All Episodes

January 30, 2023 40 mins

How do you get your team on the same page, positioned with the right roles and responsibilities and enthusiatic about making things happen? This is what make a great galvaniser and we talk this week with Julia, one of the best at this on our team. We also explore what we can do to connect ourselves with the right people and form our own ‘tribe, ‘ and Paul shows us the teaching potential for Apple’s new ‘Freeform’ app that has been released with the latest IOS and MacOS updates.

Here are the links or resources that we’ve mentioned today:

1. Working Genius
2. Freeform App Download
3. Freeform App News - Apple

Sidenote: Paul does a great demo on what you can do with the new Freeform app and we know that it’s great to SEE it in action. Check out the youtube link to the podcast here to see that demo in action and share it with people you know who would get value from that.

We post every week and would love to have you keep up with us. If you know someone who would get value from these episodes, hit the share button and let them know. Lastly, if you have questions or anything to share with us, email us at You can also contact Bex at to find out how you can get free PD in your schools (NZ) or follow us on Instagram at @usingtechnologybetter or on

We’d love to hear from you! See you next week.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Bex Rose (00:00):
who you surround yourself as who you become. So

who you surround yourself as whoyou become. And they mentioned
that the the five people thatyou spend the most amount of
time with is who you become and,and this resonated for me
because I think back to myteenage years mark and probably
the people I surrounded myselfwith, I did become and that
probably wasn't such a goodlittle girl that my mom hopes me

to be the better mindsetpodcast.

Mark Herring (00:32):
Welcome to the better mindset episode three,
I'm Mark. And I'm VX. And thispodcast is a series of
conversations that help to seekup better leaders, teachers, and
to better use your tech foreducation. On today's episode
Bix has a framework forconnecting with your perfect
tribe. We explore the dark outof galvanizing and how you can
better leverage this skill tomake it better at your school.

And Porsche is a brilliant newiPad and Mac tool to help you
plan, assess and present withyour students. All right, making
waves you've got one for ustoday. Bix.

Bex Rose (01:07):
I do know, this is one that resonated. I listened to it
on a podcast the other day. AndI was thinking actually, this is
something that I really want toshare with all our people too.
And it's around who you surroundyourself is who you become. So
who you surround yourself as whoyou become. And they mentioned

that the the five people thatyou spend the most amount of
time with is who you become.
And, and this resonated for mebecause I think back to my
teenage years mark, and probablythe people I surrounded myself
with, I did become and thatprobably wasn't such a good
little girl that my mom hopes meto be. And so I I started
thinking about over my time whoI've surrounded myself with, and

where I've got in my career, andin my life, I guess and it
really resonated with me has isit something you can relate to?

Mark Herring (02:07):
Yeah, absolutely.
Like I had, I had some amazing,I guess role models as friends,
you know, growing up so throughmy late teens and early adult
life. You know, I was reallyblessed actually with some
incredible people. But you know,there were times when you're
hanging out with people yourealize, actually, no, this
isn't, this isn't the type ofperson that you know, like, like
I connect with or resonate with.

But there's a there's a sayingthat I remember from my teams,
if you want to soar with theEagles don't hang out with

Bex Rose (02:35):
I love it. That's a good one. So yeah, so this is
something that I'm really, I'mreally thinking about and 20
toys this year 2023. And andthis is a really neat framework
to really keep in mind whenyou're deciding who the best
people to spend time with. Sothat Yeah, so the acronym is

watched wa tch. So w is whenyou're surrounding yourself with
the same that with with people,you tend to adopt the same words
we adapt, we even mimic mimicword patterns that you're
around. So if you think aboutit, like I've noticed this with
my daughter starting atintermediate, and all of a
sudden she's saying all thesewords I like him, they came from

a data which has all theirfriends here, I can see they're
all saying the same words. Sothink about the kinds of words
you're saying. And that mighteven be the type of language as
well, you know, like, I tend touse really slang type words when
I'm with like, you know, myfriends that are we just chill
and that kind of thing. But whenI'm obviously with people at
work, I try and sound reallyintelligent and use bigger words

and the same sort of thingbecause we're all using big
words or acronyms. So w is wordso we adapt with the word. So
this is kind of keeping in mindhow you adapt to people. A is
action. So we do the same thing.
So eating exercise, drinking. Sofor example, I was talking about
this with one of my best friendsyesterday and talking, because
she loves hearing about thiskind of stuff as well. And we

