Episode Transcript
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Speaker 3 (00:10):
Hi, welcome to Your
Dream Day Podcast.
I'm your host, Kathy PiechLukas, and today we have a real
treat for you.
We have Taylor and MarkMcDaniel who are with Cinsation
Videography Company here inCincinnati.
So tell me a little bit aboutCinsation.
Where does the name come from?
Speaker 2 (00:28):
So Cinsation is a
play off of Cincinnati and
Cinematic and we decided to putthem together to come with
So it starts with a C, not withan S.
Most people think it startswith an S, but it starts with a
C and that's where it came from.
Speaker 3 (00:41):
Because we are "in
Right, we are Sin City.
Move over Vegas, cincinnati'sthe sea.
And that's where it came from.
Because we are sin city, right,we are sin city.
Move over vegas, cincinnati'shere.
So what inspired you to startsensation?
Speaker 1 (00:53):
So what inspired me
to start?
Cinsation inspired us to start.
Cinsation is we got married, uh, in 2017 in the courthouse.
Um, it was a very small wedding.
We weren't able to have videoof that day, so it was one of
the reasons I got the idea thatmaybe we need a video for other
couples so they can have thatfor a special day.
Speaker 3 (01:15):
Awesome, and you were
working for another
videographer doing secondshooting and whatnot, and then
you just like, how did the wholeinspiration come about?
To start Cinsation?
Speaker 1 (01:29):
Well, what it came
about for me was I really liked
the idea of capturing video forother people.
I love the raw emotion and Ifound when I was working with
other people I never knew whathappened in most stories
So I want to be more in controlof that or be more involved
with that, to kind of see thewhole process through.
And then Taylor decided shewanted to join me in the
endeavor and we just starteddoing it together.
Speaker 3 (01:54):
So one thing that I
know as a planner I always tell
my couples is video is adifferent type of documentation.
I mean, people think they haveto choose photography or video,
and we're not going to not havephotography.
But study after study shows theone thing that couples regret
more after the wedding is nothaving a video.
So we're giving you the adviceto book it in the front end.
Yes, b ecause after severalyears, what happens is you lose
family members, you forget thelittle details about the day,
and video is motiondocumentation.
It's motion documentation,whereas photography is a still
documentation and if you were toask any person, would they
rather look at theirgrandparents' photo album or
their video?
Most people are going to saytheir video.
And so when you purchase awedding video and you get a
wedding videographer, you'reproducing an heirloom for your
It's not just you know, oh, oneor the other, I mean, and
that's you know people.
I think people forget that theyfocus so much on oh, we have to
have beautiful flowers and wehave to have beautiful linens
and we have to have amazing food, but at the end of the day, you
are left with thatdocumentation of the wedding day
Speaker 1 (03:21):
Yes, I mean to add to
I've spoke to a few couplesafterward and I know a lot of
times couples get so caught upin the actual day they forget
everything that happened thatday and for some of them it's
like watching a movie, goingback and seeing their film again
, like, oh, I had no idea thiswas happening, or yeah, I forgot
that you look that way, I meanwhen I came down the aisle, just
things like that.
Speaker 2 (03:51):
Yeah, and another
thing we know a lot of people
that you know will opt to cutvideo and then get somebody to
film for them family members,brothers, you know, boyfriends,
whatever the case is and theydon't know where to stand and
what to get.
And they're you know, they'remissing out on the wedding
itself too, because they'refocusing on trying to get those
You know, when you have avideographer, we care about
those moments and you know, Ifind myself with a big smile on
my face, tears in my eyes, whenthey're walking down the aisle.
I don't even know these bridesthat well.
I know them well enough to knowtheir story for us to film for
them, but I don't know them on apersonal level.
Speaker 1 (04:22):
But, oh my God,
they're like my best friend and
I'm watching them walk down theaisle yeah, I like what you said
they're filming and I like forall of us in the industry to get
away from the word video.
It's really it is.
Speaker 3 (04:37):
It's a film.
Speaker 1 (04:38):
Yeah, it's a film and
, like you said, when you look
at a photo album and, just likeyou said, five members passed
eventually stories get lost intranslation and I think the cool
thing for couples is to realizethat you're the director and
producer of your own film, soyou can tell exactly what story
you want to tell and everyonewill remember it the exact way
that you remember it.
Speaker 3 (04:59):
Well, and before we
went on the air, you well on the
air, before we startedrecording.
We have some special for thoseof you who are listening on the
We also record this in video.
And you were having a field daywith all the lights in here.
I think he moved the diffuser.
