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August 14, 2024 52 mins

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Have you ever considered how the full moon in Aquarius could revolutionize your self-love journey? How about your inner and outer world?

⚡️Tune in to Self Love Stories with me, Jessie Anne Zayas, as we harness the transformative energy of this lunar phase. We’ll explore the visionary nature of Aquarius, its themes of innovation, progress, and community, and reflect on the cosmic shift from the age of Pisces to Aquarius. Through personal anecdotes, I’ll guide you on creating rituals that tap into this powerful energy, aiming for both self-growth and collective betterment.

✨ Moving forward, we delve into the Age of Aquarius and its focus on individuality, technological advancements, and a more interconnected, humanitarian world. I'll unpack the potential benefits and challenges of AI and technology on our creativity and authenticity, stressing the importance of imagination in preserving our unique essence. By acknowledging both the light and shadow aspects of Aquarius, we’ll find ways to use technology sustainably, fostering personal freedom and community well-being.

🌕 Finally, we’ll discuss how the Aquarius full moon inspires us to break free from restrictive paradigms and embrace our true selves. Through stories of resistance, like my mother’s experience with dancing criticism, we’ll illustrate the power of authenticity. I'll offer reflective questions/journal prompts with practical guidance on setting up a ritual space and connecting with your unique gifts.

Monthly Moon 🌙Meetup RSVP: For our next Monthly Moon Meetup 🌙 we will be welcoming in the Aquarius Full Moon. Join me for a powerful release and reclaim ritual that we will do together, a powerful guided meditation to tap into your intuition and learn how to create a meaningful altar to enhance your spiritual practice, all while contributing to a visionary and inclusive future.

Want to connect? Find me on or Instagram

Have a question or topic request? I love answering your burning questions and discussing what you're passionate about. Think of me as your "down to talk about anything" in-house executive coach.

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Episode Transcript

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Jessie Anne Zayas (00:00):
Hello and welcome.
I'm Jessianne Zayas, with SelfLove Stories, and today we are
going to be welcoming in theenergy of the full moon in
Aquarius to aid us in our selflove journey and our empowerment
journey, and just to make theworld a better place, just just.

We're doing it y'all.
So, all that to say, I'm goingto go ahead and just give you a
little bit of a roadmap oftoday's podcast as a reminder.
I'm going to start doing alittle bit more of a moon series
on self-love stories because Ifound connecting with the energy
of the moon has reallycultivated my self-love practice

and my self-love journey, andthrough connecting through a
women's circle, which has beenamazing it's been a beautiful
community we built out here inLos Angeles and I've noticed
that when we're all in presenceof the full moon and new moon
energies, there seems to be aspecial magic that happens, a

magic that reconnects us withour intuition, a magic that
reconnects us with our purpose,with our clarity and, most
importantly, reconnects us backto ourselves and cultivates that
self-love practice, becausewhen we liberate ourselves, we
liberate each other andtherefore the world.

So, with that being said, let'sgo ahead and dive in to this
Aquarius full moon.
Let's talk about the themes ofit.
Let's talk about how you canwork with the energy of it, how
this will definitely support youin your self-love journey, how
it supported me and my self-lovejourney.
I have an Aquarius rising andAquarius North node, so I'm very

connected to this Aquariusenergy and have been quite
honestly working with it a lotin terms of my life purpose and
my direction in life.
As we know, the rising and theNorth node are very much the
compass of your life in terms ofyour purpose.
So I feel this very intimatelyand would love to share some
personal experiences withworking with this energy.

So, after we work with thethemes and I share a little bit
more around that, I'm going toend this podcast with some
ritual tips and themes andhopefully you get to join me on
the full moon.
I am actually hosting a liveworkshop where we'll get a
little juicier with this.
We'll have a guided meditation,we'll do some experiential

ritual and we'll actually do avery powerful release and
reclaim ritual together on thefull moon.
So I will post details at thebottom, at the bottom below this
podcast, in the notes, andlet's get started.

All right, so we are talkingabout the full moon and Aquarius
And the first, the first partof the journey I want to take us
to, when kind of unraveling thethemes and the energy of this
full moon, is exactly what isthe theme of Aquarius and the
zodiac sign of Aquarius.

And I'm going to share thisbecause not only is it so
important for us to trulyunderstand the energy of the
full moon, but also, if you haveany Aquarius placements, this
can also help you connect withthat energy and just know that
you definitely have a strong,deep connection to that and all
of us consciously, globally, arevery connected to this Aquarius

Because we're in the Aquariusage and I'm going to share a
little bit more around that aswell, to share a little bit more
around that as well.
So the first thing that we'lltalk about with the Aquarius
zodiac sign is it's oftendepicted as the water bearer, so
symbolizing a person pouringwater from a jug.

