The Weekend Collective •

The Panel with Simon Wilson and Mark Crysell: Julie Anne Genter, James Shaw, Department of Corrections slushy fund, Christchurch Arts Centre funding - The Weekend Collective

The Weekend Collective

Today on the Panel Tim Beveridge was joined by Mark Crysell and Simon Wilson to dive into the biggest stories from the week that’s been. 

On the Green Party: should Julie Anne Genter be sacked? What will James Shaw’s legacy be? 

On finances: the Department of Corrections has spent $315,000 of taxpayer money on slushies, and should Christchurch City Council step in and help out the Christchurch Arts Centre? 


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The Panel with Simon Wilson and Mark Crysell: Julie Anne Genter, James Shaw, Department of Corrections slushy fund, Christchurch Arts Centre funding - The Weekend Collective