The Forge of Freedom •

Episode 124. Attorneys General Write Letter Opposing Red Flag Laws - The Forge of Freedom

The Forge of Freedom

Show Notes:


Episode 124. Attorneys General Write Letter Opposing Red Flag Laws


In this episode, Alex Ooley shares a letter from the attorney general of West Virginia and other states expressing opposition to the Biden administration's National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center. The letter argues that red flag laws violate Second Amendment rights and lack due process. It also criticizes the Department of Justice for partnering with the John Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions, which advocates for strict gun control measures. The host highlights the dangers of red flag laws and the need to protect individual rights.




00:00 Introduction and Letter from Attorneys General

02:06 Opposition to the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center

03:40 The Flaws of Red Flag Laws

06:07 The Department of Justice's Ideological Partnership

09:32 The Dangers of Pre-Crime Laws

11:28 Protecting Second Amendment Rights




·  Red flag laws are a threat to Second Amendment rights and lack due process.

·  The Biden administration's National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center undermines state and local laws and promotes anti-gun measures.

·  Red flag laws do not have a significant impact on reducing violent crime or saving lives.

·  The Department of Justice's partnership with the John Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions raises concerns about bias and ideological influence.

·  The Supreme Court may review cases involving assault weapons bans in Maryland and Illinois.





Red Flag Center Letter to AG Garland.docx - 4-11-24-ERPO-Letter-to-AG-Garland.pdf


Citing Constitutional Concerns, Yost Urges DOJ to Scrap ‘Red Flag’ Gun-Confiscation Program - Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost


Trump: Take the guns first, go through due process second - YouTube


Do Red Flag Laws Save Lives? by John R. Lott, Carlisle E. Moody :: SSRN


Episode 118. Kamala Harris Exploits Tragedy for Gun Control Agenda: The Battle Over Red Flag Laws - YouTube Bianchi v. Brown - FPC Law 2A Challenge to Maryland's "Assault Weapons" Ban


Harrel v. Raoul - FPC Challenge to Illinois "Assault Weapon" and Magazine Bans



Sound Bites

"Take the guns first, go through due process second."

"Former president Donald Trump gets it backward. Current president Joe Biden doesn't even care if he gets it backward."

"These cases are ripe to be heard by the Supreme Court."




red flag laws, Second Amendment, due process, attorney general, Biden administration, National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center, gun control






















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Episode 124. Attorneys General Write Letter Opposing Red Flag Laws - The Forge of Freedom