This image represents the flowof ideas, of knowledge and
wisdom that Aquarius brings tothe world.
The water being poured is asymbolic of life, giving energy,
nourishing not just individualsbut the collective

So this sign is actually an airsign, not a water sign, but, as
you can hear.
The water being poured is asymbolic, is very symbolic of
life, giving energy and not onlynourishing ourselves, but the

And Aquarius is also known as avisionary and humanitarian sign.
It embodies a lot of the idealsof innovation, progress, of
So when people are born underthis sign, either with their sun
, their moon, their rising,their north node if you have a

stellium and Aquarius it is veryimportant to reconnect and
reclaim your forward thinking,your independence and your
concern with the greater good.
These folks usually have anatural inclination to break

free from tradition and embracethe unconventional ways.
They're always looking for waysto improve the world around
So, to that point, the energyof Aquarius is often associated
with social change, withtechnological advancement and

the pursuit of knowledge.
It also encourages people tothink beyond themselves.
So if you heard earlier, withthe water being poured, right,
it's a reminder that it's notjust for our own nourishment but
for collective.
And so it's just a beautifulreminder that for us to think
beyond ourselves and considerhow our actions can benefit

humanity as a whole.
The sign also reminds us thepower of collective effort and
the importance of workingtogether to create a better
So in this way, aquarius standsas a symbol of progress,
enlightenment and the continuousflow of ideas that shape and

elevate society.
And so, to that point, I wonderif you feel that and are here
now because we are in the age ofAquarius.
So I know I mentioned this ineither in the previous podcast
or in some of the most last fewpodcast episodes that I've done

around the full moon and newmoon periods.
I mentioned the age of Piscesand I mentioned the age of
Because they're really bigcosmic themes that we're moving
out and into.
So the age of Pisces wasbelieved to be approximately
approximately 2000 years andsome argue that it ended around

But if you, if we actually hearof the themes of the age of
Pisces, it's associated withthemes of spirituality, religion
, sacrifice.
Pisces is symbolized by twofish swimming in opposite
directions, representing theduality of existence, the

duality of life, the duality andthe conflict between the
material and spiritual world.
So during this age there was asignificant rise in major
religions, includingChristianity, which is often,
funny enough, symbolized by thefish, and this era really
emphasized faith, compassion,selflessness and the idea of

salvation through suffering.
It was a time marked by a focuson inner spiritual life,
mysticism and the quest fordivine connection.
And so, as we move into the ageof Aquarius, which is the next
age following the age of Pisces,some argue, as a reminder, that

it began either in the 20th or21st century, and some say that
it marked actually around the1960s.
Regardless of where you believeit actually started or ended,
we are truly at just thebeginning of it, and so the age
of Aquarius is expected to bringabout a shift towards
innovation, humanitarianism andcollective consciousness.

Aquarius, as we know, isassociated with progress,
technology and breaking down oftraditional boundaries and
barriers and systems.
This age is believed to heraldan era where individuality and
personal freedom are celebrated,but with a strong emphasis on

community, global awareness andequality.
So the focus here will be onintellectual advancement,
scientific discoveries and amore holistic, interconnected
approach to life.
The age of Aquarius symbolizesa time of enlightenment, where

humanity seeks to balancetechnological advancements with
spiritual evolution, aiming tocreate a more just and
harmonious world.
Wow, and so when I sit withthat, when I sit with that
explanation and even the shiftof energy between the age of

Pisces and the age of Aquarius,I don't know about y'all, but I
deeply feel that, I deeply feelit in my bones.
We look at around us and we seethe rise of AI.
We see all different kinds ofrises in technological
advancements, and I think someof the things that worry us
right now in some of thoseadvancements is just that how is

it actually supporting thegreater good, how is it actually
cultivating more of ahumanitarian heart?
And I think some of the feararound some of these
technological advancements ishow our own individuality is now
going to be expressed.
When we see things like AIcreating art, creating music, I

think it kind of shocks us alittle bit, because those are
the things we inherently, ashuman beings, want to create.
We want to create art, we wantto create music and poetry.
We want to create beauty.
We want to experience beautifulthings.
So when I think about the risein technology and technological
advancements, it gets methinking how we can use our