were saying her and I, we canhave a drink together. But we
can we also meet at the gymevery day. And we always know
like, if we're going out forlunch, I know that it will be
something that's healthy,because that's how we are
together. And that's the kind ofthat's the kind of people that
we want to be around each other.
And then you know, like if youthink of back when I was
flatting like I never reallyused to have like McDonald's and

all that kind of stuff. But myflatmates didn't say you eat
McDonald's all the time. So youkind of just adapt to the people
that you're around. So thinkingabout those kinds of actions. So
choosing the people that haveactions that relate to what you
want, how you want to be. T isthoughts. So we mirror thinking,
and we think in the same wayabout ourselves as others think

about us. So you don't want tobe around people that are
constantly trying to one up you.
You don't want to be aroundpeople that they It may be, you
know, make you don't you don'tfeel. And I've definitely been
in the situation before theythey don't make you feel how you
want to be felt. You surroundyourself with people who think
that you're awesome, and thatyou're going to do well in your

life. And you're going to belike cheerleaders. Right? Um,
yeah, so that's thought so andthat might even be may even be
spiritual thoughts. It may evenbe bigger, bigger thoughts as
well. So surrounding yourselfpeople that align with the way
you want to think.

Mark Herring (05:33):
See, you intuitively know too, don't you?
So I was just thinking about thethoughts thing, you know, like,
subconsciously, we know whatother people think about us. And
so that sort of makes me thinkabout that a lot. But then,
yeah, then how we how we thinkabout other people that that is
very difficult to kind of coverup and think so it does sort of

make me reflect on the kinds ofthings that I'm projecting and
influencing others worth so thatthere's some food for thought

Bex Rose (06:03):
Yeah, cool. So C is character. So this is about your
integrity. So disingenuous. Ifyou're surrounding yourself with
disingenuous type people, that'smore likely to have impact on
your standard. Yeah. Okay, doyou want to dig deeper into that

one? So here you go.

Mark Herring (06:27):
Yeah, it's kind of like the people that hold you to
a higher standard, you know, andthey'll call you out if they
see, you know, pattern behavior,or see you saying something that
might not kind of resonate withyour values or that sort of
thing. And if you're with peoplewho don't have your kind of
sense of character, or thecharacter that you'd like to, to
grow in, and you have the samevalues around them, that's going
to really start to erode who youare in your behaviors, I think

you get away with a lot morewith people who don't have that
kind of sense of high value.

Bex Rose (06:56):
Yeah, and I also made an active decision a few years
ago, not to surround myself,people with people who can
always was so judgmental, andall our conversations were just
around other people and justkind of like slandering them.
And it doesn't make me it didn'tnever made me feel good. And I
made a really active decision tosort of take myself out of being

around those people more often.
So that's the character that Ididn't agree with, I didn't want
to be the person that was justbringing people down. Like, that
just didn't feel good. So cool.
And the last one is habits. Andthat's something that we've
spoken about before. So you kindof adopt other people's habits
as well. So same routines andhabits that surround us. And and

when I was mixing, talked abouthabits, and the last making
waves, those people help youkeep accountable as well. And
I'm gonna go back to my friendagain, like, this morning. Heck,
no, did I want to wake up, itwas I'm so tired, and I didn't
want to get up for the gym. Andbut I knew that my habit was,

you know, my accountabilitypartner is my friend, Kylie. And
so she was there, and I knewshe'd be there. And so that was,
you know, surrounding myselfwith with someone who's got
similar habits or want toachieve things, goals, like I
do, and it worked. And it wasgreat. And I had a great time.
So yeah, surrounding yourself bypeople who are going to enable
the habits that you want to havein your life.

Mark Herring (08:30):
Yeah, and I think, you know, looking at at the
start of a new school year of,or if it's the start of a new
semester, in the classroomspace, I mean, when I was a
classroom, I would deliberatelytry and hang out a lot more with
those classroom, teachers,colleagues that I knew, had the
kind of teaching style that Ireally admired, or they just had
had, you know, maybe there wassomething that they exhibited,

that was wasn't a strength ofmine, I remember I taught next
to a teacher once. And I justlearned so much from her about
how she related to the kids andhow much she built that
relationship with them. And, youknow, she really saw them as
little little people, whichwasn't, wasn't part of my kind
of paradigm or mindset and how Isaw things. And so I remember
making a lot of consciousdecisions to try and hang out

with her as much as possible,because she was so incredible.
And then in the leadership spaceto, you know, we often think
about wanting to be mentored byother leaders or hanging out
with other leaders in astructured way, but just getting
in the same room, going to visittheir school, you know, going if
you know that there's a certainleader that's going to be at
some event or something, youknow, just trying to do as much
as you can to kind of be there.
Just sort of tag around and getto know them or, you know,

connect with them in some way. Ithink, like, we think that these
types of things happen byaccident, but I think you can
actually be a little bit moreintentional about seeking out
the type of leaders that youwant to be like and be become. I
think you can be a little bitmore thoughtful about that,
can't you?

