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August 24, 2024 21 mins

Ever wondered how you can multiply your earnings while gaining precious personal time? In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Noah St. John, a distinguished keynote speaker and author of 25 books, who reveals his powerful strategies for achieving remarkable financial success without falling into the trap of hustle culture. Dr. St. John shares inspiring success stories, including a client who transformed a $100K investment into $1.8 million and found time for a dream vacation, illustrating the profound impact of effective time and money management on your quality of life.

Discover the core principles of Dr. St. John's seven-figure success formula, which hinges on five crucial phases: beliefs, habits, offers, funnels, and traffic. By balancing the inner game—your mental and emotional frameworks—with the outer game—your visible strategies and actions, you can achieve extraordinary growth. Learn how one company skyrocketed its revenue from $4 million to $20 million through inner game mastery. Dr. St. John emphasizes the significance of overcoming mental barriers, or "head trash," and the transformative role of positive affirmations in achieving high-level success and breaking through income ceilings.

In our final segment, we delve into the innovative method of "afformations" (A-F-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N-S), a technique that involves asking empowering questions like "Why am I so successful?" to rewire your subconscious mind for success. By addressing and dismantling self-limiting beliefs, you can remove the obstacles that have been holding you back. Dr. St. John provides practical steps for rapid and substantial growth, including an offer for a free book to further help you enhance your efficiency and achieve your goals. Tune in and listen to understand this new technology for the brain to unlock your fullest potential.

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Episode Transcript

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Eric Eden (00:00):
Welcome to today's episode.
Today we are talking aboutleadership and how to become an
Everyone can become an expertand we have a great guest to
help us talk about that today.
Welcome to the show, dr Noah StJohn.

Noah St. John (00:17):
Great to be here, thank you.

Eric Eden (00:19):
You're a keynote speaker, you've written 25 books
, you've been called the mentalhealth coach to the stars and
the father of affirmations.
I could go on and on, but tellus a little bit about who you
are and what you do.

Noah St. John (00:34):
Yes, as you mentioned, I am a keynote
speaker, author of 25 books, andI'm known for helping
entrepreneurs and experts makemore in just 12 weeks than they
did in the previous 12 months,while actually winning their
they did in the previous 12months, while actually winning
their lives back in the process.
There's a lot of hustle brosout there while they're teaching
how to make more money by justhustling your face off.
Okay, that's one way to do it,but at the end of the day,

that's really not verysustainable, nor is it very fun,
I've noticed.
And so you get to a certainpoint in life, you're like you
know what?
I'd rather have a business thatworks for me and not me working
so hard for my business.
So that's what I do.
That's different.
I really help people, yes, makea lot more money.
My clients have added over $3billion using my methods over
the last 30 years.

But at the same time, just asimportantly as making more money
, I feel it's just as important,if not more important, to
actually win your life back.
So we're talking winning backone to three hours in your day
and four to eight weeks in youryear.
That makes a really bigdifference and it can really
change your lifestyle in a bigway.
So that's what I do.

Eric Eden (01:37):
That's awesome and that's the reason I wanted to
have you on the show is gettingthat sort of efficiency in your
life can have a big impact inquality of life, beyond making
more money.
Like you were saying, yep, andI'd love for us to start out,
we're ready to be inspired.
Can you share a story or twoabout how you've done this with

some of your clients?

Noah St. John (02:02):
Oh, absolutely, and sort of what the impact has
been for them, like how you'vedone it, and yeah, totally
Absolutely, and so I have a lotof stories, obviously, and you
can go to my website and see alot of videos and case studies
and testimonials, because I feelit's more important for me to
talk about my client successthan my success.
See, what you have in this guruspace is you have a lot of

gurus and their only successstory is themselves and I'm like
that's great.
That's great that you made allthat money.
Have you helped anyone elsemake any money?
And usually the answer is notso much.
So I'd rather brag about myclients and myself for that very
That's how it's a system-drivensuccess as opposed to a
personality-driven success.
So I could think of one rightoff the top of my head.
I was talking with one of myclients and I asked him a

I ask all my clients, whetherit's one-on-one or group
coaching and he had been readingmy books, so he was familiar
with my work.
A lot of people read my booksand then hire me to coach them
and he had been reading my booksand he realized I really need
to put this in place, because ifI don't have it, I because if I
don't have it I'm reallymissing out.
It's like trying to build ahouse without having a tool belt
, having the tools that you need.