imagination to really createtechnology that is not only
supportive of our day to daylives but is also sustainable.
It doesn't create more junk andwaste and landfills.
It also allows us to do thethings we want to spend more
time on.
So you know, I want to live ina world where technology AI can

allow me to spend more time withfriends, with family, to spend
more times cooking, because Ienjoy cooking and you know
spending hours, right, creatingsomething from scratch, spending
time in poetry, spending timelistening to music, spending
time traveling, spending timeexperiencing wonder, spending

time experiencing nature in newways.
And so, if we can connect toour imagination which I'm kind
of jumping ahead, but I thinkthat was a big, big, big
epiphany with me with all ofthis, when I was doing my
research, getting ready for thispodcast, getting ready for the

new moon or, sorry, the fullmoon workshop next week was our
imagination and our creativity.
I think this Aquarius age iscalling forth us to be in our
individuality, to express ourauthenticity, because, in
essence, that is a vehicle forus to express our imagination

and our creativity.
But if we're just repeatingwhat society wants us to do, if
we're just repeating what'salready out there, if we're just
following trends, following thenorms, not challenging the
status quo, then in essencewe're just repeating the same
We'll just repeat the samecycles and the same patterns.
Nothing's really going to beanything new and different and

we'll be sitting here 5,100, 205years, 500 years from now, just
going, man, like I thought itwas going to be better.
And so I just I share that, notfrom a you know, I don't want
to kick anybody while they'redown, but I share that from a
sense of we are the leaders ofthis new age.
This new age has just begun,we're feeling it, we're

experiencing it.
I found it very interesting thatboth the fool and the star are
representative of the Aquariusenergy.
The fool right, just jumpingoff the edge of the cliff, but
also with a sense of wonder,saying let's just do this, let's
just go.
The start of the journey, thestart of the path forward.

And then the star, right, allthe radiance, all the love, all
of the abundance that'savailable to us when we not only
pour into ourselves but pour toall of humanity, to all the
things around us.
And so I really look to thisenergy to say how are we tapping

into our imagination, how arewe tapping to our creativity and
, most importantly, how are wetapping into our own sacred
And we have to remember thatwith all things and, as you just
heard, with the age of Pisces,right, everything has a shadow
A lot of the age of Piscessounded so beautiful and so real

, and I can so see how so muchof that was accomplished in the
past 2000 years.
And we've also seen the shadowbit of the age of Pisces right
Purity culture.
We've also seen a lot ofattacks on religion or religion
being used as a vehicle toattack and to suppress people
and oppress people.

So we've seen the shadow sideof the age of Pisces and we've
also seen the light side of theage of Pisces.
And so I just want to take thismoment to remind us what the
shadow side of Aquarius and whatthe age of Aquarius can be, and
then we're going to transitioninto the themes of the full moon
, because that's the lightenergy, the illumination energy

that we really want to tap into,that we really want to use.
So the shadow side of Aquarius,the shadow side, can manifest as
detachment, it can manifest asemotionlessness, so being

without emotion, notexperiencing emotion, not
feeling our feelings, shuttingdown, becoming cold, becoming
antisocial or even overlyrebellious, like having an over
rebellious attitude.
So the things we love about,like Aquarius, they are a rebel.

The energy is a rebel with acause, but again, you know, kind
of showing the shadow side,it's like a rebel without a
The energy is a rebel with acause.
But again, you know, kind ofshowing the shadow side, it's
like a rebel without a cause.
You know, just a rebel to be arebel.
So, as we move into the age ofAquarius, there's a noticeable
shift that we're going to feelfrom the Piscean emphasis of
faith and tradition to theAquarian values of innovation,

equality and universalsisterhood, brotherhood,
connectedness, and so thistransition can honestly be seen
with the rise of globalmovements for social justice.
We can see that, withenvironmental sustainability
just always being on theforefront, and the use of

technology to connect andempower people worldwide, are
just some of the ways that we'vealready seen and tapped into
that energy collectively.
So, as I mentioned, you knowthere's always that shadow side
of each one of these signs andenergy, and you know the full
moon might bring up some ofthose challenges related to

feeling disconnected ormisunderstood Because, remember,
the full moon illuminatesthings that have been in the
dark, have been in the shadows,and we're talking about the
shadow side of Aquarius.
So this is a time to be mindfulof balancing your desire for
independence with the need forconnection, and if you find
yourself resisting change orbeing maybe a little too rigid,

this is a great time to softenand to be more open to different
perspectives as well, beautiful.
Well, let's go ahead and diveinto the six major themes of the
Aquarius full moon and how thisfull moon can illuminate more
of these themes in our lives.