Bex Rose (09:54):
And that's why I really like professional
learning groups like ourcertified Leader program because
you're around people All who aredriven and motivated and excited
and want to be in the same spaceas you. And that just it, it
just empowers you to be the samekind of person. So I want to I
want to be doing that, becauselook how much joy they get. And

you know, that kind of thing. Soour certified Leader Program is
really good for that. So yeah,so that's the framework. So w
words, a actions, T thoughts, Ccharacter, H habits, have a
think about the people that youwant to surround yourself with
in 2023, to achieve those goals.

Mark Herring (10:37):
All right guest on the show for this episode is
Julia. Julia is our marketinglead. And that's a very
important role on the team. Andwe're super excited to have this
conversation with you aroundgalvanizing because we know that
that's one of your strengths,and it's definitely one of your
superpowers. And so do you wantto tell us about what marketing
lead means the types of thingsthat you're doing in a company?
What's your role? With us?

Julia Anderson (10:58):
Yeah, absolutely. Well, first of all,
thanks for having me. Superexcited to be here. feel very
honored to be first guest.
That's pretty cool. And yeah, soa little bit of background,
studied marketing, atuniversity, went straight into
some marketing at localgovernment level, then switched
into a digital marketing agencydid some stuff, just wrangling

30 businesses at a time andworking with them about around
their marketing and in digitaladvertising, which was great.
And then came across to UsingTechnology Better and started
out as a one man band, it wasjust myself. There was there was
no team at that point. But veryquickly realized, if we were
going to do what we wanted to doand serve, serve the the

education industry the way wewanted to, we needed a team to
do it. So slowly, slowly, westarted onboarding, some team
members in marketing, I've gotfive now that I work closely
with in the marketing team. Andyeah, it's been, it's been quite
the ride.

Mark Herring (12:03):
So yeah, it's definitely has been a ride. And
it's been one of those things,that, you know, the numbers in
our company are just continuingto grow. And what that growth
comes from real challenges. Andone of the things that I think,
you know, Beck's we've seen as areal importance for how the team
works together as it grows, isthis whole concept of working
genius, and I'd like I'll justexplain that for for listeners,

who may not have come acrossthat working model before
because really, that links tothe main thing that I want to
quiz you about is find out a lotmore about galvanizing and the
role that that can play in ourschools. But working genius is a
series of six different geniusesthat everybody has at least to
have. And the model from PatrickLencioni, talks about how there

are things that we are naturallygifted at, we have the ability
to do and give us energy andjoy. And we're just, you know,
effect really effective in thosegeniuses. It also talks about to
frustrations, which we won't gointo. But we know that one of
your superpowers, or your geniusas a galvanizing. And that's
something that I've definitelyseen, in the way that you
operate and the way that youwork with the team, not only

within the marketing team, butacross the team. And so I'm
like, super excited to find outsome of the some of the tips and
skills that you've sort oflearned along the way. And the
things about it, that really canmake a difference when we're
working in teams. So could youjust tell us, like, from a
marketing, you're coming at itfrom a marketing perspective,
obviously, in our company, butyou know, people listening are

working in schools, they'reeither in leadership or they're
teaching, yeah, would be theimportance for them and their
context to be able to galvanize,and you could maybe even just
explain a little bit about whatthat is.

Julia Anderson (13:43):
Yeah, absolutely. Well, slight
backstory for you. So in that,in that period that I just
talked about before, I did takea year to go and do my diploma
of education. And I did my inbusiness studies, because I love
to business and I want to teacharound that. So business,
commerce and geography. And, andwhen I came out, I did my

practical, you know, five weeksin a school and another five
weeks later, and quicklyrealized that my passion was
definitely in marketing and, andthat in the classroom, you know,
wasn't going to be an area thatI could succeed in. So but so,
so knowing that I did get tospend time in a school and, and

also just with the biggalvanizing. For me, I thought
about this a lot over the lastfew weeks when you first asked
me about coming on the show. Andfor me, I think it really, it
goes right, right back to beingYes, even a young kid. My heart
was always around, includingpeople and making people felt

