Sara Carter Show •

Buck Sexton: We must check the 2020 election results for the sake of future elections - Sara Carter Show

Sara Carter Show

Sara is just as frustrated as you are that the DOJ hasn't done its job and slams Durham and AG Barr. Later in the show, Sara brings in Buck Sexton to discuss the latest on Iran, a potential Biden administration, and voter fraud allegations.Please visit our wonderful sponsors, including:The Association of Mature American Citizens*Join today and say goodbye to liberal AARP! Heat Holders*Enter code CARTER at checkout and save 15%. Receive FREE shipping with any purchase of $25 or moreArm & Hammer*Nominate a "Purrectly Impurrfect" story and three Shelters will win $10,000 each and eligible entrants can win $100 worth of litter Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Buck Sexton: We must check the 2020 election results for the sake of future elections - Sara Carter Show