The Cultured Guitarist •

#10 Demedash Effects and The Sounds of Al's Childhood - The Cultured Guitarist

The Cultured Guitarist

This week Kasper and Al get the privilege of sitting down with an almost overnight rockstar of the pedal building world; Steve Demedash of Demedash Effects. They talk about Steve’s humble origins, how he got into pedals and how he became one of the most in demand pedal builders in a crazy short amount of time. It’s a fun and wacky interview showing Steve’s sharp wit and fast joking personality. Also just a reminder that the Aussie Bushfire Gear Giveaway fundraiser is still going on so head to @aussiebushfiregeargiceaway on Instagram to contribute to that and maybe win some pretty awesome prizes.
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#10 Demedash Effects and The Sounds of Al's Childhood - The Cultured Guitarist