And so I asked him thisquestion.
I said how much do you thinkit's costing you to not have
these things in place, not havethis formula, this frameworks in
place, you know, right now, foryour business?
And without batting an eye, hesaid a million dollars.
He said this is easily yearover year.

It's not just costing a millionone time, it's year over year.
And so I said listen, I hearthat every day people say to me
hey, noah, if I don't have thisin place, it's really going to
cost me a lot of money.
So I said why don't you do this?
Why don't you just give me 10%of that million dollars and I'll
find you a million dollars inthe next 12 months.
In other words, if you give me$1 and I give you $10 back, is
that a good deal?
He goes yeah, that's a gooddeal.

So he actually did that.
He decided to hire me right onthe spot.
That's why I love working withhigh achievers, right, because
they make decisions quickly andfirmly.
They don't dilly dally, theydon't say, oh, I got to think
about it.
They say let's do it.
And so, anyway, he decided todo that.
He invested 100K that's 10% ofa million and I coached him
one-on-one for a year and walkedhim through my whole formula,
my system, and, as it turns out,I didn't find him a million

dollars in the next 12 months.
Instead, I found him 1.8million in just 10 months.
So he gave me a dollar and Igave him $18 back.
Is that a good deal?
No, that's a great deal.
And what's even better and moreexciting is he sent me an email.
I said hey, noah, guess where Iam right now.
I'm on a seven-week vacationwith my wife.
We just bought a new motorhome.

This is something I've beendreaming about for years.
He said that I haven't beenable to do it because I haven't
had the money and I haven't hadthe time.
So he said we bought this newmotorhome.
We're traveling the country.
This is a dream I've had foryears.
So not only am I making moremoney than I've ever made, I
also have more time than I'veever had in my life.
So he said thank you forchanging my life.

So that's how powerful thisreally is when you put these
things in place.

Eric Eden (04:53):
So you work with Fortune 500 CEOs to do this top
athletes, celebrities andambitious people, like you were
saying, who are really willingto go after it.
I'm interested because I see alot of people like you mentioned
in the coaching space and Ithink that it's interesting that

even Fortune 500 CEOs needcoaching people arguably at the
top of their career.
Would you say that a lot ofpeople, or a majority of people,
can benefit from coaching, andwhy is that?

Noah St. John (05:33):
I do think that is true.
I think that almost anybody canbenefit from coaching.
There are a couple of thingsthat you do need to have in
place in order to really benefitfrom coaching.
One is the willingness to becoached.
There's a lot of people thatsay, hey, listen, this is how
we've done it for years and thisis how we're always going to do
I'm like that's fine.
If you're happy with theresults you're getting, why
Right, if you're happy gettingwhat you're getting, then just

keep doing what you're doing.
We all know the definition ofinsanity, right?
Doing the same thing over andover, it's making different
So if that's you, if you'rehappy with the results, then hey
, maybe you don't need a coach.
For the people who are saying,noah, why does it feel like I'm
working harder than ever andjust staying in place?
Why does it feel like I I'mdriving down the road of life
with one foot on the brake andone foot on the gas?

Those are the type of peoplethat really can benefit from
And I just use the wordcoachable.
You have to be coachable, youhave to be open, you have to be
able to get out of your own wayand see that there is a
different way.
There's another example Ialways like to give, which is to
answer the question of why weneed coaches, and I actually

like to do this as a keynotespeaker.
I'll do this with my live or myvirtual audiences and I'll say,
okay, everybody, just grab apiece of paper or a book.
So this is one of my books,right?
So I'm just going to hold it upfor a second.
So I said, all right, now takea piece of paper and hold it up
to your face like this Okay, nowread that paper.