Speaker 1 (05:20):
It's truly my passion
Speaker 3 (05:22):
No, I was sitting
here in awe going this is
wonderful, keep playing, keepplaying, because I'm like, I'm
just a phone-tographer, I don'tdo what you do.
What are some of the trendsthat you're seeing as far as
wedding films?
Speaker 1 (05:37):
So some of the trends
that we're seeing currently is
the documentary style weddingvideo, which, for the normal
person you think documentary isa.
It's a full documentation of,uh of your wedding, but really
it's the ceremony, it'sreception, it's to get it ready,
it's all the pieces that gotogether throughout your day and
it's put together in acinematic, cinematic highlight
for you to review, and those areusually anywhere between five
to eight minutes long.
And, let's face it, we've allsat in a room with family
watching family videos beforeand they're half an hour 45
minutes long and usually won'twant to see the entire thing.
But it's nice to have a shorterhighlight film so you can
review it over and over againwith friends and family yeah,
true story.
Speaker 3 (06:25):
So my sister got
married in the mid-90s and they
had a family friend do the video, which back then the video
cameras were big, they weremonster big and so their wedding
video is two VHS cassette tapesand I'm sure it was on standard
play, which meant it was twohours per cassette, hours per
So four hours of weddingfootage and that's.
You don't see that anymore,because I think people want to
actually have their friends comeover and actually watch it and
still be their friend afterwards, instead of making them sit
there for four hours and watchthis incredibly long film.
But we lost my sister to cancer, and so it's.
really a treasure to have herwedding video.
I have it in a fireproof safedeposit box for my nephews so
that you know they can watch it,cause I'm not sure if they've
ever seen it, um, because I meanshe died almost 20 years ago,
so I don't know if they've everseen it, but when they're ready
I've got it and it'll be likebringing her back to life that
Speaker 2 (07:38):
Cool, yeah.
The other trend that we noticeis happening with video too is
the reality TV style when it'sgoing from not just the wedding
into, like the bridal shower and, you know, the bachelorette
parties and the interviews withthe family members, which I
think is really cool because youget those moments, you know,
aside from just having them onthe video, you have the full,
almost interviews, where they'llsit down with the bride's
father and ask, you know,questions about their childhood
and things like that.
It hasn't really hit here yet,I don't think.
I think it's more so West Coast, West Coast.
Speaker 3 (08:12):
Everything takes two
years to get to the Midwest.
So if you're getting married in2025, yeah, you'll be right on
Speaker 2 (08:19):
Which I think is cool
, because the pieces and all
those, all those people that you, you don't think at that time,
are not going to be thereanymore.
Speaker 3 (08:27):
Well, and another
thing that's been really trendy
on the West Coast and it ismaking its way to the Midwest is
content creation.
What's the difference between,like a videography, where you're
doing the testimonials andwhatnot making it reality style
versus the content creation?
Speaker 1 (08:44):
So even with the
cinematic highlights, which can
be again anywhere between fiveto eight minutes, those videos
are usually large in size, soit's harder to share with
friends and family on socialmedia.
So that's where contentcreation comes into play and
that's where you see all thesetrends on tiktok of oh gosh,
what's the one I've been hearingabout recently, where the um,
the best man would dress up in adress and pretend.
Speaker 3 (09:11):
I had a groom do that
Oh my God, it was.
They, thank goodness thiscouple had a videographer and a
photographer and I was.
I knew what was happening, butthe groom did not.
And I had my little phone thereand I'm trying not to laugh
because the I mean thisgroomsman was like, I mean, had
the white t-shirt, had a veil onbelly, sticking out shorts, I
mean it was just priceless.
And so he comes up from behindand he, you know, taps his
shoulder and he turns around andhe's like, ah, but he was, he
was a good sport about it, hegave, I mean, he gave his.
I mean it was one of his bestfriends, so he gave him a big
hug and everything like that.
Speaker 1 (09:54):
but it was priceless,
yeah, and those moments and and
that's why I think there's aseparation between the normal
wedding film and then contentcreation, because you want to
capture those moments but maybenot necessarily include that in
your, in your cinematichighlights.
So those are the things that wewould capture separately and
then you can do with as you wish.
Speaker 3 (10:13):
You can share it on
share it wherever you want to
yeah, instagram, yeah, tiktokyeah yeah, yeah, but, like when
you do tiktok videos andinstagram videos, they are
portrait versus landscape.
So that's like another thingthat you need to keep in mind.
Um, you know, if you'reshooting wedding video, if
you're going to watch it on atelevision screen, it needs to
be landscape.
If you're shooting it to watchit on your phone, it needs to be
Speaker 1 (10:39):
Yes, and that's why,
like that being said, I think
it's a big thing for filmmakersto have a constant communication
with the couples.
