Talk to Me with Liv Harrison

Talk to Me with Liv Harrison

Social media has inundated our every day and it's really easy to get lost in other's incredible experiences, but there is always a real story of how they got there. What is the nitty-gritty behind the pretty picture or edited caption in the pictures of their real life? What is the real story? Talk to Me! Humans are encouraged and uplifted by hearing and seeing the real, influential stories. This brings a sense of realism to our very edited and manicured social media lives. There is also an opportunity to discuss how God or perhaps inner strength played a part in these success stories. Let’s bring back the art of storytelling and strive for connection instead of comparison. A Forte Catholic production


February 15, 2021 28 mins
Liv "went" to the SEEK21 conference virtually as a cohost of the Forte Catholic podcast. Here is a snippet of the episode with Liv and Taylor chatting about the good, bad and ugly of their college experiences. For the rest of the show, subscribe to Forte Catholic on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts. ( And make sure to subscribe to Talk to Me! Season 2 coming soon :) Follow Liv: Ἰ...
Mark as Played
Just because you met someone at 15 and have been married to them for 20 years does NOT make you and expert on them. This interview was shocking in more ways than one. Every reaction I have is in real time and absolutely authentic. Honestly, I love that after being Nathan’s girl for over 26 years I still learn new things about him. Interviewing my husband for this podcast was something I both looked forward to and dreaded. For one t...
Mark as Played
December 8, 2020 61 mins
Writing in school is either something people LOVE or LOATHE. You could make the argument that it depends on the writing assignment. Is the writing a narrative? Poetry? A How-To? Is it a persuasive piece or an opinion piece that would be in the newspaper? There are so many different types of ways to convey the written word. Now add social media. Today it is easy to go “viral”. You can be an absolute no one and post something on the...
Mark as Played
The news has been filled with medical discoveries these last few weeks. Medical teams have been working around the clock for solutions to a world-wide-crisis. Hope is on the horizon! But who brings Hope to these brave men and women who have dedicated their lives to the wellbeing of their fellow man? None other than the sought-after and beloved Vicki Clark! Vicki has spent the last 30 years traveling the globe inspiring, motivating,...
Mark as Played
November 24, 2020 89 mins
*This episode could be a trigger for anyone dealing with weight, addiction, food addiction, and eating disorders. ForteCatholic and Liv Harrison are not medical professionals. This episode is Liv’s personal story. Always seek the advice of a medical professionals when addressing mental and physical health issues and before making changes to your diet. If you have been following me, Liv Harrison, on social media there has definitely...
Mark as Played
November 17, 2020 72 mins
Normally I begin with some cute story or roundabout way of introducing a guest, but there is no need to “hide the lead”. My guest is loved for one simple true and sincere reason…she is undeniably loveable. What makes her so well liked, loved, admired, revered, sought after, and adored is her uncanny relatability. You would be hard pressed to find someone more transparent and real. You won’t find them; she is the real-deal. She is a...
Mark as Played
Having a dream since you were a kid is something many of us had hoped to retain. Backpacks and Trapper Keepers filled with doodles and stickers and notes to friends about who we would grow up to be as adults were common in my generation. My backpack had my Young Astronauts patch attached to it. I remember wading through candy wrappers and pencil erasers at the bottom of my bag to find a note I had written my best friend about my ad...
Mark as Played
Not many kids have done what Cana Harrison has successfully done…survived as Liv Harrison’s only daughter! At 10 Cana has more of an adult outlook on life than most the adults I have met. The moment you meet Cana you are impressed with her vocabulary, her level of articulation, and the way she drifts in and out of adult and kid conversation. Cana has had anything but a normal life. By the time she was 9 (she is only 10) she had be...
Mark as Played
October 27, 2020 56 mins
Who do you do know who lives out of their car, drives around talking about Jesus, writes books, and knows ALL the things about ALL the Saints? If you said, MEG HUNTER-KILMER then you are correct! In the Catholic world Meg is known for living outside of the box and being the answer gal for all things pertaining to the Saints. However, there is a lot more to Meg than just being a human encyclopedia about people who the Catholic Chur...
Mark as Played