And that really is one of thereasons why we're able to really
get I like to call it thathockey stick growth for our
So you're going along like thisand then, like Charles, $2
million in 10 months.
That's, that's a nice hockeystick there.

Eric Eden (07:16):
And I assume that you have a system which is great
So it's not just one feature orone sort of that people can do.
It's a system and a process andwhen I was reviewing your books
and the training course youhave, there's a lot that goes
into becoming an expert andbeing paid to be a top expert.

But I'm curious is there atheme that you could share
across all the thousands ofpeople that you've coached and
That you would say, is atakeaway that people can get
before they even invest the timeto do the whole system and the
whole training course?
What is a thematic thing thatyou're normally able to help

people with in that system toachieve these kinds of results?

Noah St. John (08:05):
Yeah, that is one of the things I talk about in
my books, like the seven figureexpert book, which is what I
call my seven figure expertformula, and it really comes
down to these five phases of myseven figure expert point.
Now, just to give you someperspective, I had to spend over
20 years and over half amillion dollars to figure out
what I'm giving you in this bookand actually I'm giving the

book away for free for listenersof this program.
But I had to spend all thismoney and all this time because
I had to go to gurus out therewho can't teach their way out of
a paper bag.
So I paid all this money andspent all this time to get maybe
one little nugget here and onelittle nugget there, because
they suck at teaching.
I paid them all this money andthere's no there, so that kind
of sucks.
So my job is to save people allthe pain, torment and agony

that I had to go through to justget these secrets.
But really, yeah, it comes downto like on these five phases of
my seven figure expert formulaand it really comes down to your
seven-figure beliefs, habits,offers, funnels and traffic.
That's really what it boilsdown to.
And so, like I said, that'swhat I give you in the book, but
really, when you look at it andyou can even boil it down even

simpler, because one of thethings that I talk about I've
been talking about for manyyears is a Venn diagram.
I'm a nerd, so I love Venndiagrams because they just they
really build a story, don't they?
And so it's really just twocircles that meet in the middle.
This circle is inner game andthis circle is outer game.
So your inner game iseverything that happens between
your ears that you can't seedirectly, but it affects
everything that you do.

And your outer game is what youcan see directly.
That also affects everythingyou do.
See, most people have spentlots of time and money and
effort on the outer game,especially marketers and
They've spent lots of time andmoney on outer game, but really
no one's taken the time to showthem how to master their inner
game, and that's one of thereasons they're stuck.
Actually, I'll give you anotherexample of that.

I was speaking at a seminar inLos Angeles for about a thousand
entrepreneurs and these are,you know, seven and eight figure
earners, high powered peopleand I was spoke for about 30
minutes and I was walking offthe stage and a man came up to
me out of the audience and hesaid Noah, I want to hire you as
my coach.
You are the coach I've beenlooking for Now.
I didn't know this man fromAdam Ironically, his name was

Adam True story and so I saidokay, what's going on?
He goes, noah.
He said my, my company.
We have been stuck at the samelevel for the past four years.
And he said I've hired allthese marketing gurus and
everything else, I've thrown allthis money at the problem and
we just can't break through thatincome ceiling.
And he said, as soon as I heardyou speak, he said I knew that

you were the coach I've beenlooking for, so he literally
hired me on the spot.
That's like I said.
That's why I love working withhigh achievers they make
decisions quickly and firmly.
I coached him and his leadershipteam for 18 months and in that
18 months we got his companythat had been stuck at 4 million
for the previous four years, toover 20 million in revenues
600% increase and you can watchhis video and many others on my

website too.
So the point of that is whatdoes that mean for you?
For everyone listening.
It was really.
He spent all this money onouter game.
Again, it got him hey, it gothim to seven figures.
Nothing wrong with that.
But he couldn't break throughthat income ceiling until I
showed him how to actuallymaster his inner game.
Boom, and that's what causedthe hockey stick growth.
So that's another example ofhow powerful this is.