Yes, know ahead of time whatthe plan is, so you know what
you're shooting for.
Speaker 2 (10:50):
That way, when you
edit, it's a lot easier for
yourself yes, we're speakingfrom experience oh, it sounds
like there's a story detail sowhen I first got on with mark
doing videos, I kind of cameinto it not really knowing a lot
about cameras or really evenwhat to capture.
So you know I go with him andthe first one I did with you I
kind of was just in charge ofhitting record on the camera.
That's all I had to do, whichwas easy.
And then the next one I went toI had a little more jobs that I
had to do which we talked aboutbeforehand.
So I kind of knew, but I wasn'treally going into it knowing a
lot and there was a few thingswhere I would film it not the
way that he had said I shouldfilm it.
We were able to get what weneeded out of it, but there's a
lot more that goes into itbehind the scenes than what's
what we see on the forefrontyeah, to piggyback off what you
said, that there might have beensome things that was captured I
didn't like.
Speaker 1 (11:48):
That's why it's very
important to have multiple
shooters at your wedding.
Just in case something's missedby one shooter, the other one
can capture it.
Speaker 3 (11:57):
Well, what is some of
the equipment that you use on
the wedding days?
Speaker 1 (12:00):
So we actually run
three different cameras now.
So we have what's called a DJIRonin 4D, which is a cinema
grade camera, and this thing isa monster.
It's a camera, it's a gimbal,it's a stabilizer all built into
So I'm sure you see the videoson TikTok of the one video guy
walking around with the entirecontraption on his back that's
hanging over, with the camerahanging down.
That's me.
So that's our A camera.
We have a Sony FX 30, which isa cheaper version of the Sony FX
If any movie lovers out there,the creator that just recently
came out this year was actuallyshot on that camera.
Speaker 2 (12:42):
Oh, wow, yeah.
Speaker 1 (12:44):
So same grade of film
that we use, and then we have a
hybrid camera that we use forvideo as well as photos.
Speaker 2 (12:52):
Yeah, very cool.
Yeah, so we can get all theangles.
So he's the one that's kind ofthe mobile.
What I consider in layman terms.
He's the mobile camera, I'mkind of the secondary, and then
we have a stationary.
That's just that we set up toget certain things.
Speaker 3 (13:06):
Yes, so you're not
using your iPhone?
No, correct?
Speaker 2 (13:13):
We have an Android.
Speaker 3 (13:15):
Well, but no, I mean,
I think it's an important point
to bring up, because I had awedding recently where I'm not
sure if it was just a friend orsomebody they found on Facebook,
but he had.
He was shooting the whole thingon his iPhone with a gimbal
stabilizer and didn't even havea light on it and it was dark in
the room and I'm thinking to tomyself how on earth is he going
to light this film, I mean,without going into adobe
premiere and overexposing it?
Speaker 1 (13:45):
I mean so I'm on the
fence about this topic because
with newer technology phonesthey can capture really good
Um, a lot of cameras on phonesare shooting 4k and sometimes
even 8k now, but the bigdifference is the amount of data
that you're capturing.
So what I mean by that is mycinema camera.
For example, after an entireday of shooting wedding event,
I'll probably have one terabyteof data on there.
Unless you're carrying a lot ofmemory cards with you with an
iphone, there's no way you'll beable to capture all that.
So what tends to happen is youdon't shoot in 4k, right k,
you're shooting a much lowerresolution and therefore the
quality of video goes thepixelation goes down yep, yep,
yep so, yeah, we, we've seenthat a lot, yeah, yeah well, and
it's no different than whenpeople put, when they upload a
picture on Facebook.
Speaker 3 (14:39):
If they have a high
resolution picture or a raw
image, it's going to take 10minutes to load, and it's
because it's so compressed andit's so pixelated, whereas you
know something that would be a300 DPI picture, whereas a just
a normal picture would be a 72DPI Like.
That's what you see on Facebook, but that's not the kind of
thing you're going to use in aphoto album, because the
resolution just isn't highenough, right?
Speaker 1 (15:06):
And speaking of raw
footage, raw images, that's
something else that's trendingrecently, that I've noticed that
afterwards, couples will askfor either raw photos or raw
Speaker 3 (15:16):
That's a big file.
Speaker 1 (15:18):
Yes, one of our last
weddings that we worked during
the fall, I think our couple I'mpretty sure the only one this
year to ask us for a raw footage, and I had to politely explain
to them how large that fileactually is.
And for anyone else out there,a couple of wives, if you're
thinking about it, just to letyou know.