felt like they were welcomed andon board. And so I think, you
know, going into youthleadership as a young young
lasts around 1314 15 around thatage. I was I was responsible for
the games I was responsible fordoing everyone up, it was just
obvious, it was just such anobvious part of who I was and
how, how I enjoyed being aroundpeople. And then coming into a,

you know, a team of one to beginwith, like, it was really, you
know, just myself and, but thenworking, you know, with UTP. And
going across cross functionalcross departments, it really
became, you know, galvanizingeverybody, regardless of where
they sat in the business,because at the end of the day, I
do my team, and I galvanize myteam. But there's, you know,

there's also operations, there'salso finance, there's also
sales, there's also thetrainers. So there's, there's,
it becomes cross functional,that galvanizing. And it's not
just about my area of focus. AndI think that that can translate
into schools and into into thatleadership and departments of
especially secondary, whereyou've got your faculties or

departments of learning, andthen and then knowing that that
galvanizing piece works just notjust for you and your internal
team, but also acrossdepartments. And, and so in
terms of like what galvanizingmeans. To me. It's, it's, it's
rallying everybody up. And it's,it's, it's allowing everybody to

understand why we're doingsomething. And I think that's a
key piece. Because if, if,really, for galvanizing at the
end of the day, you just want toreaction, because I think the
hardest part about galvanizingis when you just met with
nothing. If you're met withsilence, it's just absolute
pain. But if, but if even ifyou're met with a caution or

concern about your idea thatyou're trying to get everybody
on board with, you can work withthat you're like, okay, cool.
Let's talk this through. And youknow, you can either you can see
what they're saying, or you cansometimes get them on board,
because you can approach it in adifferent way. So, yeah, it's
for me, it's working with peoplegalvanizing. Really, it's, that

comes down to what it is, it'sand getting them on board for
where you're going, and what thewhat the vision is.

Mark Herring (17:11):
Yeah, I think you're right. It's a real
cheerleading role, isn't it?
It's one of those things thatyou just really need to inspire
people and communicate and getthem on board. And I think for a
lot of the schools that we workin, often they engage with us to
be able to come in and help themwith, you know, driving change,
or, you know, improving teachpractice. One of the things that
we often hear Beck's is that,you know, they've tried

something before, or we've hadsome PD and it didn't really
land. And the missing piece thatyou often hear people talk about
is the fact that they didn'treally get everybody on board,
or they didn't understand thecontext and the why. And that's
one of the huge things thatpeople miss, isn't it? And I
think that's one of the criticalfactors of galvanizing. That's
one of the things that I've seenyou do so well. So when you come
into a meeting, and you'reexplaining the what's behind

what's, you know, what youactually want people to go away
and do. Like that's galvanizing.
But there's also a huge whybehind it as well. Are they
there things that you do whenyou're going into a meeting that
you're you're thinking you'veactually got that top of mind?
Is that a huge sort of priorityin your head to understand that,
make sure that people understandthe context?

Julia Anderson (18:15):
Yeah, absolutely. And that's, that's
been a work on for me in alearning for me as well, because
often, my galvanizing failed,because I didn't have that
piece. the why behind it. Andmore than anything, it was, I
think, of late I would say inthe last two to three years,
it's not just aboutunderstanding the Y myself, but

understanding how to how toarticulate the Y in a way that
the your your peers need to hearit to be able to get on board.
And obviously, you know,reflecting it in a way that
makes sense to them. And whatthey're focusing on focuses on.
So just part of my other geniusis the enablement. And so

galvanizing enablement, thatkind of for me goes hand in
hand, because the next piece ofthe puzzle that I'm always
thinking of is, I need toinspire and I need to make sure
people are on board and theywant this and then I need to
make sure they can do it. Sowhat do they need to be able to
do what they need to do? And sounderstanding the why and then
understanding like how to excitesomeone based on what who that

person is. And that comes downto understanding people and
giving people time and listeningto them.

Bex Rose (19:30):
I think you just touched on something there,
Julia that I was going tomention was that what you also
do really well to I guess enableyour galvanizing is that you
know, people in our companyreally well. And it's the same
as if you're in a and so thatmeans you've got that
established relationship andtrust so that when you're going
to galvanize something andyou're explaining your why

people go well, we believe Juliaand we believe what she wants to
do because we trust her and weknow that she's got her heart in
the right place and we know Butshe's you know, we're doing this
for a reason. And that's thewhy. And I think translating
that into a school context. AndI think back to leadership that
I've been in, where you've giventhis whole, like maybe the

strategic plan, you're given thestrategic plan, and this is what
we're doing for the year, thosegenerally that kind of approach
falls flat on its face, and theycould galvanize it to the cow
comes home, but they've haven'tactually told them, the why they
haven't built that trust withthe staff to be able to get on
board and be key stakeholders inthat, that change of whatever
description it is. And so thegalvanizing may get that that

radio silence that you weretalking about before. So yeah, I
think those those key factorsthat you're really also those
those you really possess, aswell really contribute to your
success with your galvanizing?