Eric Eden (11:18):
Yeah, so I love the inner game and the outer game,
and a lot of people have calledyou the father of affirmations.
You mentioned one of the fivekey things is belief, and I
think this is fascinatingbecause some of the best tech
companies that I've worked at,the founders have said it's a
core culture, fundamental, thatyou have belief.
It's one of those things youeither, if you say we're going

to do something or we're notgoing to do something.
Whatever you say, you're rightand that belief that you can
build a billion dollar companyis what really drives a lot of
people forward.
And you talk about head trash.
So I'm just wondering how toclean out the head trash so you
can have a good inner game.

So can you talk a little bitabout affirmations, head trash
and how to clean out the headtrash?
Yeah, Eric.

Noah St. John (12:09):
I've written 25 books on this subject, so I
think I could go on for a while,so I'll try to make this as
succinct as possible.
But basically, when you thinkabout your goals everyone
listening to this program thinkabout your goals.
Everybody talks about goals.
Right, yeah, you've got to setyour goals.
I've heard that a million times.
But here's what nobody talksabout what happens after you set
that goal?
What happens after you set thegoal?
Hey, no, I want to make moremoney, I want to grow my

business, I want to have a sevenfigure, eight figure business
or whatever it is.
Or even I want to lose weight,I want to find love, I want to
find my soulmate, whatever itmight be.
Any goal, not just money, andthat's great that you have that.
The problem is what happensafter your goal, and that is for
most people.
They go, and that is for mostpeople.
They go.
No, I really want this, but Idon't think I can get it.
I don't think I can do it.

I don't have the money, I don'thave the time, I can't afford
I don't know where to start.
I don't you know my spousewon't support me, or I have this
or I have that problem andevery but that's what I'm
calling, and you know again,written all these books on your
head trash, or your head trashis the voice in your it because
blank, right.
And then you just fill in theblank I can't do it because I
don't have the money, I'm notthe time, I can't afford it,

Okay, and guess what You'regoing to make yourself right,
exactly like you just said.
So that is the reason why somany people I argue, most people
, most certainly mostentrepreneurs are driving down
the road of life with one footon the brake right, and so, like
with Adam, with Charles, withyou know, really all of my
clients, what I do is, ratherthan focusing on your goals and
everybody else is trying to pushyou harder towards your goals,

you already have your foot onthe gas.
You don't need any moremotivation.
That is so not what you need.
You already have that.
What nobody's talking about andwhat I provide, is showing you
how to get your foot off thebrake.
And think about it.
If you're driving down the road, you got one foot on the brake
and one foot on the gas andsomebody tells you to step on
the gas harder, what's going tohappen?
You're just going to ruin yourcar faster.
So instead we just get yourfoot off the brake, boom, hockey

stick growth.
So that is your head trash.
And you also asked about myoutformations method, and I'll
just hold that up just so peopleknow we're using a new word
This is where I invented, manyyears ago almost 30 years ago
This is my book of affirmations.
You can go to affirmationscomand learn more about it.

So, yes, I'm the father ofaffirmations, because I read
about many years ago.
And an affirmation is differentfrom an affirmation, right?
So an affirmation is astatement of something you want
to be true.
This is what all the gurus havetaught us for a thousand years
I'm happy, I'm rich, I'msuccessful.
And your brain goes no, you'renot right.
So many years ago, I inventedthe process of affirmations,

which is asking empoweringquestions why am I so happy?
Why am I so successful?
Why am I always in the rightplace at the right time?
And by virtue of the embeddedpresupposition fact of the brain
, that basically means that whenyou ask a question, brain
searches for the answer.
No one had ever taught thisbefore and I've written a lot of
books on this subject as well,we have the book of affirmations

from Hay House, we have mymillionaire affirmations book,
the millionaire affirmationsjournal.
It's really helping you toreprogram your subconscious mind
, thereby taking out your headtrash and thereby installing
those seven figure beliefs thatI just talked about, and that's
how everything starts to fittogether in the Noahverse.

Eric Eden (15:15):
So why does the power of affirmations work?
It goes beyond the power ofjust positive thinking, like
you're saying, right.

