway that it will be flipped.
Huh.I couldn't find maybe our listeners have
started to have some tips, so letus know if you know how to do it.
I hope that I will have theteleprompter at all next year.
So , I haven't bought iton Black Friday because like
a really iPad Mini and MacBook Promay make my budget for Black Friday sales
really low, so I reallymust have to to resist myself from buying
stock because there were somegood promos for the stuff.
I do like to have this, butthey're not, like, indispensable.
.So for example, I
, that's a that's a go jump to the tothe stuff we bought and didn't buy.
, because I didn't buy AirPods Proand there was a good promo for this.
And , I I'd really like to have have them.
I since I started to appreciate it, like
just sitting and listening to the musicfor a while and do nothing else to focus
on the music, to heareach instrument separately.
And now with all those fancy.
High quality in Apple Music,no, it's no it's possible.
And with with AirPods Pro, thatwould be even even cooler, probably.
So for the same, I mean for the same, notfor the same reason, but for a reason.
I didn't also buy the AirPods Max because
AirPods Max were on sale as well,and they are very expensive.
So they normally are 550 bucks
and they were down to 450or something or even less.
I mean, very good price,but still, it's lots of money.
And I thought and I asked around
some friends who have AirPods Max and whatdo they think they think their grades are?
Why would they use them?
And one of the reasons is thatthey listen to music a lot.
They like listening to that.
And the thing is that I barely do that.
I for for casual listening,
I always have my AirPods Pro, so Ihave them with me on me all the time.
I have these bossy, you know, and CS 700s,
and I've hardly used themlike they are here.
But I use them right now for podcasting,
but I hardly ever put them onfor anything else and I could.
But I don't because I just have my AirPodsPro with me, so I thought, I'm going to
spend like this, you know, almost half agrand on these new headphones by Apple
so that they can sit aroundlike, you know, not really.
And so, no, I decided not to buy them,and I was pretty proud of myself.
, let's look at us.
We are bragging aboutthings we didn't buy.
.But then I take on Amazon, and I saw there
was a very good promo of Beats headphones,red ones and my and I showed them to my
wife and she was like, I wantone and I got them for my wife.
So I'm a great husband.
I bought my wife
a beautiful red and noise canceling itsheadphones, and they will have the price.
So great.That's that's cool promo.
.And speaking of headphones, actually,
like, as I said to like November wasvery intense and a lot of meetings.
And one day even I even thoughI have these Bose like QC 35.
Yes.And they are very comfortable.
Mm hmm.But after wearing them for almost the
whole whole day with meetings and so on,my head and my ears felt tired of this.
And next day I tried to just usethe regular AirPods for meetings.
And that was that was much better.
And that that is why I'm I'm consideringAirPods Pro, and once I have the budget
for this, I will wait for the properpromo and , and probably buy it.
So that's one of the use casesthat many people are saying.
That's because they work from home.
They have headphones on all the time
and I don't becauseI'm at all in my home office.
There is nobody else here.
So in most of the meetings,I use this microphone.
So there sure am found sevenmicrophones, so a good microphone.
But then I use the speakers from the
computer for people who speak to me, soI don't wear headphones on the meetings.
It's only when I domeetings from the iPad.
I use the AirPods Pro for the meetingsbecause then I want to have the headphones
because usually they have my iPad,for example, downstairs when where?
Yes, there are people in my neighborhoodthat could listen to the conversation.
So and again, another use case that Idon't wear headphones all that much to
justify, like, you know,buying expensive headphones.
, that's a really nice tip because I.
So it works well if you useyour speakers home.
I guess it's , there'sno no, no, there's no.
I can't.I try.
I try that., try it, man, because it's like I use
this microphone so peoplecan can hear me very well.
And then I use in there.
I'm just hearing thespeakers, and that's it.
No headphones connected.
So that's why I hardly usethese headphones, right?
Anything 'cause I didn't invite, ,
there was a great promoand you mentioned that maybe you want to
change your Thunderbolt displayto a proper 4K display.
, there's really niceHuawei Mate view display.
Ah, it's it's 4K, but it's aspectratio is 3:2 instead of 16 by nine.
, and it's it's really nice design and.
, it was very tempting to to buy it to to
to have it for my MacBook Pro,but , it was.
I didn't have a budget for this,so maybe that would be the next
my next display once I get thebudget for this and Apple.
We will see if Apple shipped something.
, the latest rumors are that somethingmight come in March from from Apple.
So we still have hopefullystill have a long way to go.
And I mean, that's why I'm not, you know,as I as we mentioned, I was tempted to to
change my iMac to the new iMac,but I'm just waiting for the other iMac
and see how it's going to bebecause this one is good enough.