Julia Anderson (20:52):
Yeah, I think that, ultimately, the why of a
of a company or of a school hasto be met with the why of the
individual. finding out why, youknow, as an individual, What's
your why, you know, what are youtrying to achieve? What is it
that you're hoping to, you know,give to the world or give to the

school? Once you can find outthat, then you take the why, or
the vision of the school or theorganization, and you marry
them? Because they're going tomarry? You know, they're going
to be the, they're going to bethe same thing. It's just about
getting the perspective, right.
For the individual.

Bex Rose (21:33):
Yeah, the dots lined up. And that takes time to know
everyone's why, but it's soworth it. It's so worth that
time and the understanding,because that's when you'll start
to see traction.

Julia Anderson (21:44):
Yeah. And some people I, you know, some of my
conversations, like you said, ittakes time because sometimes
they don't know their why yet,or they're feeling lost on their
why. And so having thatconversation allows them to
start digging deep into why am Idoing this? What is it, you
know, that's driving me and

Bex Rose (22:04):
directly relates to our coaching Mark doesn't add
that growth part

Mark Herring (22:07):
100%? Yeah. Yeah.
When I was a youth worker,before I became a teacher, I
remember my director saying tome, because there was something
that I didn't do, I've oftentalked about this, when we when
we talk about, you know, thewhy, and the whole reason for
needing a vision aroundsomething. But he said to me,
Mike, you have worked out prettyquickly that you're the kind of
person that won't just justwon't do something, unless you
understand the why behind it.

That was the first time I'd everheard the importance of why I
don't know if Simon Sinek waseven around in those days,
because we're talking like, youknow, mid 90s Here, for those of
you who want to age me, but butthat, that, that's so important,
because what you're saying, youknow, the fact that everybody's
got a different Why is so true,because for me, like I know, in
our company, there are somepeople who are driven by

numbers, you know, they'rechasing, you know, and for some
teachers that may be aboutachievement, they may be
somebody who really loves to seestudent achievement numbers
rise, I'm but I'm, I'm a littlebit different than that I'm not
so much data driven, you know,much more about impact and, you
know, emotion and what drove mein the classroom when I was a
teacher was the fact that thekids would leave happy at the

end of the day. Now, obviously,I didn't get that, right. But if
a leader was to come to me andsay, Hey, we're doing this,
because we're gonna see X amountof improvement in maths, I'm
like, you've lost me, you know?
And so that's really big. Arethere situations where you've
realized that you've hit themark with people and you
haven't? Because of thatdifference?

Julia Anderson (23:33):
Yeah, absolutely. I think there's a,
you know, there's been even a2022 project that UTB where we,
you know, we were galvanized,and we thought we had everyone
on the boat, we thought we weregoing to, you know, it was going
to be great guns, and then, youknow, the project launched and
it wasn't great guns, and wedidn't have everyone on the
vote. That was a real reflectionperiod. For myself, and

actually, a general manager isreally good with galvanizing as
well. And, and so I've learned alot from from him as well, in
terms of just understanding, youknow, what, what it means to get
people on the boat and, and alearning that came out of that,
for me was was not just assumingthat we had people on the boat,

but I think sometimes you haveto go back multiple times
throughout a project and makesure we still have someone on
the boat. Are you still, youknow, is still on board for
this? Are you still across it?
Do you still understand whywe're doing it? Are you excited
for it? I think the hardestthing and galvanizing and this
would be true in any industry issome there are some people where
they're not high or or likeemote high emotion, or they're

not animated, whereas usuallygalvanizes quite animated and
we're quite, you know, like ourface is up and down. And we're
very like all over the all overthe show when it comes to
animation. And some peoplearen't So, as you galvanising
sometimes I think I don't, I'mnot getting anything from

someone because they're justgiven me nothing, no reaction.
No. You know, like, yeah, thatsounds awesome. Or like, even if
I got a No, hell no, like, atleast I can work with that, like
I was sort of saying before. SoI think that there's definitely
been experiences lately whereyou are galvanizing, but we've
missed it, or I've missed it.