So a lot of data, and usually avideographer or photographer
will probably charge you alittle bit extra for it because
they need something to put it on, just to give it to you yeah,
and I think too it comes from.
Speaker 2 (15:48):
Sometimes they may
feel bad about if they want
something changed and they don'twant to communicate.
The most most important thingis communicating us
communicating with our bridesand grooms and them
communicating with us as well,because there's a lot of moments
in weddings that are not goingto happen twice.
A lot of it is raw.
There's some of it that'sstaged, you know, like when we
showed the dress and touchingthe dress and moments like that,
but there's a lot of it that'sraw that we want to be able to
So the more communication thereis, if there's things that they
know are happening, that theycan let us know and we can make
sure we're there.
We did a wedding one time andthe bride had children and they
did a dance number that nobodyknew they were doing.
Only the DJ knew.
So we didn't get any of thatfootage because we didn't know
that it was happening.
She was pretty carefree anddidn't really have a lot of
things she wanted in the video,but if we would have known, that
would have been something coolwe could have put in there.
Speaker 3 (16:42):
And that actually
that's not just for video, that
for films, that's for everythingacross the board.
Yeah, Be honest with yourvendors.
Tell them the little thingsthat you plan to do, because the
more information you give us,the better we can serve you.
And that's really what weddingprofessionals do.
We're there to make you happy,we're there to serve you.
We're there to make you happy,and the more information you can
give us, the better we can dothat.
Like, even I tell couples as aplanner tell me about the family
dynamics, tell me about thefamily politics, because if
there's something that I need toknow, I can protect you or nip
it before it becomes anexplosive problem.
So I just can't stress thatenough.
Communicate with your vendors,be open with them.
They're there for a reason.
They're there to help you.
Speaker 1 (17:29):
Yes, and, with that
being said, I think that's
another important thing thatcouples should consider is what
vendors you're working withexactly.
Don't look for the cheapest oneor the most most expensive one.
Look for the ones that you canrelate to the most or the ones
that you get along with the most, because really, these people
are going to be ones that you'respeaking with after a day yeah
and yeah, that's the only wayyou'll have the communication,
or else they'll be juststrangers in a room.
Speaker 3 (17:56):
Well, and the other
thing too with videographers,
filmmakers, you have to workwith a photographer on the day
of the wedding, and there's ascience to that.
It's not just I'm going to showup and shoot this film, Right?
How do you work with?
Speaker 2 (18:14):
Yeah, there's a lot of thingsthat we're getting the same
They're getting the photo, thestill version, and we're getting
the live version of it.
And you know it can bechallenging if there's no
communication at all.
We're battling for thosemoments and it doesn't have to
be a battle.
Speaker 1 (18:31):
Yeah, the one thing I
would say about us Sensation as
a company and as a couple aswell.
We've done this long enough.
Now that there is no battle,we're pretty good about
communicating with thephotographers when we get there.
Like Taylor said, we'recatching a lot of the same
moments, so it's almost likewe're dancing together.
We're not stepping on eachother's toes.
We're all placed in the rightspots.
We always communicate with eachother.
What lens are you using?
Because those things matter.
If they're using a wider focallength, well, they're gonna have
to be a little bit closer.
A little bit capture a lot ofwhat's in frame.
So well, we might have to stepback a little bit as opposed to
getting closer for that shot.
Speaker 2 (19:08):
But those are all
technical things that we talk
about together all the timebehind the scenes and the couple
will never even know about ityeah, yeah, and even beforehand,
even before the day of thewedding, we try to, if we can,
at least get in communicationwith their photographer, so then
we can be on the same page ofwhat their plan is for the day
Speaker 3 (19:26):
Yeah, and that's
planners do the same thing.
I reach out to every singlevendor on the team, even if it's
a family friend that's doingthe officiating.
I mean, I reach out to all ofthem, introduce myself, explain
what my role is going to be,confirm what time they're
Is there anything that theyneed?
Is there anything they haven'tbeen provided yet by the couple?
And you just work as a team.
You really do, yeah.
Speaker 1 (19:50):
Because, really, as
vendors, we're all there working
together to try to put the bestday together for the couple.
Yes, they only get that one dayyeah, and that's all that
Speaker 3 (20:00):
Yeah, exactly it is
yeah, exactly yeah.
How can people find Cinsation?
Speaker 2 (20:06):
so we are on all the
social media platforms.
We're on instagram, tiktok,facebook, under Cinsation, or My
Cinsation, and we also have awebsite www.
Yes, yes.
Speaker 3 (20:24):
Yeah, well, wonderful.
Thank you so much for joiningus today.
Thank you for tuning in.
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Thank you and happy planning.