And I just want to give afriendly reminder even the act
of noticing and seeing whatshows up with you as you connect
to these themes, this energy ona personal and spiritual level,
is all self-love.
Just the simple act ofwitnessing and connecting and

being present with your emotions, with your feelings, with your
mind, with your spirit, is sucha juicy, juicy self-love act.
Okay, so let's go ahead anddive in, dive in, dive in.
Ooh, it's like dive in anddivine.

Let's go ahead and dive intothe first theme, which is
embracing authenticity andindividuality.
So we heard that loud and clear,but I really wanted to like
dive into this a little bit more, because I think, you know,
authenticity is such like abuzzword nowadays and, as we
know, a lot of us, depending onwhat identities you embody, what

identities you represent, youknow everything is
interconnected and there's somany intersectionalities and, as
we know, a lot of these systemsbecause, again, aquarius is
here to you know, potentiallyrebuild systems.
We look at systems, we look atthe ways that we've been doing
You know, as much as we want tobe our authentic self, these
oppressive systems make it very,very tough on a lot of us, and

so I just want to honor thatbeing authentic in a in a world
where we have oppressive systemslike colonization, like
patriarchy, like capitalism,that a lot of times robs us not

only of our humanity but of ourown uniqueness, because there is
a message, a belief, a story, anarrative that is either even,
at times, explicitly said orunexplicitly said, that we can
and can't be.
So I just want to honor thatthat a lot of times it's not

like you just can't be authentic.
There are systems andstructures in place that try to
remove us from our authenticity.
That's one.
Two, this is why going to thetheme of community with Aquarius
is so important, because whenwe're able to be in communities

that can see us and embrace usfor who we really are and feel
safe to be our authentic self,we then ultimately cultivate
more courage to be that.
And then, when we cultivatemore courage to be that, and
then when we are that on thestreet, at the job, with the

family, with the friends at thegrocery store, then we empower
other people to be in theirauthenticity and for them to be
empowered and for them to feelconfident as well.
So this full moon shines a lighton our true selves, urging us
to break free from societalexpectations and embrace our

unique identity.
And it's about recognizingwhere we may have been
conforming or hiding our truenature, and it's encouraging us
to step into our authentic power.
Yes, it can be scary, but y'all, it is so needed more than ever

And I know another part of youknow these oppressive systems is
, you know this hyperindividuality.
So this is why I love that thesecond theme of this Aquarius
full moon is balancingindividuality with unity.
And so, while Aquarius valuesbeing an individual, being your

own individual, it alsorecognizes the power of the
And so this full moon remindsus to find a balance between
asserting our uniqueness andcontributing to the greater
So it's how are we creatingthis you and me world versus the

current world we kind of livein, which is a you versus me, a
world of constant comparison,judgment, taking care of one's
own needs before taking care ofthe collective's needs?
So it's a call to honor bothour personal truth, while also

being mindful of how our actionsimpact others.
It's truly the metaphor thatit's like how can we feed two
birds with one meal?
Like that's the energy, that'sthe feeling, not how can we kill

two birds with one stone.
You feel me?
That's the energy differencewhich moves us into the third
theme, which is collectiveconsciousness and community.
So the revelation we might gethere, that the full moon might
illuminate for us in thisAquarius theme, is highlighting

the importance of community andour role within it, because we
all hold different roles withincommunity, and I think that's
actually something I really wantto sit with for a second.
You know, I really connect witha lot of social causes, really

connect with a lot of socialcauses and there was a time
where I felt guilty and, if I'mbeing completely honest, like
I'm feelings of shame for notbeing in certain roles within
that social activism.
So, for example, right, notbeing the one in the front of
the protest, the one in thefront of the protest, not being
the one at the forefront of theline, you know, storming City

Hall, right, it's like I hadthat energy just didn't feel in
alignment for me, if I'm beinghonest with you, but the causes
so felt in alignment and insteadof taking this as an ego and
also a very victim consciousnesswhich I say that also too, with
so much love with myself, thisis just a place from discernment

versus judgment, because it wasvery like you know, what can I
Like you know, if I can't dothat, then that's not enough,
It was a very kind of like woeis me when the cause is so much
larger than my own.
Guilt and shame for not likequote unquote doing more, which
again like hashtag capitalism ofalways, this feeling that we
can always be doing more andmore and more.