And, and I think the takeawaythat I that allowed for that was
just to make sure that thatcheck in was happening more
regular. And actually, you need,you need everyone on the boat,
this is a thing, because evenjust having one person not on
the boat, that one personactually has more impact than,

you know, if you had 10 people,if if if one was off, they have
more impact on the other ninethat are potentially on the boat
or trying to be on the boat.
Because the minute that oneperson can seed any doubt into a
vision or into it into a goal,it's very easy to, you know, one
foot off the boat. So that thatfor me was a learning curve,
too. So you really, you need tomake sure you can get a team on

the boat, and really have thebuy in.

Mark Herring (26:14):
So being aware, do you think of where people are at
and how bored and people are?
Yeah. Is that quite a criticalskill?

Julia Anderson (26:22):
It is. It's individual conversations,
because you won't get it in agroup conversation. I think that
that that definitely rang truefor me, we'd be on a group call
and and you think you've goteveryone saying, okay, cool. We
understand we're on yep, that'swhat's happening. And I imagine
that would happen in staff roomsquite a bit, you know, there's,
there's a vision or a messageposted and in the staff room,

and, you know, in most cases,you walk away thinking you saw
the nods. Yeah, I think we'vegot most people on, everyone's
on board, we're going to do it.
And I don't think unless youhave individual conversations,
and and not only ask them, youknow, if they're on board, or
they but ask them, what is it?
What does it mean for them?
Like, what is that vision inreality? Because if they can't

articulate it, they probablyhaven't got it?

Mark Herring (27:12):
Yeah, that's super cool. Great advice. And I think
that that's the sort of thingthat that comes naturally for
some people and is a little bittricky to ascertain, you know,
like, there are some leaders andI'm thinking of some leaders out
there who maybe aren't so goodat reading a room, or maybe
they're not great at inspiringvision or the you know, what,
not every leader is a greatcommunicator, effectively, like

there are other areas ofstrength that they have, what
would you say to those peoplewho know that galvanizing is
either isn't the genius, orthey've tried it, and it's
fallen flat, and they need toimprove it? What would you
suggest to that person? Do theygo and find somebody else to be
able to do that part of thechange process?

Julia Anderson (27:53):
Yeah, I think so I think all of the geniuses
like, you know, some of thosecompetencies as well. But I do
think that to really, to really,to really galvanize. Well, it
has to be something you enjoydoing. And, and some and a lot

of people don't enjoy it. Theyjust don't want to have to rally
people up, or they don't want tohave to excite people because
it's, it's, it is an exhaustingthing, if it's not your genius,
so I get energy from energizingother people. That's how I get
my energy. But, but I knowpeople in the company that if
they were to do that they'd beso drained by the end of it. So

yeah, I think if you canidentify someone on the team
that can that can reallyunderstand what the vision is or
what the strategic plan is. Andthen go off and meet with them,
you know, with the staffindividually and get to know
them and then and then galvanizethem. If you have someone on the
team that can do that. I woulddefinitely recommend using their


Mark Herring (28:59):
Yeah, it's the same that I heard a while ago,
you know, you as a leader, oneof the best things that you can
do is lead from your strengthand team your weaknesses. So the
things that you're not good at,you know, you should be finding
people who can gather around andsupport you on that, because
that's how you're going to, youknow, be much more effective in
that process. Well, I'm good toknow today we've got Paul, our

resident APLs. Trainer, who'sbased on the sunny Sunshine
Coast. Good to have you, Paul.
You're gonna tell us aboutfreeform today, probably
something that a lot of teachersdon't know too much about, but
it's something new. So lookingforward to finding out about it.

Paul Hamilton (29:35):
Yes, so mark freeform has just come out with
iOS 16.2. So it's the latestone. And it's also available on
Mac too, which you might notknow which is on venture a 13.1.
So you just need your devicecompletely up to date for you to
have access and it will downloadautomatically mark. Oh, so what

I'm going to do, yep, so whatI'm going to do is I'll give you
a quick demo So let's jump intofreeform just on iPad, we'll
give this a go. And you can seethere, it looks a little bit
like some other kind of onlinewhiteboards that you might know
it kind of looks a little bitlike a jam board, or it's kind
of got all those boardstogether, which is pretty cool.

