Later, with Mo'Kelly •

Tech Thursday with Marsha Collier & Fullerton Alum Michelle Kube Kelly - Later, with Mo'Kelly

Later, with Mo'Kelly

ICYMI: Hour Two of ‘Later, with Mo’Kelly’ Presents – Thoughts on the FBI’s warning to iOS and Android users to avoid ‘texting’ AND a way to see how much Google’s AI is obtaining from your photos on ‘Tech Thursday’ with regular guest contributor; (author, podcast host, and technology pundit) Marsha Collier…PLUS – A look at Fullerton College’s new “Drone Flying” bachelor’s degree program with one the Hornet’s most famous Alums, and KFI’s very own ‘Producer Extraordinaire,’ Michelle Kube Kelly - on KFI AM 640…Live everywhere on the iHeartRadio app
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Tech Thursday with Marsha Collier & Fullerton Alum Michelle Kube Kelly - Later, with Mo'Kelly