So I share that all because,instead of going down the route
of let me keep on shaming myself, let me keep beating myself up,
let me continue to try to fitmy square peg in a round hole
and then ultimately not even dothe things I want to do for
these social causes, how can Iactually take a step back and

connect with myself and how Isee myself in support of these
social causes?
So, going back to the theme ofthis collective consciousness
and community, it's theimportance of community and our
role within it, like, how do yousee yourself within the role of
the community.
And so, for example, in thisyou know, in this example that
we're talking about in terms ofsocial causes I now see my role

as a healer right.
So my role is how am I healingthose people in the frontline,
how am I healing the speakersand the activists that are, you
know, on the frontlines, forlack of a better expression?
And so I know that this worktakes so much energy.

I know that this work is bothmind, body and spirit, and I
know that this work also needspeople to help heal and restore
the people doing the work.
And so by me taking the role onas healer within the ecosystem

of the social cause, not only amI doing a role that not only
energizes me right, it fills me,and then I want to do more of
Then that, in essence, it'slike the ripple effect.
Then I'm able to help andrestore and uplift more people
that are doing other roles underthat social cause, and then

that social cause is able to doeven more, because these people
aren't burnt out and they're nottired and they're not
completely disconnected fromtheir mind, body and spirit.
That, through my healing and mysupport in that way and is, in
essence, helping the overallsocial cause.
So it's that micro within thatmacro right, and not belittling

our special skills because theymight not be somebody else's
special skills.
So just because I don't have, Ijust don't feel or it's just
not an alignment for me to be inthese different roles with,
with um, under this, uh, underthese different social causes,
what I do feel is in alignment.
And what is very unique to myindividuality is, as a healer,

is as a nurturer, how I am trulysupporting and nourishing these
people during these times sothat we can continue to do this
freaking important work, becausethis work is so freaking
So that is what this Aquariusfull moon is also asking you to
be aware of.

It's saying this may involve acall to action in social and
environmental or humanitariancauses.
So it really encourages us tothink about how we contribute to
the greater good and to be moreaware of the interconnectedness
of all things.

So we're the web of life, andthat's so beautiful, and all of
us have different skills,different talents, different
expertise and we all havesimilar interests, loves,
passions, things that light usup from inside, that we can then

use our special, unique toolsand gifts to then power, empower
, resource, be the motor tothose things that interest us,
to the things that light us up,to the things that are
And we know we don't have to doit by ourselves.
That's the beautiful thing.
We know that we have otherpeople with other special skills

and other unique gifts that canhelp us with this cause.
So the next theme that now theAquarius full moon takes us to
is this breaking free fromrestriction.
So we hit on the embracing ourauthenticity and our

We went down the path ofbalancing that individuality
with unity and that took us tothat collective consciousness
and that community.
And now where we're at isbreaking free from restriction,
because here's the key we can'tkeep repeating the same patterns

I know I'm laughing, you know.
Again we have, we all have tofind the levity and all this
It's like.
I will never forget it was likeand, trust me, I grew up, you
know, I was born Catholic.
I was even baptized in Alabamaas a teenager through the

Baptist church, and so I sharethis all because I mean, you
would think I'm very intimatelyconnected with the Bible, and I
am and I have been.
But there was a moment that meand my husband were visiting
Rome and we're about to go tothe Vatican.
I was just like, again, theperfectionist, the high achiever
, muse, like I, just I reallyneed to know the Bible, like I
really need to understand itbefore we go into the Vatican.

And I found this amazing serieson YouTube and it was showing
the different stories of theBible, going down the different
chapters, the different storiesof the Bible, and within like an
hour, two hours, and I likepause the series and I look at
my husband with such dread andI'm like it just keeps happening

again and again and again andagain.
Why do we keep on doing thesame thing?
And that's what we're talkingabout.
It's like we've learned allthese beautiful lessons in life,
even like, for example, eventhe tarot spread, as I learned
tarot, right, it's literallyjust an example of life and the
different challenges and thethings that, the adversities

that we overcome, you know, thebeautiful gifts and milestones
that we achieve.
And so I share that all.
Because there is an inkling inme, and especially here in this
like time of this age ofAquarius is here in this like
time of this age of Aquarius ishow are we taking kind of the

universal archetypes that we allknow?
Right, like there's.
You know, the beautiful thingabout the Bible is and a lot of
religious texts is theirparables right.
Their story is meant to offerdeeper meaning and different
insight into our lives.
And if we can look at it fromthat lens, from the lens of a
parable, that it's here to teachus some kind of story, some
kind of a lesson, then what isthe lesson and what is the story

and what is it trying to teachus?
And then how can we break freefrom any restriction, how can we
bring in which goes into ourfifth theme of innovation and
unconventional thinking?
But I want to talk about thesetwo themes together the breaking
free from restriction and theinnovation and unconventional
thinking, because it kind ofgoes hand in hand here.