And we basically just create aboard. So I'll show you some of
the boards that I've got. Butjust to let you know, this works
really well on iPad, because itmakes use of Apple Pencil. So if
your love your sketchnoting, orif you like to kind of really
incorporate design into yourelements, this is where it
really shines because it kind ofworks beautifully with Apple

Pencil. So if I start a new one,this is just a new board there.
And I get my iPad or and myApple pencil ready here, you can
see down the bottom, it's got100%. One of the cool things
about this is it's a little bitlike the numbers app. So if I
just draw on, let me just drawhere, Mark with my pen. It's got

that beautiful, let me make it abit bigger, so you can see. So
when I'm sketching, it's gotthat beautiful infinite canvas
that just goes on forever. Sogot that really lovely element
that it'll keep expanding. Sofor teachers, let me get back
because I've made a really bigmess here. So if I'm a teacher,

and I'm doing some writing, andI'm doing some, let's just say
I'm doing some sketchsketchnoting here, and I kind of
doing my brainstorming in myarrows, it can keep increasing
as I go along. And so I've gotthat beautiful infinite canvas.
Does that make sense?

Mark Herring (31:42):
Oh, yeah, which is really slick.

Paul Hamilton (31:45):
And then you can start to bring in your
multimedia guys. So at the tophere, you've got all your
different elements. So I canactually bring in a scan, my
photos, my videos, I might bedoing some artwork that I can
bring in my sketch here, whichis really nice. And I can kind
of position that. And this isnew for Apple, because what it
actually is, is a collaborativearea. So Apple haven't done this

before, where I can actuallyshare and bring in the different
kinds of elements with mysharing. And I can actually
bring in other people in mystudents that are in kind of my
apple classroom or my otheraccounts going forward, which is
really, really nice. And so themultimedia up here is brilliant
guys. So we've got things likevideos, that we might actually

kind of play in there, I mightbe working on a multimedia video
with my kids in iMovie. And soI've got that beautiful kind of
video element that playsdirectly in there as well, which
is really nice. I've got mysketches. And I can even bring
in some files. So if I've gotsome files that I'm working on,
for example, say, I've scannedor I'm using augmented reality

on Apple, I can actually bringin those files into my one kind
of online whiteboard, if youlike in regard to going forward,
which is super nice. Hey, inregards to doing that sketching

Mark Herring (33:09):
100%. And I know that a lot of people will be
listening to this. So theyprobably won't be seeing all the
amazing stuff that you're doingon the screen. But that whole
idea is a teacher of being ableto construct a learning journey
over a period of time. You know,like I remember when I was in
the classroom teacher, I wouldhave lots of scrapbooks. And
we'd have to turn the page andthis is what we did yesterday,
and this is what we're going todo tomorrow. But this you can
really construct a wholeplatform because as you zoom

pinch in and out, the canvasjust keeps getting bigger or
smaller. And you can juststructure everything, you know,
like a whole term worth of aninquiry or a learning journey.
And one term right. On one page.
Yeah, Canvas.

Paul Hamilton (33:43):
Absolutely, Mark.
And I think we're I think whereit really shines is Apple
haven't done this kind ofcollaborative having up to 15
people or students in the onekind of book and, and
sketchnoting together. So foryour project based learning and
your collaboration kind ofopportunities in the classroom.
That's where it's going toreally shine is that taking it
from from, say, a keynote. And Imight actually just post in

there my keynote and actuallyupdate that file within that
kind of online whiteboard. Andwe can kind of work and write
notes give feedback. We've alsopeople can't see this. But we've
got things like sticky notes atthe top, we've got multimedia,
we've got all sorts of filesthat we can bring into the one
kind of area which is supercool. And you also can't see
this, but I've been playing withthis guy. So you're always good

to look at things from adifferent perspective. But one
of the things that it's got,it's got that infinite canvas
but it's also got that beautifulzoom mark so backs and mark when
you actually bring in an imagewhat I've done here is I've
actually just pasted some littleimages inside and look at the
detail of that. It goes rightup. So you can bring in those

beautiful, kind of, you know,the Zoom book, I'm not sure if
you're aware there's a beautifulbook called Zoom that picture
book Look where it goes within apicture within a picture. And it
kind of zooms and createsdifferent narratives. And so
what we could do with this ishave these little hill hidden
visual stories within somethingbecause you can zoom in and

explore, explore a picture, orsome artwork that you can't
really do with other software.
If you tried to do this withother, it would just pixelate,
right, it, it actually lookreally blurry. You can see
there, the actual detail of thethings that I'm pasting is
really high and specific anddetailed, which is really nice.

