Psyched to Practice •

Master’s in Practice: Ethics Education and the Impact of AI on Mental Health with Dr. John Gavazzi - Psyched to Practice

Psyched to Practice

Ethics is an integral part of the mental health profession, yet so often it is an area that is breezed over and thought to be stuck in time. Ray and Paul have this challenged for them as they sit down with Dr. John Gavazzi, PsyD, ABPP  who shared insight on making ethical decisions and takes it further sharing information that practitioners need to be aware of as the ever changing world of mental health starts to incorporate Artificial Intelligence. We discuss some fundamentals in a new way and work to adapt this cutting edge technology in the therapy setting. We hope you enjoy this Master’s in Practice episode: Ethics Education and the Impact of AI on Mental Health with Dr. John Gavazzi.

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Master’s in Practice: Ethics Education and the Impact of AI on Mental Health with Dr. John Gavazzi - Psyched to Practice