It doesn't have Monterray because it's so
old, but you know, it handles mytasks and it's still a good display.
So it's all I need right now.
, like it's it's the best this5K display on the market.
So I'm OK.
I don't need an upgrade here.
So no, I'm really I mean, that's why, you
know, I wrote, and if you go to make a lotof office, you will see, you know, all the
blog posts that I shippedsince the all my home office.
There should be a video in myhome office soon, also dropping.
I'm really happy with my setup right now,
and hopefully for the next year,I'm going to tweak it anymore.
I'm just going to use it and andjust get, you know, get most of it.
OK, so let's let's jump to the thingsI managed to buy.
That's actually small accessories.
Finally, there was a promo for AirTags,so I bought four of them.
And , I really liked the set up wasvery, very easy and very satisfying.
Just on the Apple can do this,and I've also bought some tablet case and
laptop sleevefrom the company called Moft.
Mm-Hmm.And it's like this.
The sleeve for my MacBook Pro.
But this but this also origami stand.Hmm.
So I can elevate my MacBookPro if I want white covering.
That's very nice and the tablet tosnap on the case, so
I will be able to snap it ontothe iPad Mini OK and have it with
different angles, both inportrait and landscape modes.
OK.But , it's it's it's shipped.
It's in China right now.
So like more and more stuffare shipped from China.
I must, I must say, and
I bought paper like like two weeks ago andit was shipped from Germany to Poland.
And I still don't have it well because#PolishPost
like apparently it was on Monday, thepostman was to try to deliver this,
according to the system, but there was no,no legal notice in my mailbox about that.
OK.And today, the same and like they are just
putting fake info into the trackingsystem, and I really hate it.
I would understand if they puta sorry, we don't have that.
The postman.
There are not not enough postman'sin the post office and it's a delay.
But no, they just put the fake info into
the system that they tried to deliver,even though it's it's not true.
., I mean, .
And I ask people like to send me another
one with the proper, the properlike company, and they did.
So hopefully I will have it.That's good.
Now that's that's the people whowho are working from home like us.
This is the most annoying thing thatthe deliveryman can do.
He wasn't at home.What do you mean?
I wasn't home.I work from home.
I'm here all the freaking time.I'm here.
And but you are not here.
You're just putting fakenews in the system.
It happened to me.It was so funny.
Like, like, normally I don't care so muchthat something comes like, you know, like
Amazon wants to ship thingseverything next day.
And they they exaggerate becausesometimes things are shipped on Sunday.
I don't need these guys to work on Sunday.
I can't wait until Monday,
but once I remember, I really needed thisbecause it was a gift from my father.
So I wanted it to, you know, to be on that
bloody Sunday, you know, and theysaid, that's going to be on Sunday.
And it wasn't coming for the whole day,
and I was sitting on my porch outside,take on my porch
and they check in the systemintent of delivery five minutes ago.
And I'm like, Seriously.
They could call you, and they very, verycould tell you like they have a problems
to deliver this and you canyou can arrange the meeting.
We have them in the city, for example.
Well, that's more convenient for them.
That's whatever don't bleepput paid up into the system.
Actually, that's not good.No, right?
We understand delays that that's notuploaded, but fake data in the system.
Is that?.
.The worst thing they can do.
Yes, that's true.
Anyway, OK.
I think it's time towrap up the show, right?
That's the high time to wrap it up.
So thank you guys for listening.
And , Michael, what they isin two days, actually.
So because we are recording thison Wednesday might be Friday.
And for me, it's going to be veryamazing because it's my free day.
But for people at Nozbe and for you, it
should be a mighty Friday, which meanskind of free because after the review and
just work on yourself onyour personal development.
, you can.And after doing here, we care of you and
trying priorities for the nextweek, you can learn something new.
However, some, some online training, what
some videos from conference arewhat our product group to learn more about
Nozbe Teams features, howto use it even even better.
And , that's that is the way to have a
great, great weekendafter after multiplying.
And remember, if you enjoyed this episode,
feel free to helpsupport this podcast of the show, either
by sharing it with a friend orleaving us a nice review in Apple podcast
or by checking outour great app, Nozbe Teams.
So that's it for today.Say goodbye Michael!
Everyone have a great week and
ho ho ho, merry Christmasis coming very, very soon.
This episode has not been created in the
office because in Nozbethere is no office.
Your hosts Michael Sliwinskiand Rafal Sobolewski.
The whole production process of this
podcast is coordinated in aproject in the Nozbe Teams app.
Work is not the place to go.
It is a thing that you do.
Thank you and see you in two weeks.
Remember you have a mighty Friday.