Bex Rose (35:35):
Yeah, so I'm just going, Oh, my gosh, you could do
it for group collaboration, youcould do it. And, oh, my brain
is going crazy with all the waysyou could do that. So that's a
writing list there for you allthe group collaboration of
different language andadjectives. And then I was
thinking with the other optionthat was thinking about mass
collaboration, having a task andeveryone began to collaborate,

come in a group situation, andhaving that right there in front
of them. And seeing othersbecause that's working from
others, you know, ideas andperspectives is always a really
neat way to teach. And, gosh,what a great tool. This is

Paul Hamilton (36:13):
And so Bex, the other thing I was thinking about
as I'm playing with it, too, isyou know, in Jamboard, you can
create your own backgrounds. Soyou could have like a black line
masters or a graphic organizeras a background, and kids can
post intersections. Now itdoesn't have change background
in freeform, but what you can dois lock the image. So I could

bring in a little a positivenegative interesting facts or,
you know, some different graphicorganizers. Just lock it, and
then the kids could post in thedifferent sections. And because
you've got an infinite canvas,you could really jump into some
different areas mark. So if youhad your working genius, you
could have all of them and havestudents posting what they think

they are. And really expand outalmost like a flowchart, really
kind of look at the the journeyas you saw the journey of it,
because it's so infinite.

Mark Herring (37:04):
So it becomes a really good evidence capturing
reflective tool so that studentscan be capturing evidence of the
mastery that they're working onor the different phases of a
project. And then they're ableto share that because that makes
me think that this could be areally good presentation tool to
you know, so instead of doingall of your mapping and your
evidence collection, and thenhaving to create a keynote to go
away and present, you canactually just present right from

here, because you're pinchingand zooming with two fingers,
showing what you want to see ona screen. And in real time, you
could be standing at the frontwith us and our projector or TV
behind you, that would be afantastic tool.

Paul Hamilton (37:35):
And sometimes jamboards or slides, you kind of
lose the last slide. So you losethat automatic what the feedback
was on that slide. Becauseyou're jumping onto a new one
with this, you could just havean arrow that goes into that
next feedback. So it shows thatjourney without losing the
screen. And that instant memoryrecall of what that last

feedback was. I think that'sreally beneficial. It's almost
like that old do you rememberPrezi? That old presentation
mode that kept zooming elements?

Mark Herring (38:06):
Yeah, the one that used to make me feel a little
bit nauseous. Yeah.

Paul Hamilton (38:10):
Without the nausea. I kind of like that.
Yeah. Yeah.

Mark Herring (38:15):
Yeah. That's so good. Oh, thanks, Paul. So the
key thing is to make sure thatyou've got your operating
system, whether on a Mac or onan iPad up to date. Make sure
that that's the latest sizeventure and you said what was
the other opera?

Paul Hamilton (38:26):
Ventura 13.1, which is just come out in the
last week, and iPad os 16.2. Andwhat it'll do is it'll download
automatically, almost like yourcalendar or Apple Mail. It's
kinda, it comes with it. Doesthat make sense? So?

Mark Herring (38:44):

Paul Hamilton (38:46):
Yeah. Yeah. Which is cool.

Mark Herring (38:48):
Fantastic. Yep.
Great. Well, if we're on summerbreak at the moment, which is
likely that for a lot of peoplelistening to this, this, this is
the perfect time to be able tohave an explorer and a bit of a
toto and the New Zealand lettertoday. Oh, word for having a
play. So perfect. Thanks forjumping on board and sharing
that. That's fantastic. Thanks,BEX.

Paul Hamilton (39:03):
Thanks, man.

Mark Herring (39:04):
Thanks. Well, that's a wrap on Episode three

Bex Rose (39:10):
Yeah, it was great to hear how galvanizing can really
impact on both success of aproject and company but also
enhance culture, something thatwe're all looking at working in
enhancing at this time of year.
Oh, Paul is such a word anapple, and it's actually worth
following him on Instagram, ifthat if you're that way inclined
his handlers apps by PaulHamilton. He's always got
awesome stuff showing on there.

And take this time to reallythink about who you want to
surround yourself with this yearto maximize your growth and
success and 2023 100%.

Mark Herring (39:45):
If you're after some links or resources that
we've mentioned today, have alook on the show notes. We'll
make a real effort to providesome links for you to be able to
go deeper on some of the thingsthat we've talked about today.
So definitely check out the shownotes for that and make sure
that you're subscribed weposting it Every week or that's
our aim and we'd love to haveyou keep up with the episodes
that are coming out this year.
If you know someone who'd getvalue with these episodes would
definitely be keen for you toshare hit that share button and

let them know as well and spreadthe word. And lastly, if you
have any questions or anythingto share with us, email us at
team at using We'd love to hear
from you. See you all next week.

Bex Rose (40:20):
See ya
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