Marcus Lush Nights •

Hot Take: Avatar is irrelevant and we don't need sequels - Marcus Lush Nights

Marcus Lush Nights

Do you agree?
Sure, Avatar went on to become the highest-grossing film of all time, but it's just so boring! So why, after 11 years, are we getting not one, not two, but four sequels?
Plus, how much would you expect to pay for Avatar on DVD these days? How can we make it worth our while having these movies produced in NZ? Is being made to watch Avatar more or less enjoyable than watching political debates? Listen to a selection of callers from tonight's show to find out.
What do you think? E-mail, or tune in and call Marcus every weeknight from 8pm.

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Hot Take: Avatar is irrelevant and we don't need sequels - Marcus Lush Nights