Aquarius is about liberationand freedom, and this full moon
reveals where we feel restricted, whether by outdated beliefs,
societal structures or even ourown personal fears, and it
encourages us to break free.
And it's a time to let go ofanything that holds us back from

expressing our full potentialand that a lot of times takes
innovation and unconventionalthinking.
Because breaking away from thenorm is ultimately embracing
unconventional ideas, and thisfreaks people the F?
Out, trust me, and this iswhere I'll bring in my own

energy of my Aquarius energy inhere is I've noticed and I've
witnessed that when you push upagainst paradigms, especially
traditional paradigms, hand upeven my story that I just, you
know, kind of briefly glancedover, just even my time in
Alabama and being, you know,baptized at the Baptist church,

there was a lot of ways that myfamily was living that pushed up
against a lot of paradigmsthere.
So, for example, you know, mymother was told like dancing was
bad and awful, and you know sheshared that.
You know my stepdad and herwould, you know, dance on Friday
evenings, like in the kitchen,y'all, not even going to the

club here I mean, we're talkingabout like put on some Frank
Sinatra and maybe have one glassof wine and call it a day.
You know, and that's, for me,is such a simple but potent
example of they attacked her.
They told her that she wascompletely wrong in that.
They told her that that was notin alignment with the teachings

of the Bible and how she shouldact as a woman, as a wife and
all these things, and my mom wasultimately pressing or pushing
up against their paradigm, theirway of thinking, their
traditional beliefs, their views, their values, and through that
it created this like tension,this animosity, this, this where
, let's be honest, we didn'tfreaking go back to that church

anymore, right, we didn't feelsafe, we didn't feel comfortable
, and I share that all becausethere have been so many moments
in my life that I can witnessand this is my invitation to you
to witness moments where eitheryour parents, your family,
yourself, your friends, yourteachers, anyone in your
community, including yourself,has pushed up against a paradigm

, has pushed up against an oldbelief, a traditional belief, a
traditional value, a societalvalue, a cultural value, a
cultural belief.
And look at what happens.
There's all different types ofresponses and reactions, of

responses and reactions.
But this goes back to also whyit's so important for us to
break free from thoserestrictions, for us to push up
against those old ways of being,because it's time and this
brings us to our last point toreimagine the future.
Because if we continue to pushup against and just feel the

resistance and then go, okay,okay, that was too much, let me,
I'm going to stop pushing.
That's where we keep onrepeating the cycles, that's how
we continue to uphold thestatus quo, but it's going to
take our innovation, and it'sgoing to take our unconventional
thinking to really break freefrom these norms, embrace

unconventional ideas.
And this full moon is going toreveal new ways of thinking and
encouraging us to explore moreinnovative approaches, not only
to our personal lives, but tothe work and to our communities.
And it's a powerful time forsoul storming, brainstorming,
creative problem solving andembracing change.

And so my where this kind oflike takes me to actually let me
pause there, because this is,this is where it's going to
really take me to is the, thatlast theme, which is that
re-imagining the future.
It's this forward thinking,visionary energy that Aquarius

brings, and the full moonprompts us to consider what kind
of future we want to create.
I want you to sit with that fora second, like what kind of
future do you want to create?
And this gets me back to thiswhole thing energy of pushing up
against paradigms, because,like I'm like, somatically even
feeling right, there's been alot of fear behind that.

There's been a lot of, well,just that fear fear of, you know
, fear of being made fun of,fear of no longer belonging,
fear of being, you know,abandoned by the group or you
group or the group no longerwanting you to be a part of them

by sharing unconventional ideasor sharing unconventional
truths or sharing unconventionalbeliefs.
So I want to acknowledge andhold space for that because, as
an Aquarius Rising and assomebody with an Aquarius North
Node, I really feel the quote,unquote struggle of so deeply

wanting to be your true,authentic self.
And, trust me, there are timesthat I just fucking did it.
I'm even just feeling this,just to fucking do it.
I remember my teenage selfliterally coming down the stairs
in full goth outfit because I'mlike this is me.
My teenage self literallycoming down the stairs in full
goth outfit because I'm likethis is me, freaking, take it or

leave it, love it or leave it.
And that was part of meexploring my individuality.
It was part of me exploringwhat was authentic and not
authentic to myself.
And if I didn't explore, if Ididn't try, if I didn't push, if
I didn't get pushed back, thenI would have never gotten closer
to who I was and who I wasreally meant to be here, and I

