SWiRL's got you covered! •

006_COACH TAJ_"Swimming- Giving the gift to the Community" with the founder of Empowered Swimming Incorporated - SWiRL's got you covered!

SWiRL's got you covered!

Join us as we speak to Coach Taj, founder of Empowered Swimming. A non-profit based in the US with a mission “to provide access to professional, affordable, and dependable aquatic services to the marginalized community.”

One of the drivers behind Empowered Swimming is eradicating the narrative that black people can’t swim.  The statistics show that in the US a black person is 5.5 times more likely to drown than a white person. Coach Taj is dedicated to driving this statistic down by removing the barriers that are preventing people learning to swim, including by dispelling harmful myths that black people are unable to swim.

Empowered Swimming run a scholarship programme to provide access to aquatics for those who cannot swim and are financially unable to participate. You can find out more about the scholarship here. Currently available to residents of the United States, coach Taj hopes to be able to role out the scholarship programme globally.

If you were as captivated as us by Coach Taj and want to support the work that Empowered Swimming do through their scholarship programme, you can donate here.

Disclaimer: Our podcasts are in no way funded or affiliated financially or for any other gains with our guests. We endeavour to provide interesting and relevant information and discussion points that reflect our honest opinions, beliefs or experiences relating to those topics, events or products. 

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006_COACH TAJ_"Swimming- Giving the gift to the Community" with the founder of Empowered Swimming Incorporated - SWiRL's got you covered!