Being the first at something and somewhere is never easy. However, it can absolutely prepare you for a life of independence like nothing else. Personally, I always thought being the oldest prepared me in ways to face the world. There was no one else to blame and you had to pave the way…every…single…time. But being an only child AND the first at almost EVERYTHING, well that’s just extraordinary! Coach Robert Morrison is exactly the ...
Mark as Played
Fine. Let’s get it out of the way. Meghan’s husband is famous. He is an incredible actor with iconic roles on his resume. Anyone who has seen Sons of Anarchy (Juice) or Luke Cage (Shades) knows who Theo Rossi is and they love him! But I know Meghan as the girl next door who grew up to be a fantastic Broadcast anchor with a heart of gold. Meghan has always been a “go-getter”. When I knew her as a teenager, she was the girl who seeme...
Mark as Played
October 6, 2020 62 mins
Who hasn’t heard of Lourdes, Fatima, and Guadalupe? Even Zac Efron in the new Netflix series, Down to Earth, dedicated almost an entire episode to the miraculous water found in Lourdes, France. To Catholics we know of these pilgrimage sites as Marian Apparition sites. These are considered “Landmarks of Hope” (I have a NEW project about these sites listed below, you are going to love it!) Miracles occurred here. Documented ones. Th...
Mark as Played
September 29, 2020 57 mins
From Country Singer Dreams to Grammy Award Winner Every kid in Texas has heard Country music at least once. Ok in reality they are raised on it like brisket and Dr. Pepper. If you are blessed enough to live in Houston as a child then you also fall in love with the Rodeo, which just so happens to feature a lot of Country music. Basically, you learn to love it and the you dream to sing it on stage. This is exactly how my guest today ...
Mark as Played
There are some issues that are SO worthy discussing people run away from them. It is scary to say certain things out loud, to admit certain truths. People who run towards fire and dangerous situations are described as brave. I would argue that our “fires” today are on our social media feeds and very few people run towards the things “on fire”. My guest this week is KNOWN for running towards the subjects no one else will discuss. S...
Mark as Played
September 14, 2020 59 mins
Relaunching my podcast was not something I was sure I was going to do fifty days ago. I stepped away from this medium for exactly that many days to have a deep reevaluation in who I am and what I was being called by God to do. Spoiler alert: I’m relaunching the podcast. So, the next decision to be made was who do I interview? Even though I already have completed interviews I felt the need to make sure my guest could navigate and ad...
Mark as Played
The big city lights and the hustle and bustle of the urban life is intoxicating! The people, the energy, the food, and the drama can become quite addicting. However, the day to day can become weary and the lack of connection noticeable. When you have spent your whole life in a town where everyone knows your name you long for the familiarity that a great slice of pizza just can’t serve. Even though my guest Katie Prejean is known in...
Mark as Played
Athleticism is not one of my natural talents. I think that’s why I admire anyone who not only chooses to live their life in a “sporty” way, but also when they make a living from that choice I am impressed! The discipline and confidence that goes into telling the world that you are an athlete is just admirable, because you do that without talking. And that I can do…talk. Dr. Octavious Bishop can inspire the world by talking and thr...
Mark as Played
Often times the stage and microphone and cheer of a crowd can seem glamourous. Not that it isn’t a ton of fun! It is. But the real connection between a speaker and their audience can seem lost. When a public speaker began as a youth minister, they tend to miss their “kids”. It just isn’t the same to look out into a sea of teens and feel a bond. There is a different electricity exchanged. This week’s guest is Katie Hartfiel. And eve...
Mark as Played
Sure. Texas is known for barbeque, cattle, land, cowboys, football, and BIG personalities! What most people don’t know is just how different each part of Texas is from each other. The cities are filled with restaurants, museums, theater, and sporting events. The rural spots are packed with hometown parades, fishing holes, mom & pop establishments, and everybody knowing everybody. Something else that is shocking is the diale...
Mark as Played
June 22, 2020 64 mins
So, what would you do if one of your colleagues casually mentioned the sleepovers he would have at the White House when he was a kid? Naturally you would want to know all the details of swimming in the White House pool and all the pranks that were played. However, if your life was just as incredible and included years of travel and discovery you might just want to partner up and create a company with “White House Sleepover” guy! Wh...
Mark as Played

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