wouldn't have grown suchconfidence and such resiliency
to say fuck you, I don't fuckingcare anymore.
And that, again, is not theshadow side of Aquarius, because
I can right, it could and ithas, because I've seen myself in
past life, past years, where,on the opposite of being beaten

up so many times, me shuttingoff, me getting cold, me
shutting off to humanity becauseit hurts so bad to continue to
try to be what I knew that I was, but everyone or everything
around me just trying tocontinue to put me in a
different box, what I had torealize was the areas, the

spaces and places that I wastaking up space in weren't the
spaces and places that werereally going to allow me to let
my freak flag fly and to allowme to really widen my big ass
wings and to allow me to shareand to learn and to be in

community with these thoughtsand with these beliefs and ways
of thinking, community withthese thoughts and with these
beliefs and ways of thinking.
And so I offer that and I sharethat, because this is where
we're at.
This is the time, this is thehere and now.
The full moon in Aquarius isrevealing a time of awakening, a
time of transformation.
We are called to step into ourauthentic selves.

We are being called to envisiona brighter future and to
actively contribute to thecollective good.
It's a moment to embrace change, to think outside of the box
and to find new ways to align toour individual path with the

needs of the larger community.
So when I personally connectwith these themes, these are the
questions that come to mind,and so you can journal on these,
you can sit with these, justplease connect with them.
Leading up to the full moon, onthe full moon or shortly after

the full moon, how can my uniquegifts support and honor my
authentic individuality?
Because honoring my uniqueness,honoring your uniqueness, and

allowing it to be shared withthe world in a way, not only
brings the greatest good in mylife, in your life, but to all
those around me.
That's the energy we're goingfor.
It's almost like by not usingyour uniqueness, by not

connecting well, first of all,by not getting curious about
So if we think about self-love,the self-discovery part about
it, how are you discovering youruniqueness?
How are you discovering yourzone of genius?
How are you discovering yourunique gifts?
What problems do you lovesolving?
What do people come to you themost for?

And then how?
When you connect with thoseunique gifts, how can you use
And through the lens of how canI use them, bring in the lens
and how can this not only honormy authentic individuality, but

also how can this be in serviceof humanity, how can this help
my neighbor, my friend, mypartner, my community, whatever
it might be to you.
This might be a local calling,this might be a communal calling
, this might be a global calling.
Whatever it is, honor thatcalling, honor that inner

And this is where I was, youknow, kind of getting a little
glitched out earlier.
I don't know if you noticedthat, but what I get, really,
and I don't see anybody reallytalking about this, except for a
past mentor, teacher of mine,zania miss of creation on
Love her to death, pleasefollow her, please see her

messages, her work that she'sputting out in the world.
But it's this theme aroundimagination and you know it gets
me thinking.
Well, how does one connect withtheir individuality, how does
one express and embrace theirauthenticity and how does one
reimagine a new future and breakfree from the current

limitations and reimagine whatthe world can look like without
your freaking imagination?
And we have such a disconnectionto our imagination in today's
age, like, really think about it.
When's the last time youconnected to your imagination,
like genuinely connected to yourimagination, not like when you

thought about something, notwhen you like, brainstormed a
new strategy or a new idea.
Like genuinely, when have youlike?
Deeply connected with yourimagination.
And imagination is needed morethan ever now In a world of AI,
in a world where we continue torepeat the same patterns.
We swore not to what hashappened to the human

imagination and are youconnected to it?
Are we connected to it?
How can we reclaim our divineright to our expansive, abundant
, creative imagination to dreamup, to vision, to create, to

manifest, to build a new world,a better world, and that starts
with your inner world.
How can you dream it up foryourself?
And then, how can I extend thatvision, that imagination, to

the collective so I cangenuinely create that you and me
world and move us away fromthis you versus me world, and I
know I'm not the only one thatfeels it.
So this is what the full moonis illuminating for us.
It's lighting up that new path,the one yet not taken, which,

as we know, can be scary butequally, if not more, exciting,
and it's filled with a lot ofgifts, a lot of gifts of

profound knowledge, of magicalexperience, of wisdom all along
the way.
So let's not continue to hidein the shadows.
Thank you, full moon.
Allow this full moon toilluminate the path for you.
Aquarius ritual we're actuallygoing to do a powerful release

and reclaim ritual together.
We're going to not really evendive into these, these, these
We're going to work with thesethemes.
We're going to do somecollective work in community.
We're going to bring in a lotof powerful energy in that
community and we're going tofreaking reimagine the future
So, if you are down to spendyour full moon in community and

