The Healing Heart Podcast •

"Exploring the Soul's Journey w/ Jason Antalek: Uncovering What's in Your Way & How To Transform" - The Healing Heart Podcast

The Healing Heart Podcast

When Jason Antalek, suffering from a severe concussion, discovers the Akashic Records, he unlocks the secrets of the soul, revealing a roadmap to transformation that leads him to a new career and an empowering understanding of himself.

Here's what Jason Antalek and I cover:

1. How can understanding the Akashic Records help us understand why we do what we do, and how can we use it to help us heal?

2. How do the choices we make in this lifetime relate to our past lives?

3. How can we use the Akashic Records to understand ourselves and make better choices in our lives?

Jason Antalek is an intuitive facilitator and Akashic Records reader whose focus is on awareness and practical next steps. He helps others through their transformation of choice and provides thoughtful and fresh perspectives.

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"Exploring the Soul's Journey w/ Jason Antalek: Uncovering What's in Your Way & How To Transform" - The Healing Heart Podcast