The Sunday Session with Francesca Rudkin •

Whitcoulls Recommends: We Burn Daylight and Cher: The Memoir, Part One - The Sunday Session with Francesca Rudkin

The Sunday Session with Francesca Rudkin

We Burn Daylight by Bret Anthony Johnston. This is a novel based on the infamous 1993 Waco siege between the FBI and a cult known as the Branch Davidians (named after David Koresh, their leader). A cult has been established in the same area, led by a charlatan named Perry Cullen who is known as The Lamb, and the story centres on two star crossed teenagers who are caught up amongst it. Jaye’s mother is a devotee of The Lamb and she and Jaye are living in the compound, while Roy’s Dad is the local sheriff who’s becoming increasingly worried about the cult stockpiling weapons and the potential for disaster. The kids find themselves at the centre of something apocalyptic.

Cher: The Memoir, Part One. This is Cher’s account of her life up until the early 1980s - there’s so much material it’s been split into two books and the second will come next year. It’s a fascinating read - her family background and upbringing were unconventional, to say the least, along with the story of her marriages to Sonny Bono and Greg Allman, and the highs and lows of her early professional life. As we all know, she’s had - and is still having - an extraordinary career, which is well worth reading about. 


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Whitcoulls Recommends: We Burn Daylight and Cher: The Memoir, Part One - The Sunday Session with Francesca Rudkin