to really connect to yourauthentic individuality and to
see how your connection to yourauthentic individuality, to how
living your authenticindividuality, can support and
heal the collective, please showup next week.
I think we will have so muchfun, so much magic all together

and I will leave you.
If you can't join us next week,it's all good, I'm going to
leave you some ritual tips andsome themes.
So, if you remember, for thisritual, especially for full moon
, I love to recommend doing somekind of altar, aka some kind of
presence in your home that justoffers some deep symbolism to

connect and to call in theseenergies a little bit more
deeply, so you can put this in aplace that you normally
meditate, where you journal,where maybe even wherever you
want to call in you journal,where maybe even your wherever
you want to call in that energy,so maybe in your workspace.
I don't recommend the bedroomis the only one, and that's a
whole story for another day buteverywhere else to do it.
And hey, if the bedroom iscalling you, do it in the

No, not to that Like, pick theplace that you feel the most
comfortable with.
So altar wise, I would say clothcolor, work with a pearl, a
shimmer for the moon.
You can also use colorsassociated with Aquarius, such
as like electric blue, turquoise, silver, violet.
These colors represent thatairy and futuristic energy of a

sign Crystals.
So remember, crystals are yourbeautiful talisman to anchor you
back into this beautiful 3Dmaterial world that we have.
And also crystals come withtheir own energetic ancient
potency to them.
So moonstone or pearls arereally beautiful to work with

for the full moon.
That can really call in theenergy and help illuminate even
more clarity for you during thisfull moon phase.
Also, placing crystals likeamethyst so amethyst is really
great for intuition andspiritual growth or aquamarine,
which is I actually have anaquamarine necklace that I

created into a talisman becauseit cultivates calmness and
clarity and it's close to myheart, so it allows me to speak
my truth.
I think aquamarine is such abeautiful crystal to work with
in terms of speaking your truth,connecting with your truth, but
in a very calm and clear way.
And then labradorite, which isso magical, and that's all about

innovation and transformation.
So really really powerfulcrystal to add to your altar.
In terms of herbs and flowers,which are another beautiful
element and symbolism, to addDandelion, foxglove, iris,
lavender, peppermint, violetbeautiful, all work with the
harmony of Aquarius.

And then incense, which again Ilove to kind of tap into all
the senses.
So you're seeing a lot ofvisual things.
There's a lot of texture toothat we're about to hint on, but
then let's do the smell Incense, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli
, sandalwood all incredible,super great to connect with that

Aquarius energy, to connectwith your crowned in your third
eye too, because that's where Ialso believe imagination comes
through, like imagination comesthrough the divine in a lot of
different ways.
So just know, when you'resitting in moments of silence
and moments of meditation andmoments even of rest, know that

that's a beautiful time toconnect with your imagination
and also your intuition, andalso your intuition.
Lastly, I would say symbols thatyou can work with are so like,
if let's like, for example, ifwe took the air element for
Aquarius, feathers, incense, ormaybe, like a little small
decorative fan can represent theair element, which, as we know,

is associated with the Aquariussymbol.
But also I want to invite youto intuitively do this so maybe
connect with your individuality,maybe give something to your
altar that gives you theconfidence to be you, or to
remind you who you are, thatconnects you also to the one
conscious energy.
Is there any symbolism therethat can connect you to humanity
as a whole?
The last thing I want to leaveyou with is you can also write a

little note to yourself, to themoon, to help you gain more
clarity on anything you might beseeking with these themes and
or want to be illuminated inyour life.
So, for example, you can writethis little note, maybe asking
guidance from yourself, fromyour highest self, from the full
moon, whatever just calls toyou, and you can ask it any

question, anything that you wantit to illuminate more, more on
to maybe gave you more clarityon, even to release in your life
to, to remove, to unblock, to,um, to reveal, even in your life
And leave that note on youraltar for the food for the moon

on the full moon.
Leave it over that night foryou and just know that that will
be taken care in the next 30days until we see the next full
And don't forget to charge yourcrystals.
That's my last loving reminder.
It's full moon, charge thosecrystals, get that extra cosmic
All right, y'all, I hope I cansee you at the virtual full moon

workshop next Monday, 12 to 1Pacific Standard Time.
I will add the link in the shownotes and sending you so much
love, so much fearlessness, andjust reminding you of your

humanitarian heart.
I can't wait to talk to you allnext time.
Sending so much love, manyblessings.
Goodbye for now.
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