Noah St. John (15:23):
The way that we have been taught.
Positive thinking is, generallyspeaking, with statements right
, I'm happy, I'm rich, I'msuccessful, and your brain goes
no, you're not Right.
Or, yeah, I actually call itthe Yarrasvara because that's
what your brain goes.
Yeah, in fact, a study was done.
Did you know?
The study was done on this verytopic and it actually found
that three out of four peoplewho use the old method 75% of

people, the vast majority ofhumans, right when they use the
old affirmations method,actually end up more frustrated
than before.
So imagine if you had a cellphone that didn't work three out
of the four times you went touse it, you'd probably get a new
phone, wouldn't you?
That's what I invented a newphone for your brain.
So that's what this is it works100% of the time, in fact,
because you're already doing it.
That's one of the things Iteach about my affirmations
method You're already doing this.

The problem is, most people aredoing it in a very negative way.
Why am I so stupid?
Why am I so fat?
Why can't I lose weight?
Why isn't my business growing?
You're a forming.
You're just doing it in thenegative.
When you study my work, whenyou read my books or get my
affirmations advantage.
That's an online program wehave.
I teach you how to do it in theto use empowering rather than
disempowering questions, andit's incredibly powerful and in

fact, it is life-changing.

Eric Eden (16:35):
So why don't you talk about howpeople listening can get the?

Noah St. John (16:37):
book and check out the course.
Yeah, absolutely so, for thebook, the seven-figure expert
book, if you want to focus onthat.
So it's very easy to remember,it's sevenfigureexpertbookcom.
Easy to remember,sevenfigureexpertbookcom.
The book is free.
I've covered the cost of thebook because you're watching
this program and we just ask youto cover the shipping.
We could ship anywhere onplanet earth.
So sevenfigureexpertbookcom.
My affirmations isaffirmationscom

And, by the way, if you want totalk to me or one of my
strategy coaches, you just go tobreakthroughwithnoahcom.
Easy to remember, I'm known asthe Breakthrough Coach, so just
go to breakthroughwithnoahcomand you can actually book a time
and speak to me or one of mycoaches and we'll show you how
we can just implement this.

It's a quick 15 minute call andwe'll show you how we can
implement this in your businessvery easily at
And then, of course, my mainwebsite, main website is
I have a lot of websites.
I promise I won't give them allto you, but anyway, you can
have all those in the show notes.
But just my name, or justGoogle my name Noah St John.

Eric Eden (17:36):
I will link to all these in the show notes so
people can get to these systemsand the formulas that you were
I think there's a lot of reallyinteresting things there.
But in closing, before we closeout, is there some final advice
or secret that you could giveto founders and entrepreneurs

who really want to do thisbefore they jump in and do the
real work that they need to dowith your system and the whole

Noah St. John (18:05):
I'll give you three steps youcan do right now, in the next 60
Number one what are your goals?
Write them down.
I know you've probably alreadydone that already.
What are they?
But be very specific.
Don't just say I want to makemore money, Okay, here's five
bucks Go away.
No, you got to be reallyspecific.
How much do you want to bemaking?
Number two understand and writedown what are your beliefs about
your ability to actually getthose things.
That's what I'm calling yourhead trash.

Oh, I can't do it because Idon't have the money, I don't
have the time, I can't afford it.
I don't know where to start.
I don't know who to trust.
Right, there's a lot of reasonswhy that's your head trash.
And number three add up a total.
What is that costing you toactually be holding yourself
back right now, Like Charles?
It's costing him a milliondollars.
You knew that right off the bat.
Boom, those kind of results.

But we've done it.
It does work when you put thesethings in place to get that
hockey stick gross.
Hey, I'm happy to help, butyeah, anybody can do that
literally in the next fiveminutes.

Eric Eden (18:56):
All right.
Thank you very much, noah, forbeing with us.
Thank you for sharing yourstories and the offer for your
free book so people can drilldeeper on this and learn how to
be much more efficient, muchmore successful.
Appreciate you making time tobe on the show today.
Thank you, my pleasure.
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