Out There on the Edge of Everything® •

Podcast: What You Resist, Persists - Out There on the Edge of Everything®

Out There on the Edge of Everything®

EPISODE 104 - There is an old saying attributed to Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist: "What you resist, persists."Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist Is a person, event or circumstance in your life causing an emotional trigger in you and causing you to experience, pain, anger, fear, guilt, anxiety or other negative emotions? Is your resisting to resolving the situation, triggering you either personally or professionally? There is another old saying, if you are resisting something in your life, "you have a need for it." Ask yourself, why do you need it? Louise Hay, the founder of the spiritual book publishing company Hay House is quoted as saying: "If you do not need it, then release the need for it."Louise Hay - Founder of Hay House If you do release the need for it for an experience that is triggering your emotionally, what do you do next? There is a technique that was created by Christie Marie Sheldon, the Intuitive coach and healer, to help clear away resistance and attachments to old beliefs in your life. It is the, Delete, Un-create and De-Story technique. "To clear away your attachment to old believes, Delete Un-create and De-story."Christie Marie Sheldon How do you stop resisting, release and stop thinking about, any person, event or circumstance in your life that is causing triggers for negative emotions in you? If you acknowledge, release the need for and DUD, the person, event, or circumstance in your life that is causing your emotional triggers, you will make a positive impact in your own life. There are some people, events in my own life that I am acknowledging, releasing the need for, and declaring are DUDs. How about you? Out There on the Edge of Everything®… Stephen Lesavich, PhD Copyright ©2022, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved. Certified solution-focused life and experienced business coach.
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Podcast: What You Resist, Persists - Out